--Tonight's Raw is expected to be sold out, which would make the third Monday in a row. The fact they are doing it when Undertaker, Rock, HHH and Shawn Michaels are on the shows does indicate the "brand" being the draw and not the stars isn't quite so true when it comes to the ability to sell out arenas for Raw. It was difficult for even the wrestlers to get comps for their friends.
--We've got updates on John Cena's SUV accident where he was rear-ended while being driven to media appearances in Philadelphia before Raw. He was at last word expected to be wrestling Mark Henry and he's said he's fine and that nobody was hurt. He was on WMMR this morning in Philadelphia and it was said to be the Preston & Steve Show's best interview to date with a wrestler.
--Cena also did a meet and greet before his accident. He was super with the children there and joked that Vince was 200 years old but nobody loves the wrestling business more than him, and said he was doing two matches tonight (well, that was the plan, one being the TV match with Henry and one being the dark match with Kane).
--The expected Kevin Steen vs. El Generico match, the first in ROH in 15 months, will be on the 3/30 show in Fort Lauderdale. That was largely expected since they built it up at the last tapings.
-David Otunga was on the Wendy Williams show today in his bow tie gimmick. He talked about how he met Jennifer Hudson (she was him on the reality show he was doing and wanted to meet him), how she was with him when members of her family were killed and also about the wedding. He said they were planning to get married but there is a trial for the people who killed three of her family members and right now that's the thing they are focusing on first before setting a wedding date. He said he was helping with the case. You can see it at