Austin will be revealed as Punk's kayfabe dad at Wrestlemania.
Would be better than anything Rock has done till now for WM
Come at me bros
Austin will be revealed as Punk's kayfabe dad at Wrestlemania.
I'm hoping Jericho spikes one of Punk's drinks without him knowing it and then Jericho calls Punk out to the ring and does a titantron reveal of him spiking the drink and then Punk drinking it making Punk distraught.
Austin will be revealed as Punk's kayfabe dad at Wrestlemania.
I'm hoping Jericho spikes one of Punk's drinks without him knowing it and then Jericho calls Punk out to the ring and does a titantron reveal of him spiking the drink and then Punk drinking it making Punk distraught.
This idea only works if the drink that is spiked is Diet Pepsi.I'm hoping Jericho spikes one of Punk's drinks without him knowing it and then Jericho calls Punk out to the ring and does a titantron reveal of him spiking the drink and then Punk drinking it making Punk distraught.
Was that taped for Superstars or is Brodus off TV again?got a few friends at the show tonight, Funkasaurus squashed McGenesis
Had to go back to his home planet for St. Patrick's Day.Was that taped for Superstars or is Brodus off TV again?
Scott Hall should be Punk's kayfabe dad.
Please make this happen, WWE.Scott Hall should be Punk's kayfabe dad.
KNOXVILLE WYNNSONG 16, 200 N. PETERS ROAD, KNOXVILLEBecause it worked so well last year with Bound For Glory....
Look at the adjective zone: bicycle
How much does 21 Fat-Ass Mongo bicycles weigh?
Dat NCIS music.
This is just sad.