
God is a Geek: 9/10
Man of Medan builds on the solid foundation of Until Dawn. The decisions you make actively alter your experience, meaning you'll want to replay it over and over.
IGN: 7/10
It's not easy to keep everyone alive in Man of Medan, and you won't necessarily want to, especially in 2-player co-op.
GameSpot: 6/10
Man of Medan is a thinner, flawed follow-up to Until Dawn that is saved by its online co-op mode.
Twinfinite: 3/5
If you like other choose-your-own-adventure games like Until Dawn, Life is Strange, and Detroit: Become Human, there’s definitely fun to be had here, but it is a flawed experience compared to other recent efforts.
Press Start: 8/10
Man of Medan is a stellar example of how to push boundaries and innovate within genres that seem restrictive at first glance.
Our own lad @Karak ACG: Rent
Destructoid: 7/10
Supermassive Games is quickly proving that they have a knack for high budget adventure projects that many studios simply do not. I have no idea when the next "Dark Pictures universe" entry is coming, but I'll be waiting for it.
EuroGamer: No Recommendation
Supermassive's Dark Pictures anthology gets off to a promising start, but this first nautical instalment winds up a little too promptly.
RPG Site: 7/10
Supermassive's next step into horror starts strong.
USgamer: 3/5
With Man of Medan, Supermassive builds on the foundation established in 2015's Until Dawn. While the core of the game remains the same, driven by dialog, choices, and quick-time events, the developers has added some multiplayer action to the mix. The two-player online Shared Story is the primary highlight here, allowing two players to simultaneously determine the course of the story. Unfortunately, the story itself isn't as good as the horror yarn spun in Until Dawn.
TheSixthAxis: 7/10
Mad of Medan looks and sounds gorgeous, but it's spoiled by some technical issues and, depending on your choices, characters doing stupid things just so the plot can continue, both of which break the flow of what could have been a decent horror story. It's an excellent night or two's entertainment with a bunch of mates in a dark room and plenty of beer, though playing by yourself or online with a chum is an altogether more muted experience. This is a fair start to The Dark Pictures Anthology.
Spieltimes: 7/10
Despite having a decent story-line and a well-structured choice system, Man of Medan is a typical narrative experience ruined by a medley of messy controls.
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