I have to find a way to break free from Kingdoms of Amalur. It weirdly is becoming my favorite game, fuck, ever? I finished once, then finished again, then finished on hard, now installed a mod to make it even harder (because it's not that the game is easy in its foundation, but the exp and %s bonuses work in a kind of dumb way where you suddenly become overpower. Things get tough, but you're just that much tougher) and am kind of halfway throuh this hardcore mode, kind of planning a second hardcore run.
I took a break to play thirty flights of loving, which is excellent, but so short. It lasts, what, 15 minutes? 20? But now my backloging is growing with stuff I do want to play; I got a bunch of adventure games on some sale, like Syberia, Nikopol and The Novelist. Then there's Papo & Yo and XCom: Enemy Within which I was really hyped to play, but nope, Amalur sucking my soul. I played only one match of Europa Universalis 4. Granted I went all the way (Portugal really is easy mode/tutorial for this game), but it is another game I thought I would be playing all year.
I'm enthralled. I'm addicted. The brilliant skill tree that allows so many different playstyles, the excellent loot, the handcrafted open world with beautiful bits of lore and detail on every corner, urgh... ... I'm... I'm stuck. I'm trapped. I think "time to play games" and I really don't want to play anything else... like, ever...
How did this happened?
Sorry for the rant... I'll go back to Kingdoms of Amalur now.