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March 2005 PSP launch delayed says analysts, insiders


From Gamespot:


"In the memo, the American Technology Research analyst outlines his reasons for suspecting that Sony's upcoming portable may not make its March 2005 release window. "We continue to monitor the status of development for the upcoming Sony PlayStation Portable and believe that wide publisher support may be challenging for a North American launch in the March 2005 quarter."

One reason for McNealy's supposition is that Sony has not sent out the PSP yet. "From a developer’s perspective, they would have ideally already had an SDK for a March 2005 launch, as the later the arrival of an SDK into July or August, the odds of having a game ready drop," read the memo. "

More in the article.
March 2005 PSP launch delayed says analysts, insiders

Gamespot's artitle titled: Analyst: PSP may miss March 2005 launch.

A nice blatant misrepresentation of the article. Thanks.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Comments that Kaz Hirai has made during and since E3 certainly suggest that Sony knows they're going to be light on content for launch. I think they know they're going to have to rely on the output of internal dev teams initially with only a smattering of support from 3rd parties until a few months into PSP retail availability. I doubt they'll delay the PSP past the end of this fiscal year, if they can get the "6-10" launch titles that Kaz indicated was sufficient.


You hear that? That's the sound of millions of GBASP's and NDS's being bought in the PSP's stead.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Lost Weekend said:
You hear that? That's the sound of millions of GBASP's and NDS's being bought in the PSP's stead.
GBA's certainly, not so sure about the NDS outside of the early adopter crowd who were sure to buy it anyway. After all, if the PSP delays as much as analyst's fear (past Mar 2005) then that puts the NDS in the awkward position of being the highest priced, least focused, least battery efficient and least portable handheld gaming device singlehandedly threatening to drive away 2d through the use of 3d for longer than it expected to be. Competing against the GBA SP, that's just not an enviable position to be in by yourself... ;)


This will give time for Nintendo to tweak Pokemon Emerald (confirmed) for either DS or GBA and release it later when the PSP launches.


kaching said:
GBA's certainly, not so sure about the NDS outside of the early adopter crowd who were sure to buy it anyway. After all, if the PSP delays as much as analyst's fear (past Mar 2005) then that puts the NDS in the awkward position of being the highest priced, least focused, least battery efficient and least portable handheld gaming device singlehandedly threatening to drive away 2d through the use of 3d for longer than it expected to be. Competing against the GBA SP, that's just not an enviable position to be in by yourself... ;)

That's some good spin. It also leaves the NDS as the only new portable for a while, which is definately an enviable position.
sony has spies reading GAF and teh horror @ reaction to revoltionary wrist blister pack = delay.

Seriously, March 2005 japan is more like it. It probably will have another E3 showing with games before launch. It practically needs that.


Belfast said:
Its not an enviable position when the only other competition comes from another product by YOUR company.

I'd consider it an enviable position for Nintendo to be in. Low end consumers buy GBASP, and those wanting something new buy Nintendo DS. GBA software can be played on both, so it's sales shouldn't be affected in a negative way, and either way, it's all cash going to Nintendo.
Thats a very enviable position IMO.


Another question. Is the same company doing the GBA screens (Sharp, I believe) the same company doing the PSP screens? If so, does anyone think that Nintendo's needs (what with a shortage going about, and with Nintendo certainly eating up the bulk of supply with GBA's selling like hotcakes, thus giving Nintendo more than a bit of leverage, and the NDS needing not one, but two screens) may prevent (or be preventing) Sony from getting as many screens as they need to meet launch and may be a factor in the delay? Just something that crossed my mind.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Shoryuken said:
That's some good spin. It also leaves the NDS as the only new portable for a while, which is definately an enviable position.
Just playing the game that Lost Weekend started and even as I admit that it has an element of spin to it, it's not a scenario you can simply brush off. All of the weaknesses leveled at the PSP become the sole burden of the NDS to carry in the face of the GBA. PSP doomsayers can't have it both ways.


kaching said:
Just playing the game that Lost Weekend started and even as I admit that it has an element of spin to it, it's not a scenario you can simply brush off. All of the weaknesses leveled at the PSP become the sole burden of the NDS to carry in the face of the GBA. PSP doomsayers can't have it both ways.

That's true to a degree, but you've also got to realise that those burdens would naturally lead the weary consumer towards the GBASP, and either way, it's still money in Nintendo's pocket.
Plus, with the phenomenon of the early adopter, you'll naturally see the NDS exhaust it's supply around Christmas regardless. With no competition, Nintendo kinda does have the benefit of 'having it both ways' :)


One reason for McNealy's supposition is that Sony has not sent out the PSP yet. "From a developer’s perspective, they would have ideally already had an SDK for a March 2005 launch, as the later the arrival of an SDK into July or August, the odds of having a game ready drop," read the memo. .
Wait, I thought Sony had already sent out final SDKs and hardware kits (as of E3)? Now they're not coming until July/August??


I think they are holding out for the slight hope that battery technology will improve by then... The battery life is priority #1


And even i am moderately surprised
"Wait, I thought Sony had already sent out final SDKs and hardware kits (as of E3)? Now they're not coming until July/August??"

yup, i thought we had this whole E3 arguement about SDKs not being out yet - but most people saying they were.


I'm guessing/hoping that sony have a couple of strong internal titles that would carry the launch here - surely the Mingol port should be fairly straight forward?

Original content might get a hefty kick in the nuts, but hey ho....


Sony was quick to respond to Mr. McNealy's memo: "The PSP is definitely on track," said Molly Smith, Sony Computer Entertainment of America's director of public relations. "We haven't changed our window at all. What we laid out at E3 remains fact today." Sony's representative also stated that just recently, before the memo was released, Sony updated the development community about its PSP plans and we know that Hardware based SDK's are beginning to circulate as SCE had them for internal use weeks before E3.


Metal Gear card game + Hot Shots Golf + Gran Turismo, all playable on the toilet = I can wait a couple of extra months. :)


If they can get Ten No Kagi, Gagharv and Dynasty Warriors for launch, then I wouldn't mind a little wait.

I'm really disappointed learn that, according to PSM, Sony said only black will be available. I want the white/yellow damnit! Although, PSM went on to speculate that faceplates could be a possibility. That would be even better than having different color systems!


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Lost Weekend said:
That's true to a degree, but you've also got to realise that those burdens would naturally lead the weary consumer towards the GBASP, and either way, it's still money in Nintendo's pocket.
Plus, with the phenomenon of the early adopter, you'll naturally see the NDS exhaust it's supply around Christmas regardless. With no competition, Nintendo kinda does have the benefit of 'having it both ways' :)
Which is exactly what I said in the first place. Key point being, a scenario where PSP is delayed past 3/05 doesn't really guarantee any additional sales for the DS and may in fact decrease sales since the DS won't have the immediate perception of "the happy medium".


This is almost like the Sega Dreamcast Scenerio.

but then again, sega was always proned to making d00m3d consoles. ;)

I don't get some of the logic in this thread. Saying that the psp being delayed means the NDS will triumph over the psp?


And even i am moderately surprised
"Key point being, a scenario where PSP is delayed past 3/05 doesn't really guarantee any additional sales for the DS and may in fact decrease sales since the DS won't have the immediate perception of "the happy medium"."


*i kid*
If they had sdk's they would have been at E3. They have software that emulates the PSP on a PC.

Not sure if this helps the DS though, both handhelds are mistakes imo.


Daxter Too said:
If they had sdk's they would have been at E3. They have software that emulates the PSP on a PC.

Not sure if this helps the DS though, both handhelds are mistakes imo.

um, a SDK is basically a PC.
neptunes said:
but some people here think the exact opposite almost saying the psp will fail.
The exact opposite meaning what?

- If the DS is delayed, PSP sales go down
- If the DS is delayed, PSP sales go up
- If the PSP is delayed, DS sales go up



Kobun Heat said:
The exact opposite meaning what?

[ ]- If the DS is delayed, PSP sales go down
[ ]- If the DS is delayed, PSP sales go up
[x]- If the PSP is delayed, DS sales go up




GAF's Pleasant Genius
Daxter Too said:
If they had sdk's they would have been at E3. They have software that emulates the PSP on a PC.

Not sure if this helps the DS though, both handhelds are mistakes imo.

SCEI had final ( with prolly some small bugs, I do not think they were ready for mass production in high volumes at that time ) working Hardware weeks prior to E3: I have it on pretty good authority ( well so would you if you read around a bit ;) ).

That does not mean that they had it in large enough quantity to ship it to all 3rd parties.


I think the previous sdk's were developed with the old psp specifications in mind.

i.e before the 32mb ram upgrade.


PSP Japan: 3rd/4th quarter 2005
PSP USA: 4th quarter 2005 or 1st quarter 2006
PS3 Japan: 1st/2nd quarter 2006
PS3 USA: 4th quaurter 2006

How far off am I on these dates?
As I understand it, the first party Sony demos were indeed put together on PSP development hardware. But only those.

I wouldn't exactly be shocked if the PSP was delayed. It's already been bumped past Christmas - another couple of months to get the software finalized wouldn't be catastrophic now.


god no!

psp US/NA 4th quarter 2005 laucnh = sony, why bother?

but if that means low cost and efficient battery life then I'm all for it!

at one point they were considering a worldwide launch (beats me), maybe they should attempt that next year.


And even i am moderately surprised
well, perhaps this is all part of the plan?


Stage 1. Mention world wide launch.
Stage 2. Alter plan, and stagger launch - Japan first
Stage 3. Delay foreign launch beyond initial date - so it's some 8 months after Japan
Stage 4. Stay on course with the Japanese launch and shaft the loyal fanbase royally. Fans in Japan feel happy because they get the machine way before everyone else.
Stage 5. "Profit"
Stage 6. Europe bends over and takes a 299 GBP equivalent machine whilst the US kids get it for 299$
Stage 7. Repeat for Ps3.
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