Another victim was claimed.
Saw the reactions and was like hmmm
after reading it
Iron Hammer Against the Witch
that's it? seriously
tame as hell and trying too hard, especially with the "religion is bad mmkay" stuff.
also those feet LOLOLOL
Saw the reactions and was like hmmm
after reading it
Iron Hammer Against the Witch
that's it? seriously
tame as hell and trying too hard, especially with the "religion is bad mmkay" stuff.
also those feet LOLOLOL
Majo ni Ataeru Tettsui 1
It went places that I did not think it was going to go.
You are awake and not about to sleep.
So shhhh
tame as hell????? you sir have lost all of your humanity by being on the internet too much.
Nozoki Ana 1
I think I'll enjoy this one. It seems fun so far. Not much else to say just yet...
tame as hell????? you sir have lost all of your humanity by being on the internet too much.
Wait, is this not good? :3
What is going on here and do I want to know.
Nozoki Ana 1
I think I'll enjoy this one. It seems fun so far. Not much else to say just yet...
Edit: I'll add that the gore itself might be unsettling to some, but honestly this is the kind of stuff that loses its bite after you've seen it once. If anything, this just proves that a huge portion of MangaGAF need to expand their horizons.
This is honestly nothing much. The characters are shallow, the lore is convulted, the setting is laughably monochrome, the entire concept screams teenage "Look at how edgy I am!", and overall the whole thing fails at making you care about any of its content because it doesn't develop anything aside from the gory bits, which means it's just something you'd flip through, mutter "M'kay", and then forget the next day.
It has no lasting value, no impact outside of its initial shock, and the shock itself is just something that's been overdone and exists just for the sake of existing. You take out the violence and it becomes nothing.
Edit: I'll add that the gore itself might be unsettling to some, but honestly this is the kind of stuff that loses its bite after you've seen it once. If anything, this just proves that a huge portion of MangaGAF need to expand their horizons.
Now thats the definition of edgy.You guys should just read Ubel Blatt instead.
Also if its about the sex stuff there are far worse scenarios (even without h works) tbh so while it sucked and all i have seen versions that made me truly ask myself "why the fuck am i reading this".
You guys should just read Ubel Blatt instead.
Pretty much. The whole thing lacks elaboration and emotional impact. It felt it was just there for the sake of edginess.
Hello Manga Gaffer...This is nearly the same post as myopening post in Anime Gaf, yo you will maybe see it twice? Anyway, after days of stucking in the queue i'm finally allowed to post. So hello hello wise men and girls of manga and other stuff.
I enjoy action as much as i enjoy romance/drama, so i'm looking for both.
Thanks for reading this and again Hello Neogaf!
i still laugh at how this series aped the craziness/sexual stuff from Berserk to apparently acquire an audience then pretty much tone it down to nothingness (until a recent character was introduced at least).
Thanks for reading this and again Hello Neogaf!
It is a work of science fiction set in a distant future, where the Earth has been evacuated and humanity now inhabits a man-made ring-shaped city orbiting 35 kilometers above the planet's surface. The ring is divided into floors, of which there are three; the first being the living space of everyday workers, the second being dedicated to agriculture, and the third being the dwellings of the upper class. The plot follows the life of a young man called Mitsu, whose job as a window cleaner allows him a glimpse into the lives of the ring's inhabitants, as he attempts to learn more about his father's disappearance while working in the same job.
This is honestly nothing much. The characters are shallow, the lore is convulted, the setting is laughably monochrome, the entire concept screams teenage "Look at how edgy I am!", and overall the whole thing fails at making you care about any of its content because it doesn't develop anything aside from the gory bits, which means it's just something you'd flip through, mutter "M'kay", and then forget the next day.
It has no lasting value, no impact outside of its initial shock, and the shock itself is just something that's been overdone and exists just for the sake of existing. You take out the violence and it becomes nothing.
Edit: I'll add that the gore itself might be unsettling to some, but honestly this is the kind of stuff that loses its bite after you've seen it once. If anything, this just proves that a huge portion of MangaGAF need to expand their horizons.
You guys should just read Ubel Blatt instead.
I hope you don't mind me adding a third category~
Read the first chapter, pretty bad if you ask me.
And suddenly ManGAF had its Horus heresy