Review: WrestleMania XIII: Part I
The twilight of the New Generation and just before the Attitude Era, it was around then when I first started watching wrestling as a child, so this should be fun to watch. I don't quite remember what was going on at this WrestleMania and I did my best to keep myself blind for it.
Vince on commentary with JR and King. Oh shit, a FRENCH commentary team! Never seen one before.
Blackjacks backstage promo, oh shit, it's Bradshaw!
The Godwinns vs. The Headbangers vs. Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon vs. The New Blackjacks Team Elimination #1 Contender's Match for the WWF Tag Team Championship
I'm not very familiar with any of the teams, barely remember which Headbanger is which, so I apologize if I mess up the names. Match starts with chaos. Bradshaw starts off with Henry Godwinn. Pump Handle Smash by Bradshaw, after which tags in a Godwinn. Godwinn tags Thrasther, now it's Headbanger vs Headbanger! After goofing around, one of them tags one of the blue guys. Double Flapjack. Snap Sulpex by Blue guy, German pinning attempt to other Blackjack, kick out. Blue tags blue, Hurricanrana! Kickout. Slam and leg drop by other Blackjack, tagges in Bradshaw. Lariat misses, action spills onto the floor. Bradshaw get's his team DQ with a shove to the ref. As Vince wisely says, "That was a stupid maneuver!". Godwinns take over the offense against Headbangers. Godwinn tries to headbutt a Headbanger, doesn't work. Spits in his face, got spit back at!
They start throwing punches. Lariat into the corner and the Godwinns tag. Eye rake, and tag by Headbangers. Action goes outside again. A Godwinn on the approach, Flying Cross Body by a Headbanger! Or as Vince says, "What a maneuver!". Headbanger's throw one of them into a Godwinn. Action gets back into the ring, double clothesline by Headbangers. Moonsault attempt crashes and burns, but Headbangers get the tag. Back to back slams by Godwinn. Slop Drop attempt. Headbanger breaks up the attempt, other one flies out the top turn bucket and sits on a Godwinn chest. 1,2,3! Headbanger's win. That match was nothing special, but nothing too terrible either. Fun enough opening match.
The Iron Sultan w/ Iron Sheik & Bob Backland vs. Rocky Maivia (c) for WWF Intercontinental Championship
Honky Tonk Man comes out for commentary. Sultan comes out, Iron Sheik leads the way and Bob Backlund brings up the rear. So much star power for this jobber. Oh shit, a real star, (The) Rock

's 1st WrestleMania! McMahon, King and Honkey keep bringing up that Rocky's a rookie and how he lucky to be champ. JR bring up this potential. Man does he look young. Tony Atlas chews gum. This is apparently a problem for King.
Match starts with a stare off, Rocky plays to the crowd and Sultan shoves him. Series of punch, irsh wipe by Sultan, shoulder blocks Rocky down. Kip up! Rocky throws punches into the corner and wipes Sultan, counter, doesn't matter as Rocky tries to clothesline then throws Sultan out. Quick start to the match. Sultan talks to Sheik then Backlund. Rocky has enough and attempted to follow, but is pulled out. Rocky don't care, hits him with some punches and get Sultan against the ring post. Goes for the clothesline but hits only steel. Sultan has the momentum. Back in the ring, another clothesline by Sultan. Rocky stuck on the ground. Rocky tries some offense but gets knocked down again. And again. Backbreaker. Honky goes on a rant against Rocky. I'd wish he'd just shut up. He's almost as bad as today's King. Flying headbutt by Sultan, not of the Bryan/Beniot quality.
Belly to Belly Sulpex. Kickout at 2. Long ass sleeper hold by Sultan. Most of the commentary in this match Honkey and King dissing Rocky. Rocky find's his Fighting Spirit, double clothesline. Pin attempt by Rocky, no good. Sultan throws punches but Rocky fights back. Dropkick. Belly to Belly, pin attempt but a kcik out. Nice Swinging DDT by Rocky, followed by a cross body splash, goes for the pin but Sheik distracts the ref. Nice Kick to the face by Sultan!
This brings Rock down but he kicks out at 2. Piledriver by Sultan, still not enough. Rocky goes for the schoolboy pin, wins! This match start out fast, almost died but found it's energy at the end. Not too bad. JR goes for the post match interview but Sultan hit's him with the belt. Rocky gets ganged up. Iron Sheik put Rocky in Camle cutch, tries to make him humble. Rocky's dad, Rocky Johnson for the save, but get's beaten up by Sultan with the Iranian flag. Rocky fights back and the Rockys' clears the ring. They have a hug to close the segment.
Backstage promo with Ken Shamrock.
He's the guest ref of Austin vs. Hart. Says he'll have no problem controlling the match. Wait... oh shit, this Mania had THAT match? I was a huge Bret Hart mark back in the day, so I wonder how this match would affect me even though I sorta know what happens. Also, I didn't even know that match had a Guest Referee.
Backstage promo with Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/ Chyna
Young HHH! Young Chyna! Middle-aged Michael Hayes! Hunter Herst Hemesly vs Goldust next! Funny that both men are still able to wrestle now.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/ Chyna vs Goldust w/ Marlena
Ode to Joy! As Hunter and Chyna out to the ring. That was great theme for a wrestler to be honest. Match starts with a squatting Goldust staring at HHH. Quick clothesline and a series of punches by Goldust and he quickly has control of the match. Corner punches and Intervened Atomic Drop, followed with a throw to outside the ring. Hunter is tied up! Goldust free to punch away. Goldust goes up the apron, a kick to the face, bashes Hunter's head into the ring post and back into the ring. Chyna start downs Melina HHH tries to start some offensive but Goldust with the scoop powerslam. Goldust goes up top and Hunter follows. Hunter drops Goldust off the top, Gold drops straight down. Hunter brings him back in, clothesline, pin attempt, kickout. Hunter unzips his suit and a gives a viscous chop to the exposed skin and then a series of stomps in the concer. Pin attempt, Goldust kicks out. Two whips into the corner and a swinging neck brecker, still not enough. Hunter with the Abdominal Stretch. Menlia uses a cigar as a calming device as Chyna stares her down again. Goldust gets out, but HHH irsh whips and does a flying knee to Goldust. Sleephold on Goldust, he tries to get up but Hunter puts him back down with a sulpex. Goldust tries to get back into it with the crowd's cheers, but gets tossed to the corner. Goldust reveres with punches, but a DDT by hunter! Goldust gets irsh whipped but counters with a series of pin attempts but Hunter survives. Series of running attacks from both men pick up the pace of the match. Double shoulder. Hunter goes to the top rope, but is hilariously block by Goldust ass.
Goldust start to take control, HHH with the Fair-ish flip, leads into the Bulldog head lock, 1, 2, KICKOUT!
Chyna heads to Menlia. Goldust sets up the Curtian Call, Hunter counters into a Pedgree, blocked. Goldust sees Menlia in trobule, picks her up.
Distract that HHH needed, pushes Goldust into Menlia and she goes into Chyna's arms for a rough bear hug. Pedigree for the win! Match was actually good. I think Goldust is in better shape today then back then.
Backstage promo with Shawn Michaels and AOL
Shawn Michaels, at his computer.
Guess he had a hard time figuring out this new Internet thingy. Turns out Michaels has an injury stopping him from competing, but he seems to be doing ok. Oh shit, Owen out next!
Mankind & "Man They Call" Vader w/ Paul Brarer vs. Bristhbull Dog & Owen Hart



So sad that over 50% of the people in this match are dead.
Owen comes out with his Slammys. I think he was the only one to really care about them. This should be a great match.
Owen and Vader starts out, lockup, Vader with control in the corner. Series of headbutts and punches. Vader taunts, allowing Owen to catch his breath and use his speed advantage for a clothes line attemp, but barely moves the bigman. Owen tries again but gets knocked down. Powerbomb by Vader, Bulldog get's Vader's attention. Vader Bomb attempt but Bulldog stops him. Mankind gets in the ring, him and order breaks down. Bulldog gets double irsh whipped but clothesline both Mankind and Vader.
Things clam down with both legal men going to their corners. Ref botches by letting the illegals in. Standing Sulpex to Mankind. Vader gets back but Bulldog sulpexs him too! Back to Mankind with Snapmare and Sleeperhold. JR pimps the Superstar line. Bulldog attemps a running attck but gets flipped over by Vader. Mankind follows, gets the Urn but Bulldog avoids the attack. Vader does it right, pleasing Barer.
Bulldog gets back in the ring, only to be greeted with a Vader sulpex. Pin attempt and kickout. Irsh whip into the corner and Vader swishs Bulldog. Vader slasphs Bulldog from sencond rop but Bulldog still kicks out. Vader tags Mankind in who keeps up the attack. Vader back in, they gan up on Bulldog. Vader goes up in the air, Bulldog turns the attempt into a sulpex! Owen with the hot tage, Missile Drop Kick! Kip up!
Vader blocks the Sunset Flip attempt, Owen counters the Vader Swash attempt and hits the Cross Body. 2 count. Owen runs into Vader and Vader acts like a brick wall. Owen goes outside; bad idea. Vader follows, backbeaker and Mankind does an elbow drop from the aporchan. Owens struggles to get back in the ring only to be sent back down. Right infront Owen's parents! Stu doesn't react. Owen gets back in the ring and gets into a Sleeperhold by Mankind. DDT by Owen to start some offensive but to no avail. 2 count. Owen's thrown into the corner and Mankind smashes into him. Spinning Heel Kick! Both men down. Another 2 count. Vader tagged back in to stop Owen's movementon. Vader unleshes a lot of punches, sending Owen down. Another Spinning Heel Kick, another Vader attack, another 2 count. Owen thrown out of the ring but Owen counters with a Belly to Belly. This time. the camrea spooks Stu Heart.
Back in the ring, Enzurgy by Owen! Bulldog with the hot tag! Bulldog handles the other team. Mandibu Claw! Vader's Mask is off! Bulldog and Mankind knocked out of the ring and the Claw is back on. Double 10 count but Mankind don't care. Mankind finally lets go thanks to Vader. Tag Champs retained but the other team won the battle. Good Match.
Part II on the next page (by 100 posts per page).