Steph will just fire foley if the raw after mania rumour is true
What rumor is that?
Steph will just fire foley if the raw after mania rumour is true
He posts here more than likely
What's the story behind this?
They should bring back the kennel from hell gimmick for this yard match
I want twice as much dog poop, though.No one supports my return of the kennel in a cell huh
You sure you didn't mean the Boring Division?
Kendrick is the only one with a mouth.
He posted loads of shit about women shouldn't wrestle etc etc on Twitter. Got called about it so just deleted the posts and said nothing.
Steph will just fire foley if the raw after mania rumour is true
He posted loads of shit about women shouldn't wrestle etc etc on Twitter. Got called about it so just deleted the posts and said nothing.
No. And he sucks the most other than probably the abs guy, at least he can go at it.. Watch 205.
What rumor is that?
TJP also said he collects and keeps fanfiction involving himself and female wrestlers.
I mean. Imagine having to work with or talk to him knowing he collects that shit.
He posted loads of shit about women shouldn't wrestle etc etc on Twitter. Got called about it so just deleted the posts and said nothing.
Links to any screenshots about it?
Why would I watch 205 when they can't convey what they are looking to do on Raw?
That's like watching Shotgun Saturday Night in 2017...
TJP also said he collects and keeps fanfiction involving himself and female wrestlers.
I mean. Imagine having to work with or talk to him knowing he collects that shit.
Damn lolThe dab doesn't annoy me, it's shit but that's about it. Him being a misogamist is the problem.
Then you don't know what you're saying.
KKKevin Owens
Omg KO Mania 2 shirt.
Excuse me?KKKevin Owens
It's pretty great. WM2 is secretly the best logo.
Oh hell nah lmao
There's soooooo much fanfic and pic edits of me with women superstars....and I read/enjoy/save ALL OF IT.
KKKevin Owens
...and you do?
No need for passive aggressive garbo.
There were many many more posts
Where are the screen caps of this or any other mention of this?
You called out the CW division something it clearly isn't anymore yet at the same time confirming you're not really paying attention to it. How is that me being passive aggressive.
Also, did TJP got raped by a woman or something? Dude spat some shit.
Shut up vickieExcuse me?
Dammit Blue, take a 10Shut up vickie
I wanna believe this match will deliver as much as the build up has but it's been a while since Y2J had a good match.