The perks of being with a legit company like ESPN.
Bill Simmons has Hulk Hogan on the BS Report this week, just updated today. 45 minutes.
Rosenberg and Shoemaker should be having a whole slew of wrestlers on Cheap Heat later in the week. Mark Henry should be guaranteed as usual.
Everything about this is awesome.
Bill Simmons has Hulk Hogan on the BS Report this week, just updated today. 45 minutes.
Rosenberg and Shoemaker should be having a whole slew of wrestlers on Cheap Heat later in the week. Mark Henry should be guaranteed as usual.
I think Heyman's getting moved over to Reigns and Reigns turns heel on Lesnar; regardless of whether Lesnar comes back or not.
I sort of wish thatReigns, Ambrose, and Rollins reunite with Heyman at the end of WM; with Rollins cashing in on Lesnar with the help of Ambrose and Reigns triple powerbombing Lesnar. It actually takes care of a ton of plot holes (why Ambrose & Reigns sort of suddenly stopped going after Rollins for instance, and Rollins can state that the Authority saw him as the future of WWE, but he knew he was part of the present), and they can use the defeat of the Authority as when Rollins lost confidence in the Authority and called for his family to return together. Ambrose goes after the IC Title (and Bryan), Reigns goes after the US Title (and Cena), while Rollins lords over the WWE with the World Title. Reigns and Ambrose can cut a promo about how family may fight and family may go their separate ways, but family can always be counted on. Hence, when Seth realized he made a mistake, Ambrose and Reigns were slow to trust, but eventually decided family > all, and reunite the Shield. On top of it, the Shield was initially brought in by Heyman (to protect Punk), so it makes sense that Heyman saw the writing on the wall and went back to helping the Shield.
Everything about this is awesome.