Great match/atmosphereI'm in the mood to watch RVD vs Cena at ECW ONS just for the crowd
I'm in the mood to watch RVD vs Cena at ECW ONS just for the crowd
I'm in the mood to watch RVD vs Cena at ECW ONS just for the crowd
What it does to a man? What it does? It did fucking NOTHING! NOTHING! You were the same happy-go-lucky, smirking asshole the very next night on RAW!
On smackdownDid that picture of Punk cutting a promo in Rock's Miami jersey ever air? I feel like I missed it.
Once In A Lifetime Part Deux: Even Shittier Than Part One
Rock can rhyme fire and desire like no other.
Exactly. If WWE had sold the shit out of it, with Cena going into a visible tailspin and not being able to beat anyone, getting frustrated etc., maybe even leading to a heel turn, this would actually be a pretty amazing WM lead-up.
As-is, but's just complete shit.
Rick James disagrees.
Did that picture of Punk cutting a promo in Rock's Miami jersey ever air? I feel like I missed it.