Scientia 3 - 7 END
Probably one of the few Seinen aimed manga that didnt turn out entirely bad or boring. Perhaps the short focus of sorts and slightly interconnected stories made it feel unique and different from much of the tone of other series in the demographic. In any event I enjoyed spending the few hours to get through it. Alot of it was quite thought provoking imagining if I myself were in those situations if I would take up those offers. The musician one in Accelerator was most compelling in regards to that as it seemed to have one who was trying to things without any help and another who wanted all the help he could get just to succeed. In the end I think both routes were alright but kind of sad at the same time. I imagine it depends on what is fulfilling to each person themself, Id probably took the fame route, maybe.
Only thing I didn't like was the art, the characters always seemed to look the same, especially the female characters. Robot nurse didnt seem to be that different then the look of the one from the earlier story than the look of the mom in the daughter story and so on. They all always had that round face of sorts even the minor characters, it was really an issue when the builder story came up and he mentioned the female character we saw in a previous story who ended up getting a fulfilled life later.
I wouldn't mind reading their other works though.