It's not even that rare of a phenomenon lolI was checking out Masamune-kun no Revenge when I stumbled upon this:
42? I've seen some old lolis in anime/manga, but holy monkey-christ on a stick
It's not even that rare of a phenomenon lol
Alright, let me make amends with this thenThe second example isn't all that good tho. If we allow stuff like "I got turned into a little girl!" or "I'm immortal!" then yeah, the amount of old loli characters is pretty big. I wasn't speaking about those kinds of characters tho.
UQ Holder! 10
She's a keeper.
Reminder that Kuro is a girl.
Gravity sword antics in the beginning were amusing.
So he killed himself, then a giant Newfoundland told him how to become a human? I'm sorry but that's just stupid as fuck. It's really goddamn stupid. That's the dumbest thing I'll read this week.
One Piece
Drake was the first to go after Kaidou, is he now working for him based on the cover story?
i'm guessing these 'wolf men' will be the lead villains next Bleach arc...?
I like how dude in Aunt Tits apparently got laid like 20 chapters ago but y'all are still making reaction posts like whatever meaningless girl of the week showed up is important.
What next Bleach arc? This is it. This is the final arc (thank god).
I like how dude in Aunt Tits apparently got laid like 20 chapters ago but y'all are still making reaction posts like whatever meaningless girl of the week showed up is important.
eh, I doubt it. I mean why introduce this super powerful race of wolf men all for nothing? The Quincy are probably gonna take a break after the Sternritter currently in SS are stomped, then wolf men arc, and then back to the Wandenreich, etc.
Kubo came out and said this is the endgame. Introducing the wolf men and doing nothing with them is exactly like something Kubo would do. Don't expect anything from it.
Kubo came out and said this is the endgame. Introducing the wolf men and doing nothing with them is exactly like something Kubo would do. Don't expect anything from it.
The fact that Jump and Kubo made such a big fucking deal about Bleach ending is what makes me not all that confident Naruto is anywhere near being over.
Just ending an extremely popular series with no fanfare at all would be an exceptionally shitty marketing decision. Then again, we're talking about the Japanese Entertaintainment industry. The same one that refused to make any more Chrono Trigger sequels.
That's not what I expected you to say about Law's flashback. That thing needs to give out a lot more than some inner workings!One Piece
So I'm guessing we're gonna get 3 flashbacks this arc. We already got Rebecca's and now we have Toy Soldier's. But we still need Law's to explain the inner workings of Doflamingo's operation.
people expecting the Bleach endgame/Quincy arc to not have numerous breaks before it's wrapped are gonna be in for a surprise, imo... LOL
That's not what I expected you to say about Law's flashback. That thing needs to give out a lot more than some inner workings!
And even then, Law doesn't have anything to do with Mango's Tenryuubito history, who knows when we'll get that stuff.