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Man has accident, memory loss of 10 years, thinks he is in 2002

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Ok did a quick search, but this maybe has been posted before, knowing news-gaf. I'm on my phone, so link to follow (can't copy two things).

Edit: link


Robbie Price was cycling to work when he slammed head first into a traffic sign and "woke up in someone else's life".

The accident last Monday caused severe amnesia, costing the Hamilton scientist the past 10 years of his life.

The 43-year-old didn't know he and his family had moved here from Australia in 2002 and can't remember anything since then, including the childhood of his two teenage sons, who he thought were aged 5 and 3.

Mr Price can't go back to work yet because he doesn't remember how to do his job at the Landcare Research crown institute, where he carried out environmental research as part of a programming group. At least, that's what he's been told.

"Things are really confused. But the doctors assure me that I'll wake up one morning and it will just be normal."

Many of the blanks of what happened on the morning of the accident have been filled in by his wife, Roshni Kanta, while the couple await the police report.

However, a witness says Mr Price was cycling over a rail bridge in Frankton when he hit a road sign temporarily placed in a cycle lane.

Mr Price - who didn't realise he was chairman of the Cycle Action Network Waikato until he stumbled upon that fact while using a computer the other day - thinks he must have been travelling at up to 50 km/h.

With no visible injuries, he was taken by ambulance to an accident and emergency clinic where he fell asleep, slipped into a concussion and suffered the amnesia.

When he came to, he didn't know where he was, and didn't recognise his $8000 mountain bike.

"That was confusing because the bike in the room wasn't mine. It was mine, but by then I'd lost 10 years of memory so I was expecting if I'd had a bike accident the bike should be my old bike.

"The next bit I remember quite well ... going to the bike and opening it up and finding a wallet with a New Zealand driving licence. It was at that point I completely lost it. I can remember being just completely freaked out because you've woken up in somebody else's life.

"Looking back at it now, 'two hours ago' I had been riding in the middle of the countryside in New South Wales."

Despite the presence of his wife, Mr Price became emotionally erratic, laughing one minute and crying the next.

He was taken by ambulance to Waikato Hospital, where doctors told him his brain was bruised and it could take between 2-3 days and 2-3 years for all of his memories to come back.

They recommended "no thinking about work" for six days, not to meet many people, and getting plenty of rest - including no cycling for a month, to protect his head.

In the meantime, Mr Price has to hear bad news all over again, such as the death of close relatives and that his father is ill.

He's trying to catch up on world events, including the Christchurch earthquakes, the fact the US has its first African-American President, and the number of wars happening.

Passwords, bank account numbers and eftpos PINs have not been easy, and being reintroduced to old colleagues has been disconcerting.

"I spent the first few days looking up words in the dictionary," he said.

Even old technology such as mobile phones felt foreign to Mr Price, who had to relearn many of the functions.

Strangely, he remembers clearly events before 2002, and a cycling accident he had in Australia is as vivid as the day it happened, because for him it feels like only a few weeks ago.

Fortunately, he can form new memories and his short-term memory is intact.

Mr Price was optimistic his memory would return slowly.

He said it was "too depressing" to think he might not get back the memory of his children growing up. "It's temporarily misplaced. It's not lost."

Ms Kanta was philosophical about the accident - she has been there to help her husband recover from several cycling mishaps during their 18-year marriage. "He's normal, he will get better," she said.

GP Leo Revell confirmed Mr Price was being treated for amnesia, which appeared to be severe.

A University of Auckland neuro-psychologist, Associate Professor Lynette Tippett, said retrograde amnesia following a head injury usually involved losing memories of only a short period of time, but much longer periods were not impossible.

Professor Tippett said retrograde amnesia typically disrupted memories of the trauma event and the hours or days before.

"The most recent memories are less well consolidated in the brain and are more vulnerable to disruption.

"What that means is the most recently formed memories are more likely to be disrupted by damage to the memory circuitry than memories from way back in time."

Dr Phil Wood of The Memory Clinic in Auckland said memory was a vulnerable and actively dependent part of brain function.

The geriatrician, who deals with dementia in elderly patients, said most retrograde amnesia diminished and the memory was reconstructed from other sources over time.

He recommended that amnesia sufferers use photos and stories to help retrieve memories.

"What you're lacking is the hooks to pull the information out and sometimes just that ability to trigger a memory is what it takes."

Mr Price will be reassessed by his clinic in another two weeks to determine if he needs specialist treatment.

What Robbie Price can't remember
March 2003: The United States invades Iraq.
December 2004: A 9.1 magnitude earthquake off Indonesia and ensuing tsunami kill 230,000 people.
August 2005: Hurricane Katrina hits southern coast of the United States, killing 1800 people and causing US$81 billion worth of damage.
April 2007: 32 people killed in Virginia Tech University massacre in United States.
December 2007: Most of developed world enters a financial recession.
January 2008: Sir Edmund Hillary dies.
November 2008: Barack Obama elected first black President of the United States.
June 2009: Michael Jackson dies.
February 2011: Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes Christchurch, killing 185 people.
March 2011: Magnitude 8.9 earthquake off the coast of Japan triggers a giant tsunami which kills 15,854 people.
February 2012: Whitney Houston dies.

Technology that didn't exist before 2002:
2004: Facebook
2005: YouTube
2006: Twitter
2007: iPhone

Wow, just imagine.




I wonder how clearly he remembers the events before 2002? Does it seem like yesterday to him?, because i feel like most people forget what they did even a year ago and mundane things like what you had for dinner the night before or what you last saw on tv quickly get forgotton. This might be a stupid question, But if in his head its like he woke up any other day except in 2002 and he remembers everything than is it possible the brain records everything we've ever done and just looses the links to those memories?


At least he didn't forget his wife and kids entirely, could have been worse. I think there was a similar story of someone who woke up thinking they were a kid again.


Maybe he travelled to the future from 2002, killed his future self and used the accident/amnesia as alibi for not knowing shit about his future self.
Technology that didn't exist before 2002:
2004: Facebook
2005: YouTube
2006: Twitter
2007: iPhone

3/4 are the same thing essentially. I doubt this man would be blown away by some websites, especially twitter.

It bugged me. That is all I have to say.


3/4 are the same thing essentially. I doubt this man would be blown away by some websites, especially twitter.

It bugged me. That is all I have to say.

Facebook and Youtube are the same thing?

...What? I think this is the definition of taking things for granted.


I want a tag give me a tag
Australian man cant remember stuff, lets tell him stuff that happened in America that he wont care about.
Not to be rude, but unless he is a Whitney Houston fan why is that up there with the financial crisis and various disasters? And, despite him being an Australian living in NZ, most of the "news he missed" is American news. Why is black saturday, or Australia's first female prime minister not on the list, but one of America's many shoot schoolings (taken Virginia Tech was one of the worst) was mentioned?

holycheck said:
Australian man cant remember stuff, lets tell him stuff that happened in America that he wont care about.

Pretty much Holy =/


I want a tag give me a tag
Not to be rude, but unless he is a Whitney Houston fan why is that up there with the financial crisis and various disasters? And, despite him being an Australian living in NZ, most of the "news he missed" is American news. Why is black saturday, or Australia's first female prime minister on the list?

get the fuck out of my head.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Man has accident, memory loss of 10 years, thinks he is in 2002. Finds out its 2012, asks where the robots and flying cars are. Goes on killing streak.


good credit (by proxy)
what if he found Jesus five years ago, but was a "militant atheist" before and reverted to that? what then?

And what if he dies tomorrow as an atheist? Does it say in the Holy Bible what Lord Xenu of Nazareth will do in these situations?
Facebook and Youtube are the same thing?

...What? I think this is the definition of taking things for granted.

Technology wise they are the same thing. They are websites. There was not a big technological break through that made one in specific possible.


What Robbie Price can't remember
March 2003: The United States invades Iraq.
December 2004: A 9.1 magnitude earthquake off Indonesia and ensuing tsunami kill 230,000 people.
August 2005: Hurricane Katrina hits southern coast of the United States, killing 1800 people and causing US$81 billion worth of damage.
April 2007: 32 people killed in Virginia Tech University massacre in United States.
December 2007: Most of developed world enters a financial recession.
January 2008: Sir Edmund Hillary dies.
November 2008: Barack Obama elected first black President of the United States.
June 2009: Michael Jackson dies.
February 2011: Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes Christchurch, killing 185 people.
March 2011: Magnitude 8.9 earthquake off the coast of Japan triggers a giant tsunami which kills 15,854 people.
February 2012: Whitney Houston dies.

...WHO ?

And by "who" i mean "why is he there near all those world changing facts ?


Can you imagine waking up and realizing that both your kids are 10 years older? Thats probably the saddest part of this story

also, this dude feels thinks 9/11 happened about a year ago


thats good, because I think life sucks now, and life without knowing twitter and facebook, and the stupid things people say on there, he is better off

but wow, the mind is really something


I want a tag give me a tag
Outside of Whitney and Micheal I don't really know how you can say that...

For an Australian / New Zealander?

March 2003: The United States invades Iraq.
December 2004: A 9.1 magnitude earthquake off Indonesia and ensuing tsunami kill 230,000 people.
August 2005: Hurricane Katrina hits southern coast of the United States, killing 1800 people and causing US$81 billion worth of damage.
April 2007: 32 people killed in Virginia Tech University massacre in United States.
December 2007: Most of developed world enters a financial recession.
January 2008: Sir Edmund Hillary dies.
November 2008: Barack Obama elected first black President of the United States.
June 2009: Michael Jackson dies.

February 2011: Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes Christchurch, killing 185 people.
March 2011: Magnitude 8.9 earthquake off the coast of Japan triggers a giant tsunami which kills 15,854 people.
February 2012: Whitney Houston dies.

Held off on bolding Katrina.. just.
For an Australian / New Zealander?

March 2003: The United States invades Iraq.
November 2008: Barack Obama elected first black President of the United States.

I'd say these two are pretty significant.
Besides, it's not like those events are the only events he's learning about, anyway.

Just image the amount of time he's spending on Wikipedia.


...WHO ?

And by "who" i mean "why is he there near all those world changing facts ?

The list is meant to be a random list of stuff, I'm guessing, just to show an example of the sort of things he missed out on hearing. I don't think it was meant to be a list of world-changing events necessarily.

That said, Sir Edmund Hillary is a legend in New Zealand. The first man (along with his sherpa) to scale the tallest mountain in the world. He's on our frigging $5 bill.... while he was alive!


...WHO ?

And by "who" i mean "why is he there near all those world changing facts ?

Really? This story is from New Zealand, where Edmund Hillary is often regarded as the most important New Zealander of all time, it would be far more significant for a person there than the death of Whitney Houston.

Edit: More on topic, the list is pretty meaningless anyway, as personal events would be far more important to the guy.
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