You go girl. Wouldn't have pegged her as a swimming extraordinaire, but that's fine too.
Sooooooo according to this interview, apparently Isayama wants to dump the original "traumatic" ending that he had planned from the start in Attack on Titan in light of all the new fans that were brought in from the anime series.
Now he's not really sure how it'll end. :|
(i saw this posted on less-than-reliable places so i apologize if any of this is incorrect)
An ending where the good guys lose and the final image is Eren and co being eaten by Titans would be okay with me
The ending needs to be a titan's foot stamping on a human faceAn ending where the good guys lose and the final image is Eren and co being eaten by Titans would be okay with me
can't wait for the next "main fight", I'm sure that it's going to be amazing.
I'm buying the Italian All Rounder Meguru, but I've been bugging my friend to get this one for me as well. One thing I don't get, Planet Manga reprinted Eden in omnibuses and stated it'd get missing covers as color inserts but my 2nd volume has a grayscale one.![]()
Dude, when even Mitsuhashi acknowledges your bad timing, you really dun goofed.
Sure those were pretty funny at first but after a millionth time of him playing dirty in one way or another, it's hard to get excited anymore. I'd rather have more of the trio's parents tbh.Oh I dunno, some of fighting can be pretty entertaining too, especially with mitsuhashi's "tactics".
Sooooooo according to this interview, apparently Isayama wants to dump the original "traumatic" ending that he had planned from the start in Attack on Titan in light of all the new fans that were brought in from the anime series.
Now he's not really sure how it'll end. :|
(i saw this posted on less-than-reliable places so i apologize if any of this is incorrect)
Isn't this part of the 101 school of things an author shouldn't do? I mean its one thing to write a happier ending because you think it fits the story better. It's another thing to change it just to avoid potentially pissing someone off. Seems like a good way to end up with a trainwreck ending :/
On an unrelated note, what exactly is One Punch Man? A Japanese take on the classic American super hero story?
Prison School 89
The ending was rather
Yup.I just got caught up in prison school. Is it a weekly manga?
Is Crunchyroll manga worth it (selection wise)? I'm thinking of upgrading my sub to get it.
Is Crunchyroll manga worth it (selection wise)? I'm thinking of upgrading my sub to get it.
wow that is a weak selection
Do you like any of these series?
Yeah I think I'm going to hold off on this.I honestly haven't used it once since upgrading, but I do want to support the service and hope it grows into what I was imagining it'd be. Probably better off waiting til the selection is bigger
I honestly haven't used it once since upgrading, but I do want to support the service and hope it grows into what I was imagining it'd be. Probably better off waiting til the selection is bigger
It's certainly a better selection than Viz's Weekly Shonen Jump. Which only has 6 series that are actually weekly. The rest are monthly or irregular (One-Punch Man). No, I'm not counting Dragon Ball, it's sad enough they need to include that in the first place.
I'm convinced CR before Viz will figure out a way to enable users to pay to read entire series from start to finish on a monthly subscription in a way that doesn't punish later comers.
I can see that happen. Especially for the over 200 chapter series (Fairy Tail, Space Brothers, Ragetown).
Also, Viz needs to really focus on new Jump series. Last new one they added was World Trigger and that was from the beginning of the year (I know they had Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, but that was only 11 chapters, and only there because Akira Toriyama).
Hachi and Iron Knight would have been good additions, but that didn't happen.
I'm convinced CR before Viz will figure out a way to enable users to pay to read entire series from start to finish on a monthly subscription in a way that doesn't punish later comers.
That feeling when you find out that an author is going to make a porn doujinshi of one of his own works, until you realize that the work in question was already halfway (3/4 of the way?) there already.
Oh??? OH!?!
I'm convinced CR before Viz will figure out a way to enable users to pay to read entire series from start to finish on a monthly subscription in a way that doesn't punish later comers.
Planet makes weird mistakes at times. Like the golden cover for Punpun volume 12, which was supposed to be black, or the missing pages from the normal edition of Green Blood, that were full color in the deluxe edition and for some reason weren't printed for the normal.
Though I didn't know about this one.
Do they reprint with corrected pages?
Planet Manga ho letto in questi giorni, il n.8 di Eden deluxe, ma scusate, potevate avvertire che per leggerlo servivano gli occhiali 3D, almeno un 20ina di tavole sono state stampate con una fastidiosa sfocatura, insomma siete stati tutto sommato impeccabili finora sulle deluxe ma a quel prezzo di copertina a vedere una resa di stampa cosi ti girano
Mattia Dal Corno
Perché tu credi davvero che esista un qualsiasi editore al mondo, e non parlo solo di editori di fumetti, che controlla tutte le pagine di tutte le tirature? Non scherziamo. Degli errori di questo tipo possono sempre capitare se stampi tanto quanto facciamo noi, e cmq sono pure errori non nostri ma del tipografo. Il controllo qualità c'è l'abbiamo eccome, tra l'altro