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Man wrongly imprisoned for 31 years awarded $75 for his trouble

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Nice America ✔

(CNN)A Tennessee man who served 31 years in jail for a crime he didn't commit is petitioning the state to compensate him $1 million for the years of his life that were taken away. All he's gotten so far is $75.

In October 1977 a Memphis woman was raped in her home by two intruders. She later identified one of them as her neighbor, Lawrence McKinney, who was 22 at the time. He was convicted on rape and burglary charges in 1978 and sentenced to 115 years in jail.

DNA evidence cleared him of the charges in 2008, and when he was released in 2009, the Tennessee Department of Corrections gave him a $75 check to restart his life.

"Because I had no ID it took me three months before I was able to cash it," McKinney told CNN.

Now the 61-year-old is asking Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam to exonerate him. The Tennessee Board of Parole, which makes recommendations to the governor, denied McKinney's request by a 7-0 vote at a hearing in September.

Board voted against McKinney's exoneration

A formal exoneration could open a pathway to $1 million in compensation from the state Board of Claims for the decades McKinney was wrongfully imprisoned.

"The (parole) board reviewed all relevant information related to the crime, conviction and subsequent appeals, as well as all information provided by the petitioner," said Melissa McDonald, spokesperson for the Tennessee Board of Parole. "After considering all of the evidence, the board did not find clear and convincing evidence of innocence and declined to recommend clemency in this matter."
This is being posted round here so maybe someone can verify:
In 1977, the victim was raped and robbed by two men, both whom she knew from her neighborhood. She identified them to the police as the children of women in the neighborhood Polly and Ollie Mae, and gave their addresses. The men were Lawrence McKinney and Michael Yancy. Police found both of them together at Michael Yancy's house, Yancy was watching TV and McKinney was hiding in the closet. They gave alibis for each other, claiming they had been there all day. Both were convicted of rape and burglary. This was a very reasonable conviction given the evidence against them.
In the years since, McKinney confessed to the rape and apologized for it during his parole hearings, which were denied. He was also a very problematic prisoner who was constantly getting into violent altercations with other prisoners and guards.
32 years after the crime, the bed linen was tested for DNA. It had a positive match for Yancy, and the victim's boyfriend, and a third man, still unknown. McKinney's DNA was not on the bed linen.
Based on this evidence, since this evidence would no doubt be considered relevant to the trial, the conviction was vacated. The parole board did not exonerate him because the evidence did not support exoneration, it only supported a new trial. Given that he had already served 31 years in prison, rather than have a new trial, in addition to vacating the sentence, the charges were dismissed and he was free to go.
Vacating and dismissal are not findings of innocence in the legal system. Based on the DNA evidence, it is an absolute fact that his friend Yancy raped and robbed the woman. He gave an alibi for this man, and vice versa. The woman said two men raped her, two men she knew, and identified Lawrence as the other one. Based on the victim's eyewitness testimony and her previous familiarity with the perpetrators, her testimony is extremely credible and the jury's verdict exceptionally reasonable. Not all rapists leave DNA on the bedsheets that is recoverable after 30 years.
of course he's black

they say there;s no evidence, but the dna evidence got him out of jail

what a fucking disgrace, this man deserves to be compensated, probably more than a million dollars


Junior Member
Hearing denied with a 7-0 vote. Gee I wonder why?


Yep here it is. He didn't have the correct skin color.


The fuck. He got out because of the DNA evidence, yet that evidence isn't enough to find him innocent. How...what...this hurts my brain.


I bet he's... yep.

they say there;s no evidence, but the dna evidence got him out of jail

I think some courts fought against allowing DNA as evidence (someone who knows more, please feel free to enumerate/correct). Why let innocence waste a good conviction?
I wonder what it costs the tax payers of Tennessee to have him be in a jail wrongly for those 31 years.

They ruin peoples lives then just throw them out in the world without thinking they should have to compensate for their lost time. They will never get it back. We get one life. His remaining years should be nothing but leisure, fun and happiness.


I don't understand why the parole board has any say in determining his "innocence".
Either he's guilty and should serve his remaining sentence, or be exonerated at his release.
I'm sure you learn some incredible patience in that time because I would probably be committing a few crimes on that committee if I was in his shoes.


Wow that's sad. Hell even if people do get exonerated how long does that process take to even see any of that potential payout?


Don't most people in similar situations basically need to sue the state for damages? He should lawyer up because this seems like a tried and true option.


They stole away 31 years of this mans life, $75 is beyond an insult. This is utterly heartbreaking, a life sentence handed down just because the color of his skin.
Was not surprised to see he was black and it being Tennessee and all, im not surprised they voted 7-0 to not exonerate him and pay him for robbing him of his damn life.



$1 million isn't damn near anywhere enough for this dude having half his life taken away from him. $75 is a sick joke.


Didn't even need to check if he was a minority, I knew he had to be in order to get screwed over this badly. Fucking hell USA.
You can tell when a situation (US law enforcement and criminal justice system) is incredibly fucked up when you see atrocities committed on a regular basis yet still never become normalized or even slightly desensitized to them. They're just as sad each time
So... a black man is sentenced to jail for a rape he didn't commit for 115 years, and serves 31 years.

Meanwhile, Brock Turner, a white kid, rapes a woman and gets released from jail after 3 months.

And yet, alt-white shitheads are complaining that whites are "under attack."

Fuck, man. I am so sorry for this guy. I hope he can get a lawyer and fight back.
Took him like 3 months to cash that check too because getting an ID after was so difficult.

Edit: Oh I see the check thing was in there already.


Indeed. When the youth jumps to so many conclusions. It is mildly outraging.

"I wish these youths would stop jumping to conclusions about the statistical likelihood that a negative judicial outcome was in part fueled by the racism that has justified and underscored the majority of this country's relationship with ethnic minorities and natives. God, Gaf is such a shithole."


Indeed. When the youth jumps to so many conclusions. It is mildly outraging.

Thank you for coming into the thread to let people know they are jumping to conclusions about the existence of structural racism. I no longer believe in it and am suddenly filled with the urge to make America great again.


Should be multi-millions at the very least.

31 years of your life wasted in a fucking prison and the money awarded is almost worthless when you're reaching the end of your time. Money you couldn't spent and enjoy when you're at your peak.

Fuck this.


Indeed. When the youth jumps to so many conclusions. It is mildly outraging.
Yeah let's hear the justice system out on this one guys, while an evidently innocent man's life is in the balance.

I respect the posts I've seen from you, but not this one.
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