Gordon Shumway
Does Gaf not understand the concept that not all Trump supporters are neo-nazi KKK white supremacists? Jesus people.
Do you? Are you not part of "Gaf" yourself? Seems you're the one generalizing, hombre..
Does Gaf not understand the concept that not all Trump supporters are neo-nazi KKK white supremacists? Jesus people.
Speaking anecdotally, a lot of people I know that are voting for Trump are doing so less because of him and more because they dislike Hillary, want a less liberal Supreme Court nominee, vote Republican exclusively, or like his talks of rejuvenating the economy. Take with what what you will, but it's not because they want to see a white America
You should explain to them that they're voting for an entire candidate, not just the parts they like.Speaking anecdotally, a lot of people I know that are voting for Trump are doing so less because of him and more because they dislike Hillary, want a less liberal Supreme Court nominee, vote Republican exclusively, or like his talks of rejuvenating the economy. Take with what what you will, but it's not because they want to see a white America
Well, you should explain to them that they're voting for an entire candidate, not just the parts they like.
If they don't like to be called supporters of white supremacy, maybe they shouldn't vote for someone endorsed by Breitbart, the KKK and Stormfront.
Was this really worth going to jail over? You know what would be more effective than this? Voting.
Was this really worth going to jail over? You know what would be more effective than this? Voting.
Of course it was an immigrant.
But what if this doesn't affect them personally? Should they still not vote for him? Maybe they just shrug those bits off..
Speaking anecdotally, a lot of people I know that are voting for Trump are doing so less because of him and more because they dislike Hillary, want a less liberal Supreme Court nominee, vote Republican exclusively, or like his talks of rejuvenating the economy. Take with what what you will, but it's not because they want to see a white America
But what if this doesn't affect them personally? Should they still not vote for him? Maybe they just shrug those bits off..
Not cool IMO, there's better way to protest it than just straight-up destroying it.
I much preferred the guy who low-key spray-painted a mute symbol over the star in broad daylight and then walked off. People immediately gathered around it and got what he was saying, without having to actually destroy something. It made a statement without allowing for the perpetrator to painted as someone violent.
Was this really worth going to jail over? You know what would be more effective than this? Voting.
Yeah, that was quite good. This on the other hand is the worst kind of protest: one that actually helps the thing you're protesting.
LOL The hell is this?
LOL The hell is this?
Of course. I get that his act was one of symbolism and emotional outrage, but it did nothing but grab him the famous 15 minutes. There are better ways to deal with Trump if you oppose his views and presidential run. I'm ignorant, and even I knew this was stupid.Destroyed and repaired in the same day it seems.
The rainbow colored "get out" sign really sealed it lolLooks like a Trump rally.
Destroyed and repaired in the same day it seems.
Destroyed and repaired in the same day it seems.
How does it help Trump exactly? Do you think destroying his star is somehow convincing people to vote for Trump? Do you think the desecration of this most holy monument is going to prevent Trump from having one of the most historic losses in US presidential history? Do you think Trump supporters can somehow be reasoned out of supporting Trump, despite the mountains of evidence that shows it's not the case?
At least link the article, which is really good in its own right: http://newsthump.com/2016/10/27/des...-donald-trump-down-to-his-last-six-horcruxes/
LA friends told me there's a homeless person protecting the star now? What?
LA friends told me there's a homeless person protecting the star now? What?
LA friends told me there's a homeless person protecting the star now? What?
Yeah, she got attacked while surrounded and no one could be bothered to help her.
Yeah, she got attacked while surrounded and no one could be bothered to help her.
Yeah, she got attacked while surrounded and no one could be bothered to help her.
That's messed up. Yeah it looked like she faked it, but no need to kick her while she's down.
Oh and the comments. ☢️☢️☢️
Absolutely disgusting. I'm not surprised that there has been very little said about this on here. This is way worse then the new Trump video.
UPDATE: I'm getting many questions about the video, concerns about this lady's health and well being, lots of confusion from people thinking I'm beating someone up, and hateful comments. First of all, let me thank everyone for watching the video. Here are the FACTS:
* If you are truly concerned about this lady, she was fine. After this altercation, we called emergency services (even though people said "let her be" on the video and that "she deserved it for spewing hate"), SHE REFUSED TO BE HELPED, got up, and kept on with her hateful rhetoric, writing a new sign saying: "fuck Mexicans, vote for Trump"
* She was there for at least 3 hours, and most all of the time, it was peaceful, people tried asking her reason for voting for Trump and protecting his star, but it is obvious she wasn't in "all her senses" , and never really had substance on her thoughts and opinions.
*I got many messages saying: "liberal left is repulsive, scumbags. First of all, I'm not political or Left or Right. I WILL NOT VOTE on this elections, as I don't believe on any of the candidates. However, these "scumbags" not only tried to help her, bought her food and drink, and some people were actually going to give her money, which we told them not to, as she could spend somewhere else. So food and cards were bought for her.
* I thought it was clear in the video, but if not, here it goes: I DID NOT BEAT THIS HOMELESS WOMAN DOWN. I am behind the camera filming when all of this happened, I am not the person ripping off her signs, nor do I know who that is. That's not a man, it was a girl, or as far as I could see, if you know what I mean. I understand you might be angry at this, but gear your anger towards the right person. I'm a peaceful person, has always been, and will always be. Once the police arrived, the video was showed and they realized she threw herself on the ground, and did not press charges against that person for ripping her signs up.
* I DO NOT CONDONE violence of any kind, physical or verbal. This lady has all her rights to go out and speak what's on her mind, being hateful or not. But when you do that, you have to understand that others have the right to respond to you as well.
*I, as a citizen, stand by my video and my right to film this. It happened on a public place, and I have the right to video it. It is not my job to apologize, as I did nothing wrong. I will not pull this video down or be afraid of your threats and of you sharing my personal information online, because I have done nothing wrong, my life is an open book, I posted this under MY FULL FIRST AND LAST NAME!!! and because I believe in this country and the rights I have to report on something I saw happening. If YouTube and Google believes there is something wrong with it, they can take appropriate action and delete the video, if it goes against their rules, they are welcome to pull it out.
*Why did I record this? First of all, I DID NOT RECORD TO MAKE FUN OR RIDICULE TRUMP VOTERS, although she is not helping you guys by representing your candidate. I recorded to show the world what happens when a country does not take care of their mentally ill (insane, psycho, high, loony, crazy) people.
*I’ve lived for over one year in downtown LA, and I got to cohabit with people exactly like this lady. Some are born with mental issues, some get there after abusing drugs. The point is, we used to have asylums (psychiatric wards) where they could go get treated. All countries around the world have some similar help. US does not!!! We have private mental hospitals for rich people, but poor are shit out of luck. They commit a crime and end up in jail, or in the mean time, they're out and about, as this woman in this video. The majority of mental ill patients end up falling on drugs as well, and that with their mental state, only complicates things. DO NOT REPLY saying "this is Obama Care fault". This has been going on way before Obama. I'm not going to allow this video to be pulled into the political arena. This is a SOCIETY PROBLEM, not a political one!
UPDATE #2: I can see the right wing has already taken my video out of context and using for their political agenda. As stated above, I refuse to let this video be political, so I will be cancelling the comments section of the video, as people are just spewing hate, and that's not this video's purpose
ALSO: If you all really care about this lady, I'm hoping you do, instead of wasting time spreading hate, go to https://www.gofundme.com/ GoFundMe and create a page for this lady, that's the right thing to do! Put your money where your mouth is and do something after watching the video!
The fuck are people attacking a homeless woman for
You can start the thread at any time.
from the vid description
not safe to be a trump supporter.
Crazy world we live in.
Its a shame how people act in 2016.
not safe to be a trump supporter.
Crazy world we live in.
Its a shame how people act in 2016.
I imagine this was very cathartic. Good for him.