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Man wrongly imprisoned for 31 years awarded $75 for his trouble

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Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
What the fuck. This guy deserves MORE than a million. :/


eyewitness testimony is a sham

Fact is we're still trying to understand that, and the average person doesn't (let alone doesn't understand DNA isn't a magic bullet that proves guilt or innocence 100%).

How many arguments did we have on NeoGAF about how it was clear Michael Brown was shot in the back with his hands up because of "eyewitnesses"?

This guy should get restitution beyond what they offered, and it's terrible they unanimously decided they'd rather not. If the best available evidence was enough to get him out it should be enough to be compensated for.

The Beard

People in here acting like this only happened because he is black. White people get wrongly convicted all the time too.

Dateline just had a show where 2 white brothers served 25+ years for a crime they didn't commit. They didn't receive a dollar for their time. Our justice system is pretty fucked.


This guy should get restitution beyond what they offered, and it's terrible they unanimously decided they'd rather not. If the best available evidence was enough to get him out it should be enough to be compensated for.
The new evidence was enough to get a vacation of his sentence and a new trial, which the prosecutor decided not to pursue. That's not a finding of innocence.

The CNN story does not give the full context and judging by the evidence I would have voted the same way as the parole board.


The rape victim identified two men who she knew from the neighborhood. McKinney and Yancy. Yancy's DNA was found on the bed sheets. The police found them both together at Yancy's house and they both lied to give each other alibi's. Iwitness identification of somone known to the victim is pretty reliable unless you think she was straight lying.

If this was a case with one perpetrator and different DNA was found at the scene then we would have a clear miscarrage of justice. In this case DNA was found of one of the men the victim identified, just because McKinney's DNA also didn't happen make it on the sheets doesnt mean he wasnt at the scene.
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