I'm so confused. Are we being trolled?One day they will have to stop hyping this dude and actually use him.
I'm so confused. Are we being trolled?One day they will have to stop hyping this dude and actually use him.
Drago's chick way better than this...
They have plenty of time.
They'll get the D.Brine & CM Punk sheep to sign up for the Network while going off the air while teasing CM Punk's music during the main event.
Plus, it's not like Big Dave can work longer than 3 minutes.
Are they stalling for some reason? This is weird.
Five minutes left and they're doing a video package before the main event starts.
Are they stalling for some reason? This is weird.
Batista can't wrestle for more than 5 minutes maybe :-x
I do not understand why anyone chants CM Punk. He walked out on those fans too.
Don't bring up Zayn until there is room for him to thrive. I want to see Zayn in a post-shield era. Plus Cesaro's face-push and inevitable feud with him later
Orton and Batista are going to team up on Bryan, Punk out for the save? Is that where we're going here?
So it's literally time for the show to go off. Seriously this is going to be such a shit ending to the show. It's going to be new levels of awful.