X/1999 - Vol. 5-8
Let's look at some pretty pictures, shall we? This series is finally starting to pick up as of volume 8.
This showdown is all I've been waiting for. The conclusion of the events started in Tokyo Babylon. Kick his ass, Subaru! Damn, he's not just a little kid anymore.
Ahhhhh. Even if the story doesn't make much sense, the gorgeous art is there to make you forget about the series' other shortcomings.
The issue I had with this series is that Kamui just wouldn't pick a side. Volumes 5, 6, and 7 just kept harping on the "Pick a side, Kamui! You must pick a side!" And, really, why would he want to destroy the planet. Just pick the good side, asshole. We all know you're going to.
Oh, shit. Maybe that wasn't the right side. I mean... I guess that your best friend goes homoerotic psycho either way, so... eh. It's
Tokyo Babylon all over again, but this time, without the foreshadowing that he's evil! Why is this happening?
This is the most

TL thing I've ever read. There's no overt homosexuality, but it sure likes to tease whoever is into shipping. Eat your heart out.
Have you read this, DTL? That last image had to grab your attention.