You can be a vegetarian and still eat animal products. That means you consume dairy. Milk cows are treated pretty bad. They live shorter lives, they’re forced to give up their babies right after birth, their milk is only intended for their babies, and a lot of times they collapse due to the stress of being milked.
I’m also against the fur trade and leather companies. There are more products designed around vegans. I have a vegan wallet made from vegan leather. Paul McCartney has a good documentary called “Glass Walls” and there’s another good one called “Earthlings”. Those two films really spoke to me and I decided to change my life. I don’t sit there condemning others, but I definitely have strong emotions about the way we treat animals.
Yeah I get all that but I just find the extremity of not using any animal products at all to be a bit irrational and just plain impractical. I really detest the vegans who latch onto it as an ideology to then browbeat others with. I think those ones care less about the animals and more about the ego boost from forcing their morals onto others.