Final page ought to have been in colour too. Soma in this AU is great. Though no one he could survive against Kurokiba Ryou's blade.
is that how you rationalize Kurokiba not winning?
Final page ought to have been in colour too. Soma in this AU is great. Though no one he could survive against Kurokiba Ryou's blade.
is that how you rationalize Kurokiba not winning?
Dammit, we can't see I'm holding Chopper with my teeth on my avatar.
I meant their outfits.
just do a closeup
super closeup
I don't understand why that's a "but"But Kohakutried to kill me
Between Arc and Ciel I'm definitely an Arc guy but y'all know Kohaku is the best
hallelujah overdrive
oh dear his brother is his love rival
rain 51
new best girl
Sundome 1-3
I'm...Not entirely sure what's going on yet.
Onepunch-Man 41
Saitama you ass
Kasane, you have spoiled me today. I will definitely read both of these tonight.
And it has begun, keep on reading it till the end.
Onepunch-Man 41
Saitama you ass
What the hell is a Vita?
As someone who came home and discovered that his Shokugeki no Soma books were delivered today.
I finally have consumer rights when I say this.
Food Wars! is a terrible name.
As someone who came home and discovered that his Shokugeki no Soma books were delivered today.
I finally have consumer rights when I say this.
Food Wars! is a terrible name.
should have been all edgy and went with Food Warz!
Shokugeki no Soma 101
I'd disqualify him for serving an unfinished dish to his customers.
Shokugeki no Soma 101
I'd disqualify him for serving an unfinished dish to his customers.
One Nakiri being the cutest thing on my screen.
Another Nakiri fantasizing being violated by little angels in the book in front of me.
Soma in both instances, being the badass he's always been.
I feel like I should pop open some wine and find a fireplace to drink.
well you aint getting demn perfect nakiris
me neither
we need to go full anime
picked up utsubora cuz its going oop and it looks interesting enough