Matt Hardy needs his avatar Rumble moment after being screwed this year.
You guys should probably go out of your way to watch Kazuchika Okada vs Kota Ibushi if you like awesome wrestling. It was pretty damn great, a good step above their match in DDT last year.
I love how my irrational hatred for Greg Valentine is shared by everyone.
Edit: Can we book Greg Valentine to win the next Avatar Rumble?
Jr's never beat heavyweights (even though, visibly, there isn't much size difference between Okada and Ibushi).
You guys should probably go out of your way to watch Kazuchika Okada vs Kota Ibushi if you like awesome wrestling. It was pretty damn great, a good step above their match in DDT last year.
I love how my irrational hatred for Greg Valentine is shared by everyone.
Edit: Can we book Greg Valentine to win the next Avatar Rumble?
Wait, it's better than last year's DDT match? I friggin loved that match. Can't wait for tomorrow night when I get to watch!
What's your overall impressions of the show Boots?
It was pretty good, but not spectacular outside of the main event. Tana and Naito vs Nak and Ishii was a lot of fun. Also, Doc and Anderson vs Shibata and Goto was great, but felt like a teaser for a later title match. The opening match was worth a watch as well, Komatsu and Tanaka looked good, plus Suzuki was using a bunch of Inoki and Gotch moves in tribute to the first New Japan main event 42 years ago.
Killzone is not TRUE 1080p you all! omg!
It's also not fun
Yeah this is the important part
I beat the single player, but man was it a choooore
It's also not fun
Xbox customer support sucks. I'm won't be getting another LIVE subscription. If it's a gift sure I'll take it.
It sure took a lot not to go all CM Punk on them.
Would have preferred to go HHH, but some people still want to play their games.
AJ Styles is expected to start working for New Japan Pro Wrestling as early as April. It's not official yet but talks are going on and those in NJPW are expecting a deal to be signed.
From the Observer:
New Bullet club member or replacement for Devitt? Also will Tanahashi have to stop doing the Styles clash now?
Xbox is the fucking WCW of game consoles.
Not a lot of value these days. Started off fucking strong but man, too much BS recently.
Not a lot of value these days. Started off fucking strong but man, too much BS recently.
You Americans were on the Xbox bandwagon for far too long anyways. Gold was never a good deal and having to pay to use Netflix when it's free on LITERALLY EVER OTHER DEVICE is beyond insane.
Also, I had to call to cancel Xbox Gold. What the fuck is up with that?
The reason I initially got my 360 was for Forza. I'm a huge racing gamer and back then I didn't know of any similar options on the PC. I haven't turned on my 360 in months. It's sad, in a way.
Pretty much. First couple years of the Xbox 360 were legit fantastic. Then Microsoft decided to turn the Xbox into an expensive Roku and it seemed like great exclusives became an after thought. Plus Xbox Live became kind of stagnant and PS+ really caught up and passed XBL in a hurry. Now Sony's kicking them in the teeth again. So if Xbox = WCW, PlayStation = WWE, what does that make Nintendo?
Don't get me wrong PS3 UI is a complete piece of shit and multiplayer gaming is s chore compared to Xbox. But I'm giving it a pass because I get so many fucking games it's insane. DMC, Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite? But Xbox offers me Gears of war 1 to keep!