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Mandalorian Season 2 | DIsney+ | October 30th


I will be genuinely be shocked if

Samuel l Jackson

Doesn't show up in the final few episodes.
Everything seems to line up story wise with drama around our new character entering the fray.


I watched like 2 eps of Season 1 and the eps since Corn off the Cobb guy of Season 2. Pretty good.

Boba got fat lol, it's like the parodies. Theyre probably gunna show Thrawn soon right? I thought they were gunna have Giddeon report to Thrawn after walking down the long ship corridor.

iM jUsT a SiMplE Man TrYInG TO mAKe My wAy In tHe UniVerSe


Mace coming back would be the biggest ripoff imo.

I dug Boba here (mainly due to Robert Rodriguez's cocaine-fueled direction), but can people just stay dead in the SW universe?

Eh, if you don't see a body I don't have a problem with characters coming back. Darth Maul being brought back was bullshit, the dude was cut in half. Palpatine was fucking incinerated in the Death Star reactor. Mace Windu and Boba Fett? I can buy a Jedi using the Force to survive a fall or Boba Fett blasting his way out of the Sarlacc.
i thought this episode is the weakest so far this season. Too many lazy writing to make Din dumb so the main plot point can happen.

Boba offering to help at the end even though he got what he wanted was also kinda out of character.
Okay, seems they really threw the concept of dead people being dead completely out of the window.

That said, I enjoyed the hell out of
Boba Fett wrecking shit up.
This series keeps on delivering that true Star Wars feel and should have been what we got with the horrible sequels.
What a redemption.


i thought this episode is the weakest so far this season. Too many lazy writing to make Din dumb so the main plot point can happen.

Boba offering to help at the end even though he got what he wanted was also kinda out of character.
Yea I didn't quite understand that deal at the end.

I thought they offered not to shoot the child in exchange for the armor.
I don't recall the deal being, "we will help you protect the child if he's put in danger"


And he stayed that way. The decaying one in TROS is a clone body inhabited by his force ghost. Not saying I excuse the piss poor writing, but it ain't the same body lol

You're right. I have managed to block most of TROS from my memory, so I forgot about the clone thing. Still, fucker should have stayed gone.
Yea I didn't quite understand that deal at the end.

I thought they offered not to shoot the child in exchange for the armor.
I don't recall the deal being, "we will help you protect the child if he's put in danger"

The show is just fetch quests and fan service. I really did enjoy this episode but this isnt breaking bad, the sopranos or boardwalk empire here.

Its what the sequal trilogy should have been, pandering to the audience


Can't believe we got a reference to the worst exchange in the prequels 😂.

Obi Wan: 'You must be very proud of the clones.'

Jango: 'I'm just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe.'


I mean, I'm kind of enjoying it, but the writers put pencils in their asses and wrote the plot like that.

It's so fucking stupid and incoherent at times.



Mace coming back would be the biggest ripoff imo.

I dug Boba here (mainly due to Robert Rodriguez's cocaine-fueled direction), but can people just stay dead in the SW universe?
Agreed some characters need to stay dead like Mace and Palpatine.

Boba and Maul have pretty good reasons for why they can be allowed to return, as both resurrections service their characters while not cheapening the overall story.
I was so happy to see the return of..

Bill Burr. No, seriously, I've been waiting for the crew assemblage episode.

As for Boba, I thought his return was a stupid, lame idea but I like their spin on post-sarlacc Boba. A sort of wandering monk turn for the character. Liked his staff. My question is whether Jango Fett being a foundling matches up with the history or not.

Some you all need to stop asking why this isn't Breaking Bad. Do you remember Star Wars? It was a fun, magical story that heavily borrowed from serial television and other films/genres. Watch some old western shows. They aren't shows about damaged people written by damaged people.

At this point, a Star Wars product having actual Star Wars magic and feelings is an accomplishment.
really liked Boba Fett's return. Nice to see him on the protagonists side.

i guess the next episode is getting Bill Burr's character out of jail, and last episode will probably save Grogu and find out what jedi answers the call. I dont want it to be Mace, but with Boba now teaming up with Mando i have a weird feeling it might be.
I hope we get 50 minute episodes the next two weeks, would make up for the shorter episodes we got. I feel like they have plenty of material to flesh out too.

Loved this weeks episode too, they did a lot with 30 minutes.
I liked this episode. After decades of only being able to speculate what Boba could really do in combat, I finally got to see it. Pretty impressive.


Best episode yet for me. I was thinking that something would have to happen to Grogu... and it did. Proper action and the monk like Boba was great. When Slave 1 arrived it was kind of circling like a shark. Pretty damn cool.

Please don't bring Windu back, that would be so dumb. It's bad enough that Maul is alive. I reckon Luke is turning up and saving the day, like he should've done in the ST.


Today's episode has portions that really reminds me of Battlefront II. Writing could have been better since I was not a fan of Marathon Mando but it was an enjoyable setup episode for what looks to be a big finale just like the first season.

I hope we get to see who Grogu long-distanced called this season and learn why Gideon wants the child.
Pretty sure he's trying to artificially give people force powers. Like an army of force wielding soldiers.


Perhaps an unpopular opinion but I thought this episode was a bit pants - the setting seemed wrong, there seemed to be a whole layer of sfx polish missing, the waves of stumdoopas is also getting old. So much of the action looked barely a step above a fan made movie on youtube. Which is crazy because the direction of action in this series has been so much better. There was no atmosphere to the location of the shoot - compare that to the excellent previous episode. The annoying thing to me is that the show desperately needs more dangerous enemies and apparently the next level of goons Mando will face are bloody Bionicles... seriously they looked bad.

Did enjoy the nostalgia and fan service however, even if parts of it were crowded in my opinion by a character whose name or relevance I barely remember, she with the noscopes

I don't think that guy they hired for AotC had any clue the amount of work he was going to get from that movie lol, dude keeps going.

Excited to see where it's going still.


Today's episode has portions that really reminds me of Battlefront II. Writing could have been better since I was not a fan of Marathon Mando but it was an enjoyable setup episode for what looks to be a big finale just like the first season.

I hope we get to see who Grogu long-distanced called this season and learn why Gideon wants the child.
It'll be Luke. I totally bet Disney will pay the big bucks to get Hamill & that MCU de-aging tech for at least 1 episode.


Can't believe we got a reference to the worst exchange in the prequels 😂.

Obi Wan: 'You must be very proud of the clones.'

Jango: 'I'm just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe.'

I squee-d like a little child at that. Boba Fett was my favorite character as a kid. Yes, I know the prequels were bad.


The fight choreography was god awful this episode. Reminded me of some cheesy 90s tv show but with star wars characters and cameos.

It just seems like the writers finish a draft and its "omg that's so cool!!" It literally comes off like a fan wrote this. Then the directors proceed to fuck up it up worse with subpar execution. The stormtrooper shit was just a non stop eye roll.

The last scene with baby yoda was kinda funny but it wasn't enough to save this shit. 2/10
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I despise Boba Fett as a character, normies worship him and all he does is take Ls.

Latest episode was the weakest of the season but Baby Yeed getting more powerful is nice.
After a good nights sleep, my thoughts on this episode:
* Stormtroopers are completely useless. They should not call this white stuff "armor", but a "uniform" by now.
* using the trope of charging a person who has a melee weapon when you have a gun and should be simply shooting his ass should be a criminal offence. Write better scenes if you need to rely on this bullshit.
* I hate that even the asian lady was resurrected. I mean, who hasn't been dead and alive again in the SW universe by this point? I cannot take any death scene seriously anymore by now, regardless how severe (look Darth Maul. wtf.).
* that said, I still digged seeing Boba in action again.
* loved how they fleshed out his character.

Personally I liked this episode a lot more than the glowstick LARPer samurai one before that.
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I am enjoying the show so much and glad to see the past characters coming back one by one - but the action sequences, especially close-up fighting sequence choreography didn't feel like having much umph nor speed for some reason.


I squee-d like a little child at that. Boba Fett was my favorite character as a kid. Yes, I know the prequels were bad.

Hey, eass up there, RoTS is my favourite.

Aotc is awful though and that exchange just makes no sense. It's like Jango is answering a different question.


Boba offering to help at the end even though he got what he wanted was also kinda out of character.
It's not so much out of character if you take into account the fact that

Boba just confirmed that Jango was a findling Mandalorian, so the Fett"s being mandalorian is canon again. That means that a given word has to be kept

Sounds good to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


That moment Boba gets his armor back and the music turns ominous as fuck as he looms menacingly.
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really liked Boba Fett's return. Nice to see him on the protagonists side.

i guess the next episode is getting Bill Burr's character out of jail, and last episode will probably save Grogu and find out what jedi answers the call. I dont want it to be Mace, but with Boba now teaming up with Mando i have a weird feeling it might be.

I loved the fact that they really nailed the Bounty Hunter ethos of just being a gun for hire: the old EU concept of making Boba like this evil foil for Han Solo as an arch rival always seemed dumb. Dudes not evil he just wants to get paid and finish the job.


Hey, eass up there, RoTS is my favourite.

Aotc is awful though and that exchange just makes no sense. It's like Jango is answering a different question.

You're probably right, but I did always like the line. I guess Jon Favreau did, too.


I’m still watching it as if it’s a corny 80’s TV show and so it delivers on that level if you remember the A-Team or the cartoons of the 80’s the ewok show or droids or something if you remember TV back then it wasn’t exactly on the level of today’s TV.

In my head it’s a 2019/20 show made for 80’s audiences of TV (not necessarily the Movies) and of original era Star Wars, it just so happens they are jamming in 90’s/00’s characters in a 80’s show.

Return of the Jedi is from 1983 and this is set 5 years after, honestly the writing kind of feels like it came from 1987 on times

you just have to put yourself back into the same mindset as you were in the 80’s.

The thing I didn’t like was the look of it, maybe they should have added a filter in post to it so it looked like the other episodes but I guess they wanted each episode to have the directors flair?

Also the camera guy on this I see Kevin Smith tweeted was the same guy who shot Clerks!
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I will be genuinely be shocked if

Samuel l Jackson

Doesn't show up in the final few episodes.
Everything seems to line up story wise with drama around our new character entering the fray.

No love for Kyle Katarn? My dream outcome for this is Kyle Katarn is the Jedi that answers the call ;) he takes out the Dark Troopers and Season 3 is basically taking down Thrawn and his Tie Defender fleet...retconned Heir to the Empire Culminating with digitally de-aged Hammil vs LuuKe Skywalker and Jorus Cbaoth. Lol


No love for Kyle Katarn? My dream outcome for this is Kyle Katarn is the Jedi that answers the call ;) he takes out the Dark Troopers and Season 3 is basically taking down Thrawn and his Tie Defender fleet...retconned Heir to the Empire Culminating with digitally de-aged Hammil vs LuuKe Skywalker and Jorus Cbaoth. Lol
If you're asking for him then I might as well ask for Kreia as Disney has ripped away all the good old lore.


New episode was fun but the action scenes were absolutely terrible considering that Robert Rodriguez directed it.


Looked more like Boba FAT, though..


I've seen quite a few people talking about how bad Temura looked in the armor. I actually liked it, dude looked like a beast.

That was a great episode, they pulled off Boba perfectly, would watch a show about him over mando to be honest

I don't know how I'd feel about a Boba Fett spin-off, but it was great to see the character done justice after all these years.

No love for Kyle Katarn? My dream outcome for this is Kyle Katarn is the Jedi that answers the call ;) he takes out the Dark Troopers and Season 3 is basically taking down Thrawn and his Tie Defender fleet...retconned Heir to the Empire Culminating with digitally de-aged Hammil vs LuuKe Skywalker and Jorus Cbaoth. Lol

No way in hell they pull Kyle Katarn out. That would absolutely floor me. I think I would be down for a de-aged Luke though. Favreau and Filoni could give him the respect he deserves where Rian Johnson failed so terribly.
If you're asking for him then I might as well ask for Kreia as Disney has ripped away all the good old lore.
I've seen quite a few people talking about how bad Temura looked in the armor. I actually liked it, dude looked like a beast.

I don't know how I'd feel about a Boba Fett spin-off, but it was great to see the character done justice after all these years.

No way in hell they pull Kyle Katarn out. That would absolutely floor me. I think I would be down for a de-aged Luke though. Favreau and Filoni could give him the respect he deserves where Rian Johnson failed so terribly.

They did put out Thrawn and Dark Troppers so skys the limit! It might be Ezra though.

Lucas needs to borrow the de-aging tech Marvel used though: Sam Jackson looked great so I know they could pull it off just not sure it’s cost effective for TV.
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