Shounen Jump Issue 24:
So, Roggy really ended. That was very fast. You shall not drop Kagamigami.
Glad to see Gakkyuu Houtei continue life as a monthly instead of just being canceled.
Never give up hope.
I haven't read it yet, but I have a feeling that the only character I'll recognize is Chitoge. What are these mysterious manga?
It's not really being continued, just enough to fill up for volume three. Judos did the same.Glad to see Gakkyuu Houtei continue life as a monthly instead of just being canceled.
What if everything from the first Fukka's death was just a dream that Fukka 1 was having and she wakes up in the Hospital with only a broken arm?
What if everything from the first Fukka's death was just a dream that Fukka 1 was having and she wakes up in the Hospital with only a broken arm?
Fuuka 59-60
First you drop out of high school, then you sign contracts you don't read!?
Best part of chapter 60 was Sara's faces when she sees Yuu sleeping and waking up.
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka 34
Well she just got a whole lot cuter.
Magi 264
pls let it stay this way
I hope not, don't want to see Aladdin's cry face anymore.
It's often hailed as a classic. Personally, while I liked it overall, I wouldn't quite go that far.How is Hitoshi Iwaaki's 'Parasyte'? The news that Hayao Miyazaki was/is a fan and at one point wanted to a make a film adaptation of it at Ghibli got me intrigued.
How is Hitoshi Iwaaki's 'Parasyte'? The news that Hayao Miyazaki was/is a fan and at one point wanted to a make a film adaptation of it at Ghibli got me intrigued.
Domestic no Kanojo 42
Why Rui is so likeable?