Well we all know how good his judgement regarding training emotional kids turned out to be lolShe’s more like Qui Gon than anyone tbh, kinda old school Jedi like
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Well we all know how good his judgement regarding training emotional kids turned out to be lolShe’s more like Qui Gon than anyone tbh, kinda old school Jedi like
True lol, well to be fair his mistake was entrusting anakins training to obi wan, if qui gon had trained anakin I believe anakin would never had fell because Qui Gon would be way more understanding and father like than poor obi wan.Well we all know how good his judgement regarding training emotional kids turned out to be lol
The final fight should have been one for the ages and instead I felt it was a bit forgettable.
I hope this is just setup, and that we get back to season 1 mando when the cartoon space wizards got their own series to fly around and fight with glow sticks in.I'm getting bored. I wanted a badass bounty hunter series, traveling around and doing badass things.
Instead we're getting a live action Filoni cartoon. Not what I signed up for. I'm mostly disappointed with this season so far.
But how could it be.
It's a duel with one of the best trained "jedi" of the galaxy in battle and dueling that just wants information against a normie woman with a beshkar spear. There was no duel or tension. Ahsoka overpowers her if she wants, she could have used the force and end that "duel" before even starting but she wanted to play fair with honor just to get her respect and answers. Remember the main focus for Ahsoka was to get an answer not to kill. It's not a Maul vs Ahsoka duel ffs.
How will Boba Fett differentiate itself between the Mandalorian?I haven't watched the CW or Netflix model so not sure how connected they are but I imagine each season will be stand alone in the same way that you don't have to have seen Iron Man to enjoy Captain America or Thor but I imagine that each show will have some links to the others.
Sounds like Disney+ will be running:
The Mandalorian
Boba Fett
All at the same time. Maybe Grogu will be the common link between them all?
Then don't watch it? I think its great, but I am not edgy or cool so TTFWIW.Watched "The Gunslinger" (Season 1 Episode 5) last night.
There is absolutely nothing even remotely interesting or good about this show except for the costumes and set design. The stories feel like they're written by unambitious high school kids guided by an AI overlord who commands them to play it safe in every conceivable manner.
Then don't watch it? I think its great, but I am not edgy or cool so TTFWIW.
Top 6?What do you like about it?
If I was on Family Feud and Steve Harvey said "We asked 100 people what they like about The Mandalorian. Their top 6 answer on the board..." I'd literally say 1. Set and costume. And 2. It's Star Wars?
Top 6?
1. Its old school star wars (reminds me of legacy EU mixed with clone wars/Rebels)
2. Mandalorians
3. its entertaining
4. Its pretty
5. Furthers the lore
6. Baby Yoda
I am someone who read just about all of the legacy EU and loved it but was not enthused with the ST that much. The Mandalorian reminds me of the old EU and that is awesome to me.
edit: There is a spell check for Mandalorian but not Yoda...lol.
I just watched Episode 6 Season 1.
It was definitely better than the last couple of episodes.
How will Boba Fett differentiate itself between the Mandalorian?
If Disney was smart they would announce Dark Forces Season 1. Kyle Katarn is back mother fuckers (too bad Timothy Olyphant has already been used up). With that they get a swashbuckling smuggler show and a new Han Solo who just happens to have force sensitivity and a hot sidekick. Hell they could use that show to introduce Mara Jade and defuck this whole mess by readopting the Legacy EU (Which kicked ass). Explain that part of the reason Luke turned into a fuck head was that he lost the love of his life ALONG with Ben killing peeps. Much more understandable.
What drives me absolutely insane about the ST is that Timothy Zahn gave everyone the perfect Sequal Trilogy and they fucking ignored it. Like, how fucking dumb are these people? (or how arrogant)
I personally think it would be a mistake to bring back windu like it was a mistake for the ST to touch palps, there needs to be stakes and certain events that matter, we don’t want a DBZ on our hands. Mauls return was only permissible since his character honestly deserved more development and his resurrection doesn’t really take anything away from the universe, if anything it elevates it since he was kind of a nothing character before.What if Mace Windu survived the Fall in Ep. 3 and comes back in Mandalorian revealing that he saved Baby Yoda during the Coruscant jedi killings
They already have plans for thrawn it seems. I would love to hear they have plans for Kyle, and Jan. They can't really rehash Dark Forces though since Rogue One sorta stole Katarn's thunder (Death star plans). I could see an amalgamation of Dark Forces 1 and 2 where Kyle and Jan team up with a few special forces peeps and get into it with Dark Troopers and other Imperial experimental projects/weapons. At the end you could have it hinted that Kyle has force sensitivity, and he could find a lightsaber and then go into "Dark Forces 3: Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast" with season 2.The one good thing about it is that the ST is set about 25 years later than Mando and JJ either by design or by accident didn’t fill in many blanks: The Thrawn Trilogy could still happen. It took place over like what a year? It would have to be recast or animated though since the OT cast was way too fucking old by the time TFA premiered...and now Carie is dead.
George should have have done the ST back in the early 90s when they were young enough to be believable.
I wanted her to say that in this episode.Well funny thing about that
If we are lookig for jedi who were in the right time and place, and known to survive order 66, Jocasta Nu has to be one of the obvious ones.
However pretty sure she is dead at this point in the timelime so a return is out of the cards
It was a mistake to cut him in half to begin with. He should have been the antagonist over the prequels trilogy.IMauls return was only permissible since his character honestly deserved more development and his resurrection doesn’t really take anything away from the universe, if anything it elevates it since he was kind of a nothing character before.
Maybe on gunslinger (don’t remember like most of mando episodes lol) but this last episode was easily the best one so far, I loved almost every second of it.It was a mistake to cut him in half to begin with. He should have been the antagonist over the prequels trilogy.
Was the start of SW's mistake to bring back dead people as if nothing happened.
Seeing that Filoni also did Gunslinger, he seems to be a shit director. Both episodes he directed were super stiff and life less.
why?but this last episode was easily the best one so far
The action, the awesome portrayal of ahsoka, finding out more about the main plot with grogu and where he is from, grand admiral thrawn name drop and the implications from that, the implication of taking grogu to the stone to find maybe Luke (actually movement of the story!!). Also there were some really beautiful shots too.why?
The action, the awesome portrayal of ahsoka, finding out more about the main plot with grogu and where he is from, grand admiral thrawn name drop and the implications from that, the implication of taking grogu to the stone to find maybe Luke (actually movement of the story!!). Also there were some really beautiful shots too.
The only thing I found meh was how micheal beans character was used and how the fight with the magistrate made ahsoka look weaker/dumber than she is for first time viewers when honestly there really was no chance she would lose, it was almost a arrogance/(or weirdly honor? But why to someone awful like her?..) thing it looked like, I honestly think more words should have been exchanged here instead of over trying to be all “samurai” or w/e, as it would have helped viewers understand ahsokas mindset going into the fight. So yeah that fight could have been done a bit better, although I do love when Ashoka gets serious she switches to her actual stance.
Okay, what I expected.Bc it's anime as fuck and anime as fuck = dope in my eyes (I.E. Revenge Of The Sith & Last Jedi).
Brilliant episode, nearly better than the last.
Also why all the hidden spoilers links? Episode is out.
Anyone who cares should know by now not to enter the thread before watching on the day it airs?
Just common courtesy really. Not everyone is going to watch the newest episode before entering the thread.
Just finished watching the first season.
There are 3 or 4 truly terrible episodes but the rest are watchable enough. The last two episodes were borderline good even.
On to season 2!!