Welcome to Mangaf. We're here to discuss manga-related things. Please read the rules regarding spoilers below.
September 2017 Recommendation: Kuuki no Soko
Supernatural heavy short stories | 1 volume, Completed work, Licensed
Previous banners for this thread:
{2017} Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug
Simple rules to follow so we can discuss our favorite manga easily:
1. Sort of guide to how you should post.
2. Regarding manga scanlations.
So to repeat, DO NOT link to any manga scanlations websites or ask where to read manga.
If you post a panel or page, there should be no logo of any site on it.
3. Regarding spoilers in this thread.
4. I don't know what manga to read. Can you guys help?
5. Reading manga on tablets.
Links to official threads for individual manga/anime series, courtesy of MetroidPrimeRib
One Piece Manga |OT| Four Emperors, One King, All Blue
My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time
Berserk |OT| - Big men, bigger swords, biggest boatrides - Berserk #338 24/7/2015
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure |OT| Get back, Stand up
Shingeki no Kyojin manga thread of TOTAL SPOILER PANDEMONIUM
Hunter x Hunter Community Thread - OSU!
Naruto Manga |OT2| Not A Romance Manga
Dragon Ball Manga/Anime |OT| This isn't even our final thread
Toriko: Manga & Discussion | Put The World On A Plate!
Bleach Manga |OT| Return of the King
Prison school |OT| "WT" stands for "Working together"
Tokyo Ghoul:re Manga - We need a thread to talk about this (spoilers warning)
Onepunch-Man |OT| only S-Class heroes allowed
2015 Manga Reading Club Compilation
Community ventures
~ Manga Thread IRC ~ wonzo: Welp, went ahead and made a manga irc channel at #MangaGAF @ irc.rizon.net More info here.
Link to our resident Pixel King Neoriceisgood's full set of 100 manga/anime avatars
Akito's gallery of all the Weekly Shounen Jump covers
Akito, Charade, dani_dc, God's Beard, Lain, PhillipCostigan, Quixzlizx, upandaway, and Zweizer have worked on several manga projects: Tamayura Kitsune, Tetsuwan Girl, Takkoku!!!, Akai Mi Hajiketa, and Keijo!!!!!!!. Go check them out!
Previous Threads
OT5 We Post on Wednesdays
OT6 Hot blooded smut! (missing)
OT7 This thread gets an F-; I quit; see you next week.
OTL Not a lick of constructive conversation here
OTZ Reading Shounen Garbage > Watching Moe Garbage
OTX Attack on Titles
OTE Thought it was a smut paradise, it was shounen hell
OTP The Salt Smut Only Knows
OT13 Don't bite the dog that feeds the hand.
OTS Yeah I couldn't come up with a thread title ¯\_(?)_/¯
OTY Creatively Bankrupt
OT~ How can I Ignore Such a Magnificent...THREAD!
OTC Delicious cooking not in thread.
Title courtesy of MetroidPrimeRib, refined by Haly.
The D is for doom, darkness, despair, and dakkumauji.
September 2017 Recommendation: Kuuki no Soko

Belonging to Tezuka's most mature period, it touches many genres: from pure science fiction to historical fiction to contemporary drama. We find stories of industrial espionage, animal testing, and racial animosity, as well as stories about the more complex dynamics of the human mind. (source)
A Huge Battleship: Collection of short stories with varied, unorthodox and often quite grisly premises.Previous banners for this thread:
{2017} Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug
Simple rules to follow so we can discuss our favorite manga easily:
1. Sort of guide to how you should post.
In bold, put the name of the series as the first line in your post. Then you can go ahead and discuss whatever is on your mind without tags, okay? Make sure there is a space between the bolded name of the series and your text. Here's an example:
Hunter X Hunter 505
It rules and I don't know why!
2. Regarding manga scanlations.
duckroll said:This is the last time I am ever going to say this. I believe I have mentioned this before. Do not ever, ever direct link to illegal piracy shit. This includes manga releases, manga scanlations, sites and apps which provide such access, etc. STOP DOING IT. This thread is for the discussion of manga, not for the exchange and distribution of illegal material. Don't ask, don't tell. Future offenses will result in normal moderation consequences. Do not reply to this message, just move along. If you have a question, PM me.
So to repeat, DO NOT link to any manga scanlations websites or ask where to read manga.
If you post a panel or page, there should be no logo of any site on it.
3. Regarding spoilers in this thread.
We will discuss all the manga in one topic with no tags. If you don't want to be spoiled by the chapter as soon as the translation is out, do not come in here. Also, since we are not talking about the anime, you can mention new episodes without tags either since they are always behind or are filler. You should know well enough not to come in here not wanting to be spoiled. Please bold the header of your post as shown in rule 1 to help other posters avoid spoilers.
If you understand the content of the chapter you wish to discuss has significant spoilers for the series and wish to discuss without spoiler tags, and the chapter is a fresh (within 1 day) release, please add some additional detail to the bolded chapter title to indicate as such. Example:
Again, no spoiler tags for text needed, that is the benefit of coming here.
Leaks do not count as translation or scans. If a translation has not been released yet, spoiler tag any leaks and discussion of the chapter. Leaks should be sourced (a name/location at least, if a link is not possible).
Regarding image spoilers: "Please do not embed major spoiler images, ever."
If you understand the content of the chapter you wish to discuss has significant spoilers for the series and wish to discuss without spoiler tags, and the chapter is a fresh (within 1 day) release, please add some additional detail to the bolded chapter title to indicate as such. Example:
Exercise good judgement about spoilers.Prison School 666 SUPER SPOILERS
I don't know what I could possibly spoil.
Again, no spoiler tags for text needed, that is the benefit of coming here.
Leaks do not count as translation or scans. If a translation has not been released yet, spoiler tag any leaks and discussion of the chapter. Leaks should be sourced (a name/location at least, if a link is not possible).
Regarding image spoilers: "Please do not embed major spoiler images, ever."
4. I don't know what manga to read. Can you guys help?
Obviously the best way is to ask in the thread so we can give you recommendations that fit your taste better, but if you don't want to do then there are two excellent threads to check out for a list of good manga. Some good advice: don't ask for recommendations late Tuesday and Wednesday.
If you are a shounenhead and want your manga filled with hot blooded action then read cosmicblizzard's nifty thread of awesome battle manga.
If you prefer seinen manga or non-mainstream manga then read flawfuls thread of awesome lesser known manga.
If you want fluffy romance manga, NeoSoma has a chart of sweet and/or fluffy romance manga from /a/.
Other possibilities collected from this thread and link to a list of recommendations/impressions will be found in the second post below.
If you are a shounenhead and want your manga filled with hot blooded action then read cosmicblizzard's nifty thread of awesome battle manga.
If you prefer seinen manga or non-mainstream manga then read flawfuls thread of awesome lesser known manga.
If you want fluffy romance manga, NeoSoma has a chart of sweet and/or fluffy romance manga from /a/.
Other possibilities collected from this thread and link to a list of recommendations/impressions will be found in the second post below.
5. Reading manga on tablets.
If you are looking for manga-reading tech on tablets, Jintor suggests Mango and suko_32 has more details on his tablet setup.
Links to official threads for individual manga/anime series, courtesy of MetroidPrimeRib
One Piece Manga |OT| Four Emperors, One King, All Blue
My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time
Berserk |OT| - Big men, bigger swords, biggest boatrides - Berserk #338 24/7/2015
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure |OT| Get back, Stand up
Shingeki no Kyojin manga thread of TOTAL SPOILER PANDEMONIUM
Hunter x Hunter Community Thread - OSU!
Naruto Manga |OT2| Not A Romance Manga
Dragon Ball Manga/Anime |OT| This isn't even our final thread
Toriko: Manga & Discussion | Put The World On A Plate!
Bleach Manga |OT| Return of the King
Prison school |OT| "WT" stands for "Working together"
Tokyo Ghoul:re Manga - We need a thread to talk about this (spoilers warning)
Onepunch-Man |OT| only S-Class heroes allowed
2015 Manga Reading Club Compilation
Community ventures
~ Manga Thread IRC ~ wonzo: Welp, went ahead and made a manga irc channel at #MangaGAF @ irc.rizon.net More info here.
Link to our resident Pixel King Neoriceisgood's full set of 100 manga/anime avatars
Akito's gallery of all the Weekly Shounen Jump covers
Akito, Charade, dani_dc, God's Beard, Lain, PhillipCostigan, Quixzlizx, upandaway, and Zweizer have worked on several manga projects: Tamayura Kitsune, Tetsuwan Girl, Takkoku!!!, Akai Mi Hajiketa, and Keijo!!!!!!!. Go check them out!
Previous Threads
OT5 We Post on Wednesdays
OT6 Hot blooded smut! (missing)
OT7 This thread gets an F-; I quit; see you next week.
OTL Not a lick of constructive conversation here
OTZ Reading Shounen Garbage > Watching Moe Garbage
OTX Attack on Titles
OTE Thought it was a smut paradise, it was shounen hell
OTP The Salt Smut Only Knows
OT13 Don't bite the dog that feeds the hand.
OTS Yeah I couldn't come up with a thread title ¯\_(?)_/¯
OTY Creatively Bankrupt
OT~ How can I Ignore Such a Magnificent...THREAD!
OTC Delicious cooking not in thread.

Title courtesy of MetroidPrimeRib, refined by Haly.
The D is for doom, darkness, despair, and dakkumauji.