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Man arrested after kicking cat

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Really? Do you not see how this is not even related?
No, I don't see how it's unrelated for people to say someone is the scum of the Earth for kicking a cat when they participate in systemic animal abuse. It's blatant hypocrisy, but the human capacity for denial is astonishing.


No, I don't see how it's unrelated for people to say someone is the scum of the Earth for kicking a cat when they participate in systemic animal abuse. It's blatant hypocrisy, but the human capacity for denial is astonishing.

Might as well say you're participating in systematic human rights abuse by using a computer, which I assume you're against.


No, I don't see how it's unrelated for people to say someone is the scum of the Earth for kicking a cat when they participate in systemic animal abuse. It's blatant hypocrisy, but the human capacity for denial is astonishing.

And this is a shining example of how people will always use something to push their soap box.
Put him in jail for a month. He was wrong but it's certainly not worth the vitriol.

He's worth all the vitriol he is getting. It's situations like this where I'm glad for social media, that way this guys face can be plastered everywhere and people can know what a disgusting person he is.

I'd love to see him go interview for a job and then have the interviewer recognize him and be like "hey aren't you that guy that kicks defenseless animals for a giggle? Yeah, don't call us, we'll call you."

This is what "debeaking" looks like.


Debeaking is a misleading name. They just blunt the tip.

From the link you posted...

The benefits of beak trimming are mainly welfare advantages, some of which directly relate to increases (or reduced decreases) in production. These include reduced feather pecking and cannibalism, better feather condition, less fearfulness and nervousness, less chronic stress, and decreased mortality.

"Where beak trimming is carried out, it should, wherever possible, be restricted to beak tipping; that is the blunting of the beak to remove the sharp point which can be the cause of the most severe damage to other birds."[2] The term "debeaking" implies that the entire beak is removed during the trimming process, though in reality only half or less of the beak is removed.

If the chickens weren't allowed to walk at all then there would be little reason to blunt their beaks, as it is done to prevent them from hurting each other.


No, I don't see how it's unrelated for people to say someone is the scum of the Earth for kicking a cat when they participate in systemic animal abuse. It's blatant hypocrisy, but the human capacity for denial is astonishing.

These opinions are the worst.

You can eat meat but still acknowledge we need better laws to combat animal cruelty. It's not some black and white issue.

The treatment of animals in slaughterhouses isn't good. We know that and it's something we need to work on changing. But in the meantime, we can focus on preventing animal cruelty against pets.


I'm glad people are bothered enough that the guy was arrested.

Animal abuse needs to be a punishable crime to put people off it, so I don't have to.


Gold Member
I'm glad people are bothered enough that the guy was arrested.

Animal abuse needs to be a punishable crime to put people off it, so I don't have to.

We should all look out for the benefit of animals. They hurt and feel emotions just like we do. I've wanted to be an activist for animals, but it's very complex. Animals die in the wild every day, suffering from no food or shelter, and we as the human race should make sure their world is safe and secure. This wasn't just a cat who got hurt, but it shows this man does not respect a living creature.


Death is too good.
While the act was despicable I think reactions like this only fuel the flames. The perpetrator needs to be punished, but wishing death on him is just sinking to his level. Get the guy in therapy or something because he is clearly mentally ill.
While the act was despicable I think reactions like this only fuel the flames. The perpetrator needs to be punished, but wishing death on him is just sinking to his level. Get the guy in therapy or something because he is clearly mentally ill.

That was sarcasm :/


Man, it's scary to read some of these posts. Death, mutilation/dismemberment. I think the public shame/fine is enough since the cat is alright. But wow at some of the extremist.


On the one hand while I love cats, calling for this guy's head just over this seems overkill. A steep fine/community service and/or short term incarceration (few weeks-a couple months) seems like more than enough if this was a first offense.

On the other, 8 priors including robbery at knifepoint? Yeah this is just the cherry on this shit-sundae of a human being. Throw the book at him.
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