Damn, how is noone talking about this twitter meeting WWE made talent attend today to try and force them to use more approved hashtags to get stuff trending? Jericho tweeted this pic after, but then deleted it

I like how the ending to this mania had no confetti or fireworks at all.
I really love the Wrestlemania 25 package. Helps that Touched is an awesome song.
If you were creating a Wrestlemania theme song playlist....with both wrestler and show themes, what would the track list be? Limit 20 songs.
If you were creating a Wrestlemania theme song playlist....with both wrestler and show themes, what would the track list be? Limit 20 songs.
Sting/Bischoff/Hogan are some of the best businessmen alive. They've got an amazing retirement plan. Make an appearance on TV, get paid more than an average american makes in a year, and repeat ad nauseum. Nevermind the fact that none of the appearances actually boost ratings. And Sting is really making bank being on the show weekly. No point in him going to the WWE to job to Taker when he can be the top guy in a company and get paid ridiculous amounts of money.
That and the splash while someone is underneath/between a ladder has never made sense to me. How is that supposed to hurt the guy more than you?That Jeff Hardy table spot is so bloody stupid it's hilarious, the twist of fate in the chair makes up for it though.
Is that Ryback?
Well I think I made up my mind about who isn't winning the Cruiserweight title tonight.
it sure isn't you Bean to WWE's latest key performance indicator, the WWE Elimination Chamber 2012 PPV did only an estimate 180,000 PPV buys. That would be down from 199,000 buys in 2011 and 285,000 buys in 2010.
lol buyrates
Damn, how is noone talking about this twitter meeting WWE made talent attend today to try and force them to use more approved hashtags to get stuff trending? Jericho tweeted this pic after, but then deleted it
The Rock/Cena documentary is starting!
Damn, how is noone talking about this twitter meeting WWE made talent attend today to try and force them to use more approved hashtags to get stuff trending? Jericho tweeted this pic after, but then deleted it[img][/QUOTE]
WWE is so hopelessly out of touch with reality. Instead of trying to make something trend, they should just allow it to happen naturally. If something is interesting enough, it'll trend all on it's own. The viewers aren't dumb and don't need to be told what to tweet about.
[quote="TheNatural, post: 36387147"]As long as there's someone stupid enough to pay it, it works out great. Hell, they pay Christy Hemme 100K a year by last report, and gave some D-level TV show Survivor "star" a year contract to make like two appearances.
It really is just a smaller level WCW at this point.[/QUOTE]
The girl from Survivor got paid 1/2 a million apparently, and couldn't wrestle to save her life. Kellyx2 could run ropes better than her.
[quote="djsandman, post: 36387466"]This is what happens when Santino is in a chamber.[/QUOTE]
It would have been lower without him.
This is what happens when Santino is in a chamber.
WWE is so hopelessly out of touch with reality. Instead of trying to make something trend, they should just allow it to happen naturally. If something is interesting enough, it'll trend all on it's own. The viewers aren't dumb and don't need to be told what to tweet about.
The girl from Survivor got paid 1/2 a million apparently, and couldn't wrestle to save her life. Kellyx2 could run ropes better than her.
It would have been lower without him.
This Cena/Rock documentary looks like a bunch of left over vignettes they couldn't find the time to air on Raw/SD/PPVs.
They'll find time at Wrestlemania, you think that extra hour is for matches? think again!
This Cena/Rock documentary looks like a bunch of left over vignettes they couldn't find the time to air on Raw/SD/PPVs.
They'll find time at Wrestlemania, you think that extra hour is for matches? think again!
It is.
They'll also dedicate a whole disk to it when the WM28 DVD/BD comes out.
Of course. 4 big matches and they'll waste an hour with fucking Rock and Cena promos. That's exactly what will fucking happen too.
Actually, I think it was a dude even, not even Jenna whatever. One they didn't even use their contract for except once or twice and he was bragging about how they just paid him a shitload and didn't even ask him to do anything.
this documentary is embarrassing
its the prime example of why people laugh when i find out i watch wrestling. fuck you general mills
So I was wondering about this gif... was the match really supposed to end that way or did Sting knock himself out that they had to improvise and have him lose?
I would laugh at you too when you finally find out you're watching wrestling.
worst part is they were probably high fiving eachotherActual finish. TNA always tries to do some weird/stupid finishes.
This was the planned finish.So I was wondering about this gif... was the match really supposed to end that way or did Sting knock himself out that they had to improvise and have him lose?
I would laugh at you too when you finally find out you're watching wrestling.
Oh no
Where in the blue hell are they getting this money? Panda Energy can't be making that much money.
What's funny is that WCW did the exact same thing too. It's like Dixie Carter picked up that "Death of WCW" book and is just copying what happens in the book. How long until they give the TNA championship to David Arquette?
Actual finish. TNA always tries to do some weird/stupid finishes.
So I was wondering about this gif... was the match really supposed to end that way or did Sting knock himself out that they had to improvise and have him lose?
I'm waiting until they make a crappy expensively licensed KISS gimmick to complete the circle.
Actual finish. TNA always tries to do some weird/stupid finishes.
This was the planned finish.
And people think Sting should come to WWE just to job to Taker? Lol.
What are some of your favorite Wrestlemania ending packages?
Wrestlemania 22 is godlike:
Watching this Rock-Cena documentary thing on right now, about Cena's ridiculous schedule and Make A Wish stuff. Even though he's hokey and stale as fuck in the ring, at least he's not an asshole outside of it. I wish WWE would start to think about less=better though as running their main guys to death in promos and house shows and shit obviously isn't working as far as keeping buyrates high. I wonder how much better health, mental and physical, guys would be in if they're not being run to death all the damn time.
I thought Cena is one of the main reasons for House Shows drawing still?
Watching this documentary.
Wait, why are Cena and Rock fighting again?
On USA they're doing a piece on Rock & Cena.
EDIT: Guess you guys missed it. I missed a big chunk, when I tuned in they were talking about Rock's heritage. Then started talking about Cena. Man, The guy's probably one of the nicest people to be around.