Ignis Fatuus
Shiet, dis chapter. Wakaki you cray.
Shiet, dis chapter. Wakaki you cray.
Shiet, dis chapter. Wakaki you cray.
Oh shit, it's out? *Off to read*
"actually" HD visuals + Magic Runes/Circles + HD Natsu, Gray + HD Dragonslayer Ice Make magic...it would look stunning.
Fairy Tail
...Super Paralyzing Claws - Mega Mega Jellyfish is my new favourite attack name.
And lol for getting worked up over a damn sock.
Elfman vs. Bacchus... hopefully Elfman wins, he's the best character in FT (the manga).
Is this turning into new Prince of Tennis?
Kenichi a surprisingly lack of boobs and or Miu's ass. My sense are saying god hand will die... but can master class people even die in this series?
Surprised Elfman has fans, fan at least in the anime dub since he has Zoro(OP)/Kurogane(Tsubasa) Voice.
HSDK: Wait, so the Masters fight is still going but it's taking a long break?
Is Elsie even still technically a character?
History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi 469 - MASTERS FIGHT. "You mean ... it hadn't already begun?!" And what's with the princess in the back gushing over Hongou?
Also, break until April 18 :|
HNNNGHkoi 20 - Adorable Tsugumi is adorable and quickly finding her way to compete for best girl spot.
Yup. Also, more past love lock blahblahblah.
New Prince of Tennis.
Introduce 150 new characters.
lol jk back to the regular guys from the original
lol jk back to the side characters from the original
lol jk back to the regular guys...
And yet I keep reading...
Death for masters is just a minor setback.
She is the ultra hard secret boss.
He almost conquered her by accident in Chapter 103.
She is the ultra hard secret boss.
He almost conquered her by accident in Chapter 103.
It was not her true form.
I always thought the new PoT was just the mangaka drawing out fanfic scenarios or something. Is there even a plot going on? It's like the whole series is just omake.
Having 2 chapters a month doesn't help either.
It was not her true form.
The fact Niou exists is a pretty big indicator of just fanservice match ups. lol Illusion ANYONE I WANT! NPoT so far is just a lot of drawn out Atobe matches really and randomly Ryoma's older brother (because somehow this makes sense?) and stuff.
Look, I only read it because the crazy shit that happens. I think we're getting close to someone hitting a return ace that causes an event horizon.
Haqua is better final boss.
Haqua is best.You should read it, its pretty great. If you must discuss it though don't pick a side. Everyone should know Elsie is number one.
survivor is keeping the cycle alive man.Just keep twisting that knife man.
Nisekoi 20
Hey guys, what is love?
This manga is so awful.
True.Haqua is best.
Nisekoi needs an anime and an entire OVA of moe-face.It's sobadgood it's getting a spin off.
Nisekoi needs an anime and an entire OVA of moe-face.
Yeah, the fight basically just started and kind of cliffhangered. :|with Junazard doing some weird shit at the end to I guess signify the fight becoming "serious"
I'm putting down History's Greatest Crotch Shots for quite awhile. I started reading that disgustingly boring FB-omake and had to question my life. Then after reassuring myself, I remembered how shitty the current arc is and started a whole new round of questioning.Dammit, at this rate I won't feel compelled to bother catching up until half way into the year!
...wait, so TWGOK is over now?(I'm only halfway caught up)
Haqua is better final boss.
...wait, so TWGOK is over now?(I'm only halfway caught up)
Who cares about some side-character.Possessed Elsie will be the stuff of nightmares.
So I was watching latest Fairy Tail animu and noticed this character here:
When did they introduce her fully as Cobra's snake? WTF it's like I am missing one huge chapter or episode.
She's hot in any case.
Who is this?!
So with my headache and irritability gone, lets do this again from the top:
Battle Royale
This is one cool manga. It reminds me of a movie I saw(hunger games), but I know that Battle Royale was created before that. Anywho, i'm 16 chapters in and the manga's really gotten my attention. It's a little gruesome, but nothing I can't handle. My only grip is that the author is obsessed with making people cry. Every. single. time. There's a time and place for everything, but sometimes he blatantly misplaces tears and it takes the tension out of everything.