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Man arrested after kicking cat

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If that cat's still alive, best believe it's not trusting the next human it comes across.

Dude is a dick. He'll get his one day.


We have his name, right?
Hopefully someone will serve this fucker some cold-served justice.

I don't know how animal people are in NY. In CA this guy would have probably gotten it on the way out of court. Either way, it's just a shame. The guy sees no wrong in what he did, and now he is entitled to that as there was pretty much no consequence.

...However, the backlash he may (should) receive from the public could affect his job, etc.
If that cat's still alive, best believe it's not trusting the next human it comes across.

We have his name, right?
Hopefully someone will serve this fucker some cold-served justice.

... He still has to go to court. He just wasn't required to post bail.

He's already out of jail, didn't even have to pay bail.

Nice system they have going on in NY.


Heh, I like this part of the article:

"I'm free, Mom," the 21-year-old creep said earlier, just after he was released from jail. "I'm going home."


Kirby (his mom) insisted in an earlier interview with the Daily News that her boy "loves animals."

"He loved his cats, he had dogs, he always loved them," she insisted.

Is this woman serious?


Not really, justice need to be stronger than the act of a criminal.
Hurt a cat, and the cat's revenge is you dead.

I agree with the justice part . The death part is mental. Not talking about you but I have seen some posters on here who genuinely would rather see a human die than an animal. In my mind that person is more disturbed than someone who kicks a cat. Not defending kicking cats, thats also extremely fucked up.
Who was the GAFer here who said a friend of theirs who's now a doctor used to hang live cats from an awning and then shoot them with BB guns?
If I was judge, jury and (lol) executioner on this he'd get a couple of months community service and maybe some kind of mandatory therapy. Expecting someone to get actual years of jail time for what is more or less the traditional sport in parts of the Mediterranean is absurd.


Coward. Would love to pick him up and toss him AT the Gorilla into the Gorilla pen at the local Zoo.. or just kick him in the ribs until he can't breathe, the piece of shit bully.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
It was only a stray, no harm no foul.
That doesn't mean it deserves to be abused. Can we go kick homeless people too because they don't have a place to live? Of course not. Nothing and no one deserves that kind of treatment. Had it attacked him first then maybe I'd agree.

Port kitty though. I hope it finds a good home.


That doesn't mean it deserves to be abused. Can we go kick homeless people too because they don't have a place to live? Of course not. Nothing and no one deserves that kind of treatment. Had it attacked him first then maybe I'd agree.

Port kitty though. I hope it finds a good home.

It might make them get up off their arses and get a job and home.
Hurting an animal is one of the WORST things you can do as a human being... It makes me sad and angry thinking of all the other animal abuses on this world :(

I'm going to hug my dog now.
There is way more important shit going on in the world or New York for that matter for the police to track him down for kicking a cat. Like seriously 2,000 signatures for a vine clip but no one can lift a finger to help 200 kidnapped girls? Fuck that cat.

Multiple US federal agencies have been in route to Nigeria. I would call that more than just "lift a finger".


I have never once tried to impress my friends by kicking an animal. And at the age of 21.....

I just can't relate to this guy and his friends.................what the fuck is wrong with these people?



Other than the slightly amusing Buck Rogers-esque trajectory the cat is flying in the fourth photo, as a cat owner, this story's properly horrific and this dude should be banned from keeping animals for life at the very least.

I'd imagine the cat is probably OK. Is there any news on if he/she is?

edit: serious physical injuries? :( That little dude needs a home, stat. No place to live. He looks ridiculously young too.


You people calling for this guy to die are worse than the cat punter.
You need to get your heads examined.

And this is coming from a guy who works with animals.


You people calling for this guy to die are worse than the cat punter.
You need to get your heads examined.

And this is coming from a guy who works with animals.
Agreed, I love animals but gaf pls.

Not a cat person myself but animal abuse is still abuse and he should've been jailed for longer..


You people calling for this guy to die are worse than the cat punter.
You need to get your heads examined.

And this is coming from a guy who works with animals.

Yeah, calling for death is insane.

Humans are social creatures, so set him up in a busy park with a sign, written on it "I kick small cats and get a kick out of it" including images of the video. Other people will speak their mind and I hope the whole ordeal will be embarrassing enough that he will think twice before a similar idea rises up from his idiot brain.

have him grovel in shame like this guy
People can't see obvious shit when it's their own kid in question.

I've seriously never read a story like this in which the parent(s) are not in complete denial of their children's actions.

I mean, even a simple "he/she's had similar kinds of problems before, but I never imagined that it would go this far" would do. Their children are always described as perfect little angels.

I get it. If one is accused of a crime then their family is who they can fall back on. It's completely understandable. But not in cases like this, where there is clear video evidence of your son kicking a cat. I wonder if the mother even watched the video. As a parent, you are doing your child a disservice for not reprimanding them when they are clearly in the wrong. You are only encouraging this kind of behavior.
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