You guys aren't thinking straight at all. This law is to protect the caregiver and ensure that they get adequate child support. I'd be very surprised if the law wasn't the same in most, if not all states. How?
Think about it this way:
1. Mother has baby. Thinks she knows father. Files suit for child support.
2. Father acknowledges paternity and agrees to pay child support (or he ignores the suit).
3. Father doesn't pay but mother knows he has the assets and relies on the fact that these payments are coming. She takes out loans and the like to care for the child and make ends meet. She can't give the child everything it needs alone (and, in fact, this is why child support exists).
4. 10 years later, father proves by DNA he's not the father. He's relieved of all past and future obligation.
5. Mother now faces a mountain of debt with no recourse. Even if she can identify the true father, she can't get back all the past support she was never paid (he was never given notice of it and can't be liable for it, though certainly future payments are on the table). And even if she could, the real father would undoubtedly pay a different amount based on his income.
In this situation, mother and child are completely screwed by something outside of their control. This law is just because it prevents that. Perhaps more importantly, it's also not unfair to the false father.
It's not unfair to the man here because he had many, many years to contest this. He says he never knew but that's bullshit and a lie. It's not the state to do service. It's on the mother and you can guarantee the court checked to make sure it was done properly. You can't issue an order for child support ex parte. So she definitely did. He knew. He's just lying for sympathy.
If he was going to be a deadbeat who doesn't pay child support, he should have contested this a long time ago. Not withstanding more facts being revealed, justice was done here today. And justice would have likely been done the same in every state. This isn't a partisan issue.
I disagree with every assertion made here. It's not justice if the person who is not responsible for something is made to pay or suffer a penalty. If the state makes a mistake, it must correct the mistake, or pay the money itself. That would be just.