I am Hero - Vol 15-16
So overall I've been loving the series, which is why I have to bring a couple of scenes that really took me out of it.
The onsen scene was rather badly executed. I can accept the premise of "We're screwed, we're going to die, so we might as well walk inside the onsen", but the lack of any self-awareness of the characters and how casually they act towards it really took me off the scene.
Hiromi I can understand, she has been "ok" with the situation from the start, but I expected Oda to display some level of humanity by acknowledging (accepting or not) her incoming death.
Which leads me to the next scene that I dislike, Oda death.
Having her being bitten by a random zombie baby and the way that she hold it (so she could kill him/her alongside herself) was too hamfisted for my taste considering the pregnancy plotline.
I was a bit surprised at how easily Hiromi killed her, and her dislike for Oda felt quite unjustified, but in retrospective it's easy to see how much of a petty person Hiromi actually is. That was the part of the scene that won me over after it happened.
The "alien" plot is an interesting idea, I'm a bit divided on this, as honestly I wouldn't mind a complete focus on characters drama (which Kengo Hanazawa does so well) and completely disregarding any explanation for the zombie outbreak, as that was really never the main focus of the story, it was always about the characters.
On another hand I do think it's an interesting idea, and I'm curious to see where exactly the author is planning to take the story, though it does create a more concrete win/lose for the end of the manga, which is something I'm not entirely sure I like.
For now I'm keeping my thoughts on this storyline open, I need to see where the story goes before having a proper opinion on this plotline.
I did love the zombies perspective in the last chapter of Vol.16, whenever the series revisits the theme of Zombies being people, it always does it very well executed.