Why doesn't Madara intervene? Makes no sense.
Because he only wants Hashirama inside him, not everyone else.
Why doesn't Madara intervene? Makes no sense.
five guys in n out
So, MangaGAF: which one's better: Yandere or Tsundere?
No One Piece this week brah.Naruto and Bleach this week aren't even worth commenting on.
Can't wait to be disappointed by OP too.
No One Piece this week brah.
On the one hand I'm kinda bummed out this shifted away from the Water Polo stuff but OTOH
I don't understand.
The whole first part of their invasion had no purpose but to take Yamamoto out, probably also to kill the captains they stole the bankai from maybe.Bleach
I don't even bother to comment on Bleach and Naruto anymore for a long time now but this chapter of Bleach was hilarious. Let me get this straight, the Quincies stole the bankais knowing that thank to it they can't use Vollständig anymore and Buckbeard was actually expecting the Shinigamis to somehow get their Bankais back but that's ok, the Quincies can now just use Vollständig to own them anyway? Really Kubo?
I don't even bother to comment on Bleach and Naruto anymore for a long time now but this chapter of Bleach was hilarious. Let me get this straight, the Quincies stole the bankais knowing that thank to it they can't use Vollständig anymore and Buckbeard was actually expecting the Shinigamis to somehow get their Bankais back but that's ok, the Quincies can now just use Vollständig to own them anyway? Really Kubo?
For the same reason he never told his Sternritter that this would happen either. None, as it has no reason to begin with, it's nonsensical. Killing Yamamoto seems to have been the main objective, anything else was a distraction to weaken the forces.I don't understand why the quincies would steal their bankais in the first place (to handicap them), only for their enemies (the Shinigami) to train and get stronger without it, to later just lose it again "as predicted".
To be fair, I can see the tactical value of this strategy.The whole first part of their invasion had no purpose but to take Yamamoto out, probably also to kill the captains they stole the bankai from maybe.
I don't understand why the quincies would steal their bankais in the first place (to handicap them), only for their enemies (the Shinigami) to train and get stronger without it, to later just lose it again "as predicted".
I don't even bother to comment on Bleach and Naruto anymore for a long time now but this chapter of Bleach was hilarious. Let me get this straight, the Quincies stole the bankais knowing that thank to it they can't use Vollständig anymore and Buckbeard was actually expecting the Shinigamis to somehow get their Bankais back but that's ok, the Quincies can now just use Vollständig to own them anyway? Really Kubo?
Does not surprise me at all considering your pickup posts. I don't know if I had asked you before but do you have time to actually read them all?
I usually read most of the stuff I purchase every month, with a few exceptions.
The exceptions are mostly stuff I buy out of habit like, for example, Perfect Girl Evolution, which I don't feel like reading it anymore because it never changes, but I already have so many volumes that I might as well complete the collection and finish reading it when it'll end (will it ever end?).
Then there's stuff like A Town Where You Rage, that I buy (why? I don't know, maybe it's the covers) but don't read because I've already read most of what's been published here in scanlation form, so might as well not waste time on it a second time.
Everyone is so polite in this story. When they powerup, they thank their opponent.
Can't Kubo be at least a little original when it comes to the shit talk?
I don't even bother to comment on Bleach and Naruto anymore for a long time now but this chapter of Bleach was hilarious. Let me get this straight, the Quincies stole the bankais knowing that thank to it they can't use Vollständig anymore and Buckbeard was actually expecting the Shinigamis to somehow get their Bankais back but that's ok, the Quincies can now just use Vollständig to own them anyway? Really Kubo?
Bleach: C
Really, it's fine that they took the Bankais and Bach knew they would get them back. The point was less of a power-play, and more of a way to cause despair (which was compounded by Yamamoto's death). First invasion was meant to be a moral victory more than anything. Not every captain got his/her bankai stolen, so we know that some SR still had Volstandig.
But still, these fights need to be much better than they've been. Shinji sighting is cool. Fire dude's reaction to Bruce Lee's ice coffin was funny as shit.
By the way, for those of you reading Sora no Otoshimono, it sounds like instead of a third TV series it's getting another movie next year.
I'm not throwing out this possibility either. He could just be going full moron mode. No big okay. I think its abundantly clear now that Kubo doesn't even know how to write villians whose methods are just being evil for the sake of fucking doing it.
By the way, for those of you reading Sora no Otoshimono, it sounds like instead of a third TV series it's getting another movie next year.
You guys are just not smart enough to appreciate Kubo's writing genius
Who ever saw Cang Du and BG9 being fine coming?!
50 bucks says Waifuritter has a high-heel face turn and/or lives through this even though everyone else won't.
Have we seen any named females get killed in this series so far? Even Momo seems to live on despite getting ganked by half the cast
I remember that plenty of people died because they could not hold the tailed beast inside. While it´s not the same, but it´s irritating me that everyone can use Naruto´s Kyuubi chakra without any consequence to their bodies whatsoever. Even if the Kyuubi is cooperating with Naruto that does not make regular shinobi are immune to damage from chakra and their physique can suddenly take a huge power without any consequence.
Unohana, but that was a heroic sacrifice.Have we seen any named females get killed in this series so far? Even Momo seems to live on despite getting ganked by half the cast
May I ask how you afford to buy these walls for your manga house while also managing to feed yourself? I guess you don't have to pay for electricity or water when your house is made of manga.
I must credit Kurita again for the manga house hypothesis.