Tazz might just be the absolute worst commentator of all time.
Where does he rank on the list alongside JBL 2012-, Jerry Lawler 2005-, heel Michael Cole, Mike Tenay, Mark Madden, and Alex Riley?
Tazz might just be the absolute worst commentator of all time.
Where does he rank on the list alongside JBL 2012-, Jerry Lawler 2005-, heel Michael Cole, Mike Tenay, Mark Madden, and Alex Riley?
Tazz says dumb/inane things from time to time, but I don't think he's quite as terrible as everyone makes out. Don West was kinda bad, but I found his enthusiasm infectious.
Normally I would say Taz isn't quite as terrible as WrassleGAF makes him out to be but he just said something about hash browns and milkshakes that made not only didn't make sense but had no relation to anything relating to wrestling at all.
Damn, James Storm got old.
Wow, Manik got dunked on his fucking skull. I give that 4 out of 5 JEEEEEEEZZZUUSSSSS's.
Fun match, I enjoyed that. Tigre Uno looked better than I remember him being in AAA. Other than almost killing his opponent, I mean.
Damn, James Storm got old.
Wow, Manik got dunked on his fucking skull. I give that 4 out of 5 JEEEEEEEZZZUUSSSSS's.
Fun match, I enjoyed that. Tigre Uno looked better than I remember him being in AAA. Other than almost killing his opponent, I mean.
Go fire up some WCW 2000 PPVs and see him as an extra. He looked like a teenager. He might have been one. He's most easily seen as one of the EMTs during the ambulance match at GAB 2000.
Bullshit. He always goes off on some tangent. I think it's his voice that annoys the fuck out of meHe sticks to the match so I'm not really seeing the negative compared to Raw commentary.
Where does he rank on the list alongside JBL 2012-, Jerry Lawler 2005-, heel Michael Cole, Mike Tenay, Mark Madden, and Alex Riley?
I think I read that Storm and Harris used to be paired against each other a lot back then before they teamed up together. So many people in WCW who never got a chance. Also, I'm going to bed. This hasn't been a terrible PPV, but I'm tired.
Holy shit...
That's REALLY bad. Is there only like 200 people there?
All the Natural Born Thrillers were all over Saturday Night in 2000, which had become basically NXT at that point, where it was just Power Plant guys and it had its own storylines. Jimmy Hart booked it completely on his own and it had nothing to do with Nitro or Thunder.
Holy shit...
That's REALLY bad. Is there only like 200 people there?
Holy shit...
That's REALLY bad. Is there only like 200 people there?
I remember that. Saturday night was actually really good for the first time in years.
Holy shit...
That's REALLY bad. Is there only like a couple hundred people there?
Holy shit...
That's REALLY bad. Is there only like a couple hundred people there?
I remember that. Saturday night was actually really good for the first time in years.
That's only one small part of the arena. Show me a panorama shot.
It was almost always better than Thunder.
Saturday Night was better than Thunder pretty much from day one. Every week they'd show the card for Saturday Night and it'd be full of boss cruiser matches or Finlay fucking people up or random big star wrestling in front of 300 fans. Meanwhile, Thunder would have Chris Adams and Crush.
Holy shit...
That's REALLY bad. Is there only like a couple hundred people there?