Dedication Through Light
Feels good to get Soma chapters so early
No, now it means I have to be more vigilant in avoiding spoilers.
Feels good to get Soma chapters so early
No, now it means I have to be more vigilant in avoiding spoilers.
Actually we have. Journalist kid who looked up to soma from the semi finals of the election was a middle school student. Pretty sure he even called soma senpaiOh right, they have that program. Hard to remember it exists when we've never met anyone currently in it.
Hinamatsuri ch. 1-6
Three of you backed this, so I had to see what was up sooner rather than later. It's pretty fun. The first chapter is a bit underwhelming for an opener admittedly, but things are pretty humorous past that. Hina chucking the fishing rod into the sea got me good. Will catch up more on the weekend.
I'm gonna guess the approach here will be similar to what happened with that lady on the first chapters: the judges will underestimate Soma and then will get tempted to eat his food, ultimately leading to his victory. Otherwise, I'm bracing myself for some shonen madness (not that I don't like that from time to time)
I'm hoping this is some kind of team effort and not "Soma saves the day with his OP Shonen cooking yet again."
this is around a week old but
man it is probably due to all the awesome art and shading we got for the past few weeks.... the dude literally sometimes draws chapters as comparable to those series that release monthly
Shokugeki no Soma
Can't say I agree with any of you guys' suggestions so far, I'll be really surprised if the manga goes in one of those traditional routes. It doesn't feel that way at all
I'm guessing Erina will play into this in some way. However Soma plans on forcing Eizan's hand it won't be through the normal "make a dish so good that it'll win", that's what I think
One Piece
(pssst they're not actually dead)
It has taken me a long. long time to get accustomed to this art style and even now, I'm not entirely fond of it. Though weirdly enough from the beginning, I loved those infrequent scenes where the author goes for this more painterly and abstract approach, particularly in the night setting. The story so far isn't very unique, bah, cliche is what I would call it so far (lone great warrior with a dark side tries to forge a new life but his past continues to haunt him) but the resolution for the Kikuchi arc was pretty surprising and I hope it will continue in that vein.
Shokugeki no Soma 141
but polar star can't close before she gets to experience naked apron
Takemitsu Zamurai 1-31
It has taken me a long. long time to get accustomed to this art style and even now, I'm not entirely fond of it. Though weirdly enough from the beginning, I loved those infrequent scenes where the author goes for this more painterly and abstract approach, particularly in the night setting. The story so far isn't very unique, bah, cliche is what I would call it so far (lone great warrior with a dark side tries to forge a new life but his past continues to haunt him) but the resolution for the Kikuchi arc was pretty surprising and I hope it will continue in that vein.
D.Gray-man 1-20
Alan's backstory seems awfully similar to Edward's. Even their designs resemble each other somewhat.
Not really feeling this so far. Does it have any "gets good" moment I could hope to latch on ? (please don't say chapter 120)
Takemitsu Zamurai 1-31
It has taken me a long. long time to get accustomed to this art style and even now, I'm not entirely fond of it. Though weirdly enough from the beginning, I loved those infrequent scenes where the author goes for this more painterly and abstract approach, particularly in the night setting. The story so far isn't very unique, bah, cliche is what I would call it so far (lone great warrior with a dark side tries to forge a new life but his past continues to haunt him) but the resolution for the Kikuchi arc was pretty surprising and I hope it will continue in that vein.
D.Gray-man 1-20
Alan's backstory seems awfully similar to Edward's. Even their designs resemble each other somewhat.
Not really feeling this so far. Does it have any "gets good" moment I could hope to latch on to ? (please don't say chapter 120)
D Gray Man ~160
Who put this anime filler in my manga? A comedic zombie invasion is so wrong after where the story had been building its bizarre tonal whiplash.
The Edo arc is really good which happens after the Crowley arc which someone above mentioned
I remember finding Crowley's arc to be the point I found the manga more chapter 31.
It's gets really confusing once you get into the whole 14th/Allen/Mana/Earl business. An arc dealing with Kanda's coming up and it's pretty good but everything after it is pretty convoluted.
The all the hiatuses due to carpal tunnel probably screwed up her pacing for the rest of the series (because it definitely shows when one arc ends then goes to another then stops and picks up again midway).
Toriko 345
Komatsu hears all the twisted things they do and the first thing he says is "I am going to help you with your projects"
I know we jumped the shark long ago but this explanation for Another lol
Still a awesome explanation for the back-channel, etc.. I wonder if Goku's instantaneous transition is similar
And Another leaving fracture in space-time is lol as well
About Soma, I can see this goes two ways
1. Erina helps. Aizen needs her for his plan so she is probably immune.
2. Soma somehow gets people like Dojima or Shinomiya to judge. Alumni wouldn't accept bribes.
Probably the first option.
♪ All by myself
Why are people calling Allen Walker, Alan Walker from D.Gray-Man?
One Punch Man finally announced for Italy too. It will be interesting to compare with the Viz release.
I'm starting to think than the ability to "hear the ingredients" is essentially just the ability to hear gourmet devils. That's why Komatsu say that "she sounded familiars", because she's the voice that he always hear and tell him how to cook foods, fhroze's ex gourmet's devil. A Devi that apparently shit on everyone else seeing how he cook instantly ingredients that would need dozens of years to prepare.
So essentially he's a fucking hack that is being whispered cheat codes.
Hinamatsuri ch. 1-6
Three of you backed this, so I had to see what was up sooner rather than later. It's pretty fun. The first chapter is a bit underwhelming for an opener admittedly, but things are pretty humorous past that. Hina chucking the fishing rod into the sea got me good. Will catch up more on the weekend.
When do you decide to get viz or wait for Italy to get stuff?
I mean if killing an orphanage wasn't enough of an indication.Sousei no Onmyouji (caught up)
So her brother is a literal psychopath that blew both of her legs off because she was annoying him.
And then proceeded to punch a literal hole through her fiancee. Got it.