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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites


I kind of want the new Sim City and Tomb Raider games. But right now I'm saving up cash for music festival at the end of April.


I've been having a lot of fun with SimCity when I'm able to play. Right now it says I can't login to their servers because of a network error so I guess no SimCity for me right now!
I'll be buying SimCity next once the servers are straightened up. It looks too fun to pass up.

Also dear god almighty they're going to ruin Generico.


According to Amazon 2k Games is re-releasing WWE 13. Probably with DLC included.

Edit to prevent double post:

I'm actually thinking my next new game will be The Last of Us.

I'm more about enjoying and playing music right now than video games....which btw is a much cheaper hobby

I dunno, concerts are expensive here. I'll probably spend £10-£25 on a ticket, £12-20 on travel into London, £30 on drinks, etc. Shit adds up, so I only end up seeing a handful of bands each year. It doesn't help that the local music scene here is pretty shit, although we have some great folk artists.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think I want to try Tomb Raider eventually, but I want to play Bioshock more and I eventually want to try Ascension.

Plus, I'm kind of thinking about waiting to get Tomb Raider when I get my new PC. IDK though. I still haven't committed to how much I want to spend on that.

On PC, those TressFX? Not kidding. Shit's hot.

Jeezus, I feel like I buy a lot of games because I keep wondering "why wait?" for a lot of these mentioned above.


I dunno, concerts are expensive here. I'll probably spend £10-£25 on a ticket, £12-20 on travel into London, £30 on drinks, etc. Shit adds up, so I only end up seeing a handful of bands each year. It doesn't help that the local music scene here is pretty shit, although we have some great folk artists.

The local music scene is getting better around here, so I haven't had to travel as much lately for shows. I'm going to two festivals this year and that's all I'm planning on traveling for.
-- The Rock is not scheduled for the next two RAW TV tapings, but will be at the final two RAW tapings before WrestleMania 29.



-- The Rock is not scheduled for the next two RAW TV tapings, but will be at the final two RAW tapings before WrestleMania 29.


I can't wait for Cena's speech after winning the belt on the Raw after Mania where he tells the world that he will be on every single Raw while he remains champ.


Cena will joke about "Via Satellite" and talk about how he's never left the WWE, how he shows up to work every day, that no one cares more about being here than him...

As if that's not the problem in the first place.
So, I'm just curious, what game are you guys planning on buying next, rasslegaf?

likely Lego City for me.

Nice choice, Lego City looks fun.

I'll be buying the new Luigi's Mansion this month, and probably Darkstalkers Resurrection too; if the latter comes out as a PS+ freebee, I might just wait until it goes back to being sold on its own.

I can't wait for Cena's speech after winning the belt on the Raw after Mania where he tells the world that he will be on every single Raw while he remains champ.

Y'know, something like that would have made me frown last year, but now it's just kind of like deja vu.


Raw Breakdown:

In the segment-by-segment, the first segment with C.M. Punk and Paul Heyman out for an interview, with Randy Orton, Sheamus and Big Show coming out to set up the main event opened with a 3.7 rating.

We don’t have exact gains and losses, but have very close estimates for each match or segment. Ryback vs. Antonio Cesaro lost 427,000 viewers. Mark Henry vs. Zack Ryder gained 142,000 viewers. The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler (segment with Ric Flair) stayed even. The star segment of the show was the Rock face-off with John Cena, which did a 4.1 quarter and gained 855,000 viewers at 9 p.m. Jack Swagger vs. Jim Duggan, with Dusty Rhodes and Sgt. Slaughter, lost 712,000 viewers. Kane & Daniel Bryan vs. Prime Time Players (Ted DiBiase Sr. at ringside) and Brodus Clay & Tensai vs. Drew McIntyre & Heath Slater (Honky Tonk Man return) lost 142,000 viewers.

The Fandango ring entrance and interview lost 284,000 viewers. The HHH promo gained 427,000 viewers and did a 3.6 rating at 10 p.m. Wade Barrett vs. Alberto Del Rio and a Swagger & Zeb Colter video promo lost 427,000 viewers. The Mae Young birthday lost 142,000 viewers and was the lowest rated portion of the show. C.M. Punk’s winning the four-way over Show, Orton and Sheamus gained 570,000 viewers to a 3.7 overrun.

That Rock vs Cena promo did a 4.1. It does show that the casual audience seems not to care that the match is happening again.



WCW Thunder 3/7/2001

I hope this is better than the last Thunder.

2 Count vs Jason B/Scotty O

The final first round match of the tournament. Jason B is actually EZ Money. Kid Kash had also been hanging around Nitros and house shows, but hasn't been on TV yet. I guess he had an attitude problem even back then. I see that Velvet Sky stole her tights from EZ.


I don't know who this Scotty O is. He looks bland as fuck. You have to work hard to look more bland than Shannon Moore. Dive sequence ends with Scotty O doing an Asai moonsault. F5 from Scotty O! Crush is going to be pissed. EZ has some nifty moves. 2 Count win with a combo flapjack/fameasser.


TO THE BACK. Scott Steiner throws a trash can at a security member.

Scott Steiner comes to the ring. HOLLAR. He's going to kill some WHITE TRASH at Greed. He's going to "slidify" himself as the best champion of all times. He calls out The Cat. Cat comes out. He's going to get in his limo, have SMOOV drive around the building and push him out, and then come to the ring and beat Steiner's ass. It's a drive by ass whooping. Steiner is going to fuck him up. DDP's music hits. He's in the crowd again. He keeps wearing 3 Stooges shirts. He talks about "Creed" again. Rick Steiner came up behind DDP, but Hugh Morris was behind Rick.

Norman Smiley vs Shawn Stasiak

Meat brought his pictures with him. He got really worried when they got knocked out of his hands. Bleh. Meat wins with a Ron Simmons-styled spinebuster. He heels on fat, bald, tattooed, toothless people. That is awfully specific.

TO THE BACK. Kanyon confronts SMOOV for stooging him off to Cat. Kanyon flips over the limo with a forklift and runs off. After a break, EMTs and security attend to SMOOV in his upside down limo.

Prime Time vs Shane Helms

Shane kind of looks like a horse. This goes into the crowd where Shane hip tosses Prime Time back into the ring area then hits a cross body off the guard rail. Shane is another guy who had a weird non-turn face turn. He was just a face one day. Even before he and Shannon broke up, he was wrestling solo matches against heels out of the blue and was supposed to be the one you cheered for. He didn't really do anything to turn face. He just was a face one day. Vertebreaker for the win. Kid Romeo ambushes Shane after the match. The Filthy Animals make the save. This was disappointing.


Rick Steiner vs Hugh Morris

Rick wants to start it on the floor. Hugh ain't playing that bullshit. Rick then uses the ref as a shield and kicks Hugh in the balls. First move of the match. Whoever laid Hugh's matches out did a terrible job. For real. They make him look like such a loser. Hugh might as well be Lash in there. Rick goes on the floor and screams at some kids who look completely non plussed. Hugh is just being dominated. Steiner comes out of the ring multiple times to fuck around with fans and Hugh still can't get any offense. I get booking lower card guys like this to make Steiner look like a bad ass, but Hugh is above that and they're trying to make him a big deal. To have him look like any other jobber does less to make Rick look good and more to make Hugh look like a loser. Lance and Awesome came out. One distracted the ref, the other hit Hugh, and Rick hits a DVD for the win. Seriously, I think Hugh had 2 punches in the match. That was the entirety of his offense. Konnan makes a save. It was an extended squash for a guy you're trying to get to a semi main event level. Think about Ryback getting dominated for 12 minutes, hitting one move, and getting pinned right after.

Lex Luger vs Chuck Palumbo

This was supposed to be Buff vs Chuck, but Buff's injury on Nitro had him pulled from the match. Of course, Lex pouted about having to wrestle again and lose. They had a match 2 weeks ago on Thunder that was laid out so poorly that Arn Anderson got suspended for it. I don't remember any of it, but I'm sure it was really boring and Lex dominated. Chuck wins with a roll up out of a Torture Rack, which I think was how he beat Lex last time. And this was the same thing as that match, but shorter. I hope that means someone else got suspended.

TO THE BACK. Lex throws stuff around in the back. Konnan SHOOTS about politics and backstabbing.

A run down for WCW CREED plays. A long one, because they were filling time.

Lance Storm vs Konnan

Konnan attacked during the anthem. Can't wait for some USA chants in a match with a Canadian and a Cuban who pretends to be Mexican. Lots of cuts to the fans, so this must have been awful in the ring. Lance wins with the Maple Leaf. Awesome comes out, but Hugh makes the save.

EARLIER TODAY. Booker T talked about his injuries and returning.

TO THE BACK. Steiner and Cat head to the ring.

The Cat vs Scott Steiner

Within the first minute, Cat has more offensive against Scott, the WCW Champion, than Hugh Morris had against Rick, the US Champion. That's pretty fucking silly. He actually gets tons more offense than Hugh did. Actually, Hugh himself got way more offense against Scott than he did against Rick. What kind of backwards booking is that? Rick comes out and distracts Cat, which leads to a Steiner Recliner. Booker T came out and fought with Cat. So, Rick can DOMINATE Hugh for the entire match, but Scott almost loses and needs help from Rick to beat Cat. Makes sense. DDP comes out then the rest of the 7 hit the ring. Big brawl to end the show? Weird. Breaking new ground with that kind of booking. I'm not sure that had ever been done before. WCW, innovating until the end.



So, I'm just curious, what game are you guys planning on buying next, rasslegaf?

likely Lego City for me.

According to my calendar, i got Luigi's Mansion and Bioshock Infinite at the end of the month, followed by SMT: Soul Hackers in April, going into Soul Sacrifice in May. Random indie games like Monaco and Don't Starve and PSN games will fill in between those

Got a bunch of concerts in between too. Sold my Coachella tickets on some nice markup to fund a lot of my shit


A coworker of mine was at this week's Smack Down and he said that Ziggler's entrance was literally the Don't Try This At Home PSA while he quietly walked to the ring.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wait...Perspicacity and Pristine_Condition are banned? Religion and tipping claim more victims, it seems :(

Those are our men! I will stand up for them. brb, making a mess in a tipping thread.


Wait...Perspicacity and Pristine_Condition are banned? Religion and tipping claim more victims, it seems :(

This is why WrassleGAF is my home. I can say screw tipping, down with religion, and not worry about being banned because its my gimmick.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This is why WrassleGAF is my home. I can say screw tipping, down with religion, and not worry about being banned because its my gimmick.

What's wrong with tipping

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I would prefer to see serving staff paid better so they don't have to rely on tips to survive. A tip should be something you give on top of your bill in exchange for good service, not something that's expected no matter the service. /British

yeah but how tough is it to pour a cup of tea

best I could get out of you is 5 cents I bet, it's just tea


Tea is okay sometimes. There was a box of black English breakfast tea at work that I liked at 3 in the morning. I had green tea and wanted to puke.


Just got my WM Travel Package details.

2nd row for Mania in the section that faces the camera (one row behind Brock Lesnar fan)
1st row for HOF
1st row for Raw
Taker VIP
Cena VIP

Obviously very happy with that.
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