Parody of actual AJUMP23
Hogan was at least a good wrestler.The Rock needs to go away. He's old and abusing his power. He's worse than Hogan ever was.
Hogan was at least a good wrestler.The Rock needs to go away. He's old and abusing his power. He's worse than Hogan ever was.
Fucking hell
Fucking hell
I could always bring up a similar age comparison. Andre the Giant was dead (46) which is the same age as CM Punk is now. This is also the same age as Hulk Hogan when he wrestled his last match in WCW. (Again 46)
The white knight Cody dropping an F bomb and finally getting the Cena heel turn people have been asking for 20 years.
Damn nobody watching elimination chamber. That might have been one of the best women’s matches of all time.
It was certainly unexpected! I'd put myself in the group that has wanted to see heel Cena for a long time.
This (and some of the other occurrences from tonight's show) will spark people's interest. They'll want to tune in to see what happens in the weeks ahead as WrestleMania approaches.
at the end of bad blood.Saw someone point out on Reddit that originally Rock did the neck slice with 3 fingers (was that Survivor Series?), then last night he did it with 2 fingers. So there must be one faction member yet to be revealed. I'd bet on Punk.
Yeah I'd guess at or very soon after SummerSlam so that he can get a final face retirement match at Survivor Series. Maybe Rock turns on him after he loses the title at SS?any bets on when cena goes back too a face i say after summer slam.
Saw they had him working with Rollins and said fuck that.Solid promo from Punk tonight. The man knows how to sell wrasslin.
Just to clarify what I was talking about, Fenix apparently got his release from AEW. Will he show up in WWE? I'd say it's only a matter of when.
I'm hoping that somebody in the WWE realizes his top rope penalty kick should be a finisher and not just another move. (Jesus, just call it the IPK, impossible penalty kick. If you told me you have a guy who can literally run across the top rope I wouldn't believe you, the fact he can do that and kick somebody while doing it is amazing and shouldn't be wasted as just another move.)They're working on merch for Rey Fenix, so I'm sure they're just looking for the right moment to have him debut on the main roster.
I think they're going to have him debut alongside Penta. I'm sure they want both of them to work WrestleMania, so maybe we'll see Lucha Bros\War Raiders\LWO\New Day at WrestleMania.
Glad he added the arrow so we know which one is Travis Scott
I saw Cody was trying to cover by claiming he didn't even make contactHe's a scrawny ass dude but he did a full 90* windup before slapping the shit out of Cody's face.
I saw Cody was trying to cover by claiming he didn't even make contact
Cody is a humble ass motherfucker but he also probably signed off and might have asked Travis to go at it.
Like he did with Shawn Spears and that absolutely fucking HORRENDOUS chair shot back in AEW.