bean breath
WrassleGAF is now the most terrifying sub-community. Yes, even above PopGAF.
I remember you. You used to make our threads here.
What happened?
WrassleGAF is now the most terrifying sub-community. Yes, even above PopGAF.
He's the total package. Good in-ring abilities, good look, great on the mic, good entrance, crossover appeal.
Compared to Daniel Bryan who is more of a 1 tool type of guy; great in the ring.
stro, in all your michael hayes hatred, i hope you haven't seen his terry gordy music video
such a shame they couldn't take Shields v Wyatts to Mania.
that feud can go for miles
Exactly. Not sure why they wasted two INCREDIBLE matches between those guys on Elimination Chamber and Raw in Chicago. It's the perfect Mania match for those guys.
I think Cena/Bray is going to be a disaster and whatever the Shield/other Wyatts are involved in will feel unimportant.
Gotta disagree with you there. D.Bry can have a great look and a fantastic entrance. Agreed with lack of crossover appeal. He is decent to solid on the mic when he is pandering to the YES crowd.
I think he looks great there.
I really wish he would go back to this look. I don't mind the beard as much (wish he'd at least groom it), but please cut the fucking hair off. He looks like such a slob.
It's not that easy to "groom" a beard that size!
You can comb it, shampoo it, and condition every single day and it can still come out looking friz-city
trust me lol
Angelina Love came out for a promo and talked about it has been a week and called out Velvet Sky, who came to the ring. Velvet talked about she owes a lot to Angelina. She also mentioned the bad times. Angelina really wants them to be friends again and said the fans want it too. They ended up hugging. Angelina says they are missing a third piece and asked Madison Rayne to come out. Angelina tells Madison that she was a part of The Beautiful People and offered her a spot. She says all three of their names but didnt say Madisons respectfully. Madison said Angelina always treated her with disrespect. Love said Madison at the time needed to pay her dues. Rayne said that she did all of Loves dirty work and she likes Velvet but she is not interested and is out.
In a non title triple threat match, Bromans defeated Sanada/Tigre Uno and The Wolves via a pin on Uno following a Hart Attack. Before the match Bromans told Uno and Sanada to lay down for them but they said no. Zema distracted Sanada by taking his X Title at one point.
Bully Ray came out and had tables in the ring. He said he is the one who made sure Dixie is no longer in charge. Crowd chanted Thank you, Bully. He spoke about how Dixie came to him and offered money and her womanly ways to him and he said no. He said she almost had him with a steak. He told Bobby Roode the last thing they need is another owner like Dixie. He asked how many fans want to see Roode go through some tables. Roode came out. Roode said Ray does not scare him. The guy Ray screwed over does not exist anymore and said he is the guy who was the longest reigning and most dominant champion in TNA history, spat in Dixies face before it was cool, and said he was the one who tricked Ray into flying to the corporate office in Nashville last week. He asked the crowd if they know who he was. Ray wanted to fight. Roode said he doesnt call the shots. Ray said he does and the fans say now. Roode said it isnt going to happen and leaves. Ray goes after him and puts him on a table at ringside but Roode moves. Ray continues to attack him. They went into the rig and Ray went for a running boot on Roode through a table but missed. Ray then went for a powerbomb through one, Roode evaded, then went for a spear on Roode through another but Roode moved again and Ray put himself through the table. **
In a TNA World Heavyweight Title Match, Magnus defeated Samoa Joe. They had Abyss and MVP handcuffed to each other for the match at ringside. Ref got KOed and Abyss and MVP got in a brawl around ringside. Abyss got tacks from under the ring. MVP un handcuffed himself after laying out Abyss and tossed the tacks. Abyss went after MVP and Joe attempted a dive on Abyss but Abyss threw a chair in Joes face. Magnus followed up with a top rope elbow drop for the win.
Impact Wrestling on 3/27/14:
MVP came out for a promo. He said that when he came here he had the intention that every wrestler would rise and fall based solely on their talent and ability. A great man once said the cream always rises to the top. He said it was time to make an executive decision and Magnus and Abyss came out. Magnus said before he does anything rash that Abyss has a 100% legitimate service contract to the champion, not TNA or MVP, meaning the only time his authority extends to Abyss is through him. MVP said he had the chance to see how strong Abyss is last week. MVP tells Abyss if he puts a hand on him he will show a side of him he doesnt want to see and tells him that Magnus is manipulating him. He brings up the idea of a title shot to him. MVP said someone keeps getting shafted and set up next week Abyss will challenge Magnus and the #1 contender Samoa Joe will also challenge Magnus. Joe came out. He said he has only asked MVP for one thing and that is for him to get a fair chance and an uninterrupted opportunity against Magnus. Joe said now his rematch is a handicap match. Magnus said they have their own problems to deal with and Joe attacks Magnus while MVP attacks Abyss. Eric Young then comes out and attacks Abyss. He and Joe clear the ring while MVP grabs a mic and says enough. Eric Young says he has the solution. He brought the monster out of Abyss and says he has to be the one to stop him. He does Magnus/Joe next week for the title and now he needs to put EY there. EY will take care of Abyss while Joe gets a match the way he wants to be. MVP says he doesnt think EY has earned it yet. EY says he talks about motivate validate and participate. He says motivate MVP has been here 10 minutes while he has been 10 years and runs down everything he has been involved it. Validate mentions all the belts he has won. Participate he has ran with every ball TNA has given him. He said he is a world class professional wrestler and will fight. Joe says nobody is doubting him but there is a line and he is not at the head of it. Joe still wants his one fair title shot and until he gets what he wants he gets nothing. MVP says he appreciates EYs passion and everything he said is true and inserts EY into the match. Joe was not happy. He pie faced EY then the two of them got in a brawl. Refs come out and separate them. MVP says we have a match.
Angelina Love came out and called out Velvet asking what her problem was. They spoke about Madison. I assume something backstage happened that was not shown. Angelina Love was not kind to Madison and mentioned it will be her and Madison later while insulting Velvet.
In a match billed as no DQ, no countout, no rules, and there must be a winner Gunner defeated James Storm. Match saw Gunner do a spear through the ropes through a table on the floor and a superplex through chairs, Storm hit two superkicks. Storm went for the wee bottle, Gunner had one that Storm previously brought in the ring and hit him with it followed up with the F5 for the win.
The Wolves defeated Magnus and Abyss when Eddie Edwards made Magnus tap out to the single leg crab. Abyss walked away from the ring after the match was done with the TNA title around his shoulder
Gotta disagree with you there. D.Bry can have a great look and a fantastic entrance. Agreed with lack of crossover appeal. He is decent to solid on the mic when he is pandering to the YES crowd.
I think he looks great there.
That's why he should trim it. Around WM last year was as long as it should be. Once you go past a certain point, it doesn't even look at thick any more.
Bryan has literally already proven his crossover appeal, when you get a college basketball arena chanting yes I'm pretty sure you're already there
well cool guy mcgee here sure told us90% of the people chanting that have no idea who Bryan is.
There's rumors that apparently the 30-man Battle Royal will be on the WM pre-show...they had Hulk announce a pre-show event lol
Why doesn't bean breath like me?
I was just taking a satisfying dump on the toilet when I thought of an idea that would make the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal so much better.
You know how in baseball on Jackie Robinson day (First black player in the major leagues, Stro) all the players wear the number 42 on their jerseys in celebration?
What if for the A.G.M.B.R. all the competitors had to wear a black, single strap singlet? Wouldn't that be awesome?!
Wait. What? Fave five? Is this a thing? Why hasn't anyone asked me for my fave five? I'm new, right? Or have I just overlooked such a request?
I hate you guys.
Fave Five renditions of 'Knockin' on Heaven's Door'.
90% of the people chanting that have no idea who Bryan is.
Somebody just put up the lost Shawn Michaels match from 2000 in TWA over control of the company against Venom in a street fight match. Then end is hilarious because of a guest appearance from a Japanese table. Michaels looked like his back still hadn't recovered.
Somebody just put up the lost Shawn Michaels match from 2000 in TWA over control of the company against Venom in a street fight match. Then end is hilarious because of a guest appearance from a Japanese table. Michaels looked like his back still hadn't recovered.
Somebody just put up the lost Shawn Michaels match from 2000 in TWA over control of the company against Venom in a street fight match. Then end is hilarious because of a guest appearance from a Japanese table. Michaels looked like his back still hadn't recovered.
What the hell is this? HBK wrestled for a garbage fed in his time off?
Oh, come on. Watching the '92 Tokyo live performance now...1. 2006 GNR
2. 2010- GNR
3. 2002 GNR
4. 1987-1993 GNR not the 16 minute give me some reggae versions done towards the end of 1992-1993, though.
5. Avril Lavigne
I bet Sting listened to a lot of INXS when he worked out as Surfer Sting
It's great to see Shawn wearing proper street fight attire.
What the hell is this? HBK wrestled for a garbage fed in his time off?
edit: Oh hey, new Page!
Oh, come on. Watching the '92 Tokyo live performance now...
Axl Rose just appeared wearing white boxer briefs, white high-top tennis shoes, a tan western shirt with fringe, and a cowboy hat. Yeah.
Don't change a thing for me, Dragonzord.
the fuck?
Sign of the times, brah.