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Manga Discussion/News Thread |OT5| We Post on Wednesdays

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Magi 80

= all of my christmas

Sindria is the best thing ever so far. It's so dang fun.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Sindria is like if Luffy was an island.
Great, all this arguing reminded me of Funimation's use of honorifics in their dub of Ouran High School Host Club...

Honorifics in an amateur manga translation: Meh

Honorifics in a professional anime dub: Unacceptable

The only time I've seen is done well was in FLCL. You don't know how many times I had watched it before realizing his nickname was Ta and they were saying Ta-kun


I had to stop at around chapter 5 before I raged too much. Not good for my blood pressure.

I will continue reading tonight since I'm in a good mood.

Really? Isn't chapter 5 the one where Alibaba introduces dungeons? That's what really got interested in the series.

PK Gaming

Is a Magi a series I should add to my back log or should I disregard it? It seems to be the new kid on the block... so to speak.

(Currently reading Lucifer and the biscuit hammer > Solanin > Beelzebub)


Is a Magi a series I should add to my back log or should I disregard it? It seems to be the new kid on the block... so to speak.

(Currently reading Lucifer and the biscuit hammer > Solanin > Beelzebub)

Uh, I guess it's better than Beelzebub but no way should it be above Biscuit Hammer or Solanin in the backlog train.

Really? Isn't chapter 5 the one where Alibaba introduces dungeons? That's what really got interested in the series.
Dungeons were alright, Alibaba was a crime against humanity.

Big One

Is a Magi a series I should add to my back log or should I disregard it? It seems to be the new kid on the block... so to speak.

(Currently reading Lucifer and the biscuit hammer > Solanin > Beelzebub)
Aside from Solanin, Magi is considerably better than those series.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Solanin -> Lucifer -> Magi -> Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbub
Buster Keel vol 4

The pacing in this is really friggin good. Conflicts arise and get resolved in 1 or 2 chapters, yet they don't feel rushed at all while still contributing to the overarching plot. Same thing with the battles. In only 4 chapters, there have been 2 really good fights. Keel vs Blue is exactly what a rival battle should be and Keel and Blue vs Gold and Silver had the intensity and tactics of a high tier arc finale.

Seriously guys, jump on the bandwagon. I have no doubt this thread would love it.


Aside from Solanin, Magi is considerably better than those series.
Good to know you are not that crazy.

Buster Keel vol 4

The pacing in this is really friggin good. Conflicts arise and get resolved in 1 or 2 chapters, yet they don't feel rushed at all while still contributing to the overarching plot. Same thing with the battles. In only 4 chapters, there have been 2 really good fights. Keel vs Blue is exactly what a rival battle should be and Keel and Blue vs Gold and Silver had the intensity and tactics of a high tier arc finale.

Seriously guys, jump on the bandwagon. I have no doubt this thread would love it.

You guys need to start bandwagons with completed manga so I can easily join them.


This is a silly attitude. By this logic, the more japanese you learn, the more parts of the manga you will demand to be left untranslated until you achieve fluency and can read in the original?
Nope, I am not delving beyond anything besides how you address people in the culture. It's not necessarily just a translation issue but I way to convey plot; very different.
Frankly, I've never minded honorifics, but I've never seen them matter much in a work, or at the very least I can't remember a single case in which a change in honorifics underlined some important plot moments that the interactions between the characters didn't already show and explain.
Maybe in the future you'll now be aware and come up on an example. There are PLENTY. And the original work doesn't require you to infer shit so I'm not going to add that on top.
Name one example where its absolutely necessary. Not every manga has to be a lesson in Japanese etiquette.
Scy already answered a bit but it is mostly heavy story driven manga. Usually couples go through a phase of changing honorifics and then dropping them. Same with friends, colleagues, and even those who are married.
In English, people are capable of inferring degrees of intimacy or formality without a tacked on garbage word to explain what's already perfectly apparent. It's not "untranslatable." It's implied.
Bleach examples...sigh.

Capable does not mean necessary. It wasn't part of the original intention in the work so I don't want to deal with it. There is also the idea of further lost information when you have people "joking" about honorifics and such. It happens. Watch the gatari animes (they play honorific games often) if you want. Then there is a "trust" aspect along with possible sarcasm to how they are delivered. If you are fine overwriting all of this with a simple name address requiring inference? Well, that's your take I guess. But I personally try to avoid lost plot elements, misdirection, and divergence from original meaning.

Senpai/kouhai is a bit different. It's never really a plot element and can be localized just be defaulting to name. But I personally don't mind it staying in cause it is weird in anime when the voice doesn't match the text on subs.

And I already also said this but it depends on the series. Anybody who cites the big 3 requiring honorifics needs to check them-self at the door.

Big One

Good to know you are not that crazy.
I don't see why you would think I am, I generally have great taste in manga, I just don't talk about it cause I hate a lot of the debates that go into it. For example I've always considered Berserk to be my favorite manga of all time next to Akira, Oldboy, Nausicaa, and a few others yet just stating those titles will spark debates about their quality that I hate getting into. In my lifetime I've probably read over 100 manga overall.


I am Korean.
Scy already answered a bit but it is mostly heavy story driven manga. Usually couples go through a phase of changing honorifics and then dropping them. Same with friends, colleagues, and even those who are married.

Shame there are no English equivalents or ways to express familiarity/intimacy right, Gumbi?

Bleach examples...sigh.
Relevant since scanlators seem to think that they're imparting vital information with this crap. Besides, it's just a tiny example of this "lost" information.

Capable does not mean necessary. It wasn't part of the original intention in the work so I don't want to deal with it. There is also the idea of further lost information when you have people "joking" about honorifics and such. It happens. Watch the gatari animes (they play honorific games often) if you want. Then there is a "trust" aspect along with possible sarcasm to how they are delivered. If you are fine overwriting all of this with a simple name address requiring inference?
No reason this can't be played with in English Mr. Gumbo the 13th.


Buddha 6-12

So much better than the first 5 chapters. Very impressive conclusion to the first volume as well.

I just can't believe how much of a dick that archer was. Such an asshole for tricking Chapra. I really wish a bear would eat him.

The ending was so sad with Chapra and his mother :( To this day I will never understand the dumb idea of a caste system.


Cage of Eden


that's really not how this is supposed to work

i mean, think about it, seriously


Magi 80:

Overkill/showing off = Calling out 8 generals when only one is needed. At least we have a good "darker complexion" character now to water down my complaints from earlier in the week.

Hmm Magi seems to be moving at a nice pace so i may join you guys/gals soon.

The scanlators of Magi are just playing catch up right now since the Japanese releases are at chapter 124 and they seem to be releasing chapters every two days, so that's why the pace seems so good.
I don't mind when they translate honorifics or leave them out most of the time.
What i can't stand is when people call each other by there last names but people put there first name instead .
I see this happen so many times and then later on it had some effect on the story .
The best translators are the ones that translate in the context of the story .


Honey and Clover vol 5

Even though I think this manga has a lot of problems with writing and pacing, I can easily forgive all of it cause they do the college life so good. Really enjoy all the jokes about finishing your projects on time, stressing out and chilling out with professors.

Takemoto sure had a lot of angst going on in the first couple chapters of the volume. Can't say I followed it that much but it was still good. I just can't say I feel connected to his problems and he is still a coward for not confessing.

Morita's comeback was masterfully done. He was the missing link in making the jokes perfect. Really missed him and was glad when he came back to school again.
Buster Keel vol 5

Seriously, the pacing is great. No wasting time at all. Some foreshadowing over Keel's past and then we learn about it the very next chapter and not several arcs later.

I wish the translators would decide on a name for Ravi/Lavie/Lovey/Lavi.


Shame there are no English equivalents or ways to express familiarity/intimacy right, Gumbi?
What, like "What's up bro?" and "Damn you fine?" Most English equivalents in dialogue really don't fit almost all series. The very few that are eligible like Beelzebub are workable. It's funny that only delinquents or yakuza talk with the aggression we do everyday...
Relevant since scanlators seem to think that they're imparting vital information with this crap. Besides, it's just a tiny example of this "lost" information.
Anybody who translates any of the big 3 saying they should keep honorifics is a moron. But story heavy manga is a different manner. But the thing is, that many more mature manga don't even put emphasis on it. So it is sort of the more "anime" type of manga. As I said, watch the gatari series for like the easiest examples. Or any trope show with an ojou asking for the MC to use sama or some shit. Then you have usually innocent romances where it is a huge deal to use first name or drop the honorific.
No reason this can't be played with in English Mr. Gumbo the 13th.
Again, it would fit very few series without sounding absurd. Like instead of saying "No honorific?" you say "Hey, call me with some respect?" But I don't even know what that means... Or the joke "No honorific?" would be "So casual..." Again though, that just sounds dumb. It isn't like it matters much. Most people don't even read the series where it is important.

And I'm going to stab Beam in the face if it catches on to butcher my user name.


watch the gatari series for like the easiest examples. Or any trope show with an ojou asking for the MC to use sama or some shit. Then you have usually innocent romances where it is a huge deal to use first name or drop the honorific.

"Hello, Miss Hudson."

"That's Lady Hudson to you."

"You know Miss Hudson, I've really misjudged you."

"Please, call me Felicity."


The Breaker: New Waves 61-62

Not much happening here, yet; Shioon leading the Shunwoo clan should make for some interesting happening, if not just getting him back to full-power faster. Shi-Ho being revived is complete bullshit though, and will probably be but a device to draw Chun-Woo out, if anything. Let sleeping dogs lie.

Shingeki no Kyojin 31

Ah, DAMN, ANNIE!! This series waxes just enough not to irritate, but flavor. The conversation on 'the relativity of good' was a simple idea, ultimately, but logical, and isn't something I've ever found myself thinking of, so that's pretty cool. Shit's about to get even more real than it has. Mikasa remains the Queen among queens.

Kimi no Knife 37

When good people die. The raw amount of dread present in this series is begining to irritate, given that it's but dressing, and getting no real exploration, but I am interested to see how things play out.


"Hello, Miss Hudson."

"That's Lady Hudson to you."
Nah, what else you got.
"You know Miss Hudson, I've really misjudged you."

"Please, call me Felicity."
Not bad but too situational. Can't be applied to when it also often happens which is a "shift" in greeting. And in order to follow that rule, every character in any manga would have to prefix Miss, Mrs., or Mr unless the plot instructed otherwise.

It's all a cluster-fuck really.
Magi 80:

The scanlators of Magi are just playing catch up right now since the Japanese releases are at chapter 124 and they seem to be releasing chapters every two days, so that's why the pace seems so good.

I guess thats alright until they are caught up (i wonder how quickly the raws appear)


So I was going through OT4 looking for any dirt I may need in a future argument and came across this gem that was too hilarious not to share:

Freshmaker said:
Haly said:
I pity you people who think you can accurately represent the multifacted meanings of glorious nihongo using barbaric gaijin speak.

That's why it's called a translation. It renders moonspeak into God's language.

El Sloth

Korean honorifics are confusing and longer, reading manwhua sometimes is painful because many translation groups leave the names of many things korean.
I remember when I first tried reading The Breaker and one whole word bubble was nothing but untranslated Korean words with translator notes all over the place. It was a combination of that and the shitty main character that got me to drop it.
I remember when I first tried reading The Breaker and one whole word bubble was nothing but untranslated Korean words with translator notes all over the place. It was a combination of that and the shitty main character that got me to drop it.

Yeah, its pretty frustrating. Because of a untranslated word I had to check past chapters to understand whats happening in New Waves.


I remember when I first tried reading The Breaker and one whole word bubble was nothing but untranslated Korean words with translator notes all over the place. It was a combination of that and the shitty main character that got me to drop it.

You dropped The Breaker?

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