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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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Man the PSP was dope. It was even sorta kinda supported by first and third party games.

Vita on the other hand is a sweet piece of hardware with nothing to play on except indie trash, or animu shit.

At least I got my Vita as a present, so I didn't spend money on it ;_;


Vita on the other hand is a sweet piece of hardware with nothing to play on except indie trash, or animu shit.

Stro continuing his damn MVP run of WrassleGAF
I was watching early RAWs too but I can't review them, oh good lord you are a gentleman and a scholar


Stro continuing his damn MVP run of WrassleGAF
I was watching early RAWs too but I can't review them, oh good lord you are a gentleman and a scholar

Yo dude, this Fatu/Bret match was pretty hype. These are easy because they're short and not much happens on them.


Dear Leader is not done bestowing gifts upon us. Not only do we get Beyond the Ring featuring Thy Kingdom Come, we also get Wrestlemania Rewind with the most famous and talked about match from WM18!

Relive HHH?s Road to WrestleMania X-8, culminating in the thrilling Undisputed Championship match against Y2J Chris Jericho.


Dear Leader is not done bestowing gifts upon us. Not only do we get Beyond the Ring featuring Thy Kingdom Come, we also get Wrestlemania Rewind with the most famous and talked about match from WM18!

I would love to see how they sell this one

Though assume gonna focus mostly on his recovery and all that

And not Jericho getting Steph's... lotion?


Alright boys, here comes my X-Seven review! It'll be in three posts, with the third coming tomorrow morning. No GIFs at the moment, those will be edited in later this week for completeness' sake. Enjoy!

Part 1 of 3

The review you have all been waiting for has finally arrived! The show that concluded an era. One of the most beloved years from the granddaddy of them all. This is...


Before we jump into this review, I need to give a little background to my history with wrestling so that you have a better understanding of where I'm coming from with my critique of the event. I did not have cable as a kid, and was 5 years old when the Attitude Era began. As you'd expect, wrestling wasn't allowed in our home until myself and my brothers were much older, and by the time we would have cared about it, the PG Era was well under way, solidifying our lack of interest in the product. While I had certainly been familiar with Wrasslin', it was not until the Summer of Punk angle in 2011 that I started to really follow WWE and Pro Wrestling as a whole.Over the past three years, I have become pretty well versed with the history and various promotions, but my experience with much of the older product is limited to iconic promos and actual matches rather than the builds behind the feuds.

Why is this relevant to the discussion? I have never seen the full build to most of the feuds here at X-7. This is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it gives me a more objective view on the match quality from a wrestling standpoint. On the other hand, it completely skews my opinion on the weight behind these matches, especially since the Attitude Era relied on the history for the in-ring storytelling to work. Consider this a shot at the WWE for not having the RAWs and SmackDowns up on the network, as well as my way of saying there are no rose-colored glasses here. So, without further to do, let's get on to the review!

WrestleMania X-7 opens up with this interesting intro put together by the always wonderful video package team in glorious widescreen. The promo shows the universal love of wrestling all around the world, and comes across as somewhere between delusional and heartwarming. I mean, just look at this.


Also, check out this throwback to the 90's with that portable TV. I don't think that has a cable box on it... Quick, someone shut that lamp down!!!


The show itself begins in my hometown of Houston, TX in the greatest closed stadium of all time, the Astrodome. This would be the biggest event to ever be hosted at the arena, and it really shows. This was wrestling at its finest and the fans knew it. We cut to our wonderful announce team for the night, good ol' JR and Paul Heyman.

I cannot stress this enough, these two are absolutely phenomenal. These two were able to really make me feel all the more invested in these matches and are the gold standard for what commentary should be. There is a reason that the two man table works as well as it does, and it's so that they don't run over each other and are able to call the matches distracted, while also providing relevant banter that moves the narrative forward. It's clear, concise and is what is missing from commentary today. (Full disclaimer: this may just be my inner ECW fanboy desperately trying to put Heyman over. Somehow though, I doubt it.)

Our curtain jerk for the night is a match between Chris Jericho and William Regal for the Intercontinental Championship. The match opens fast and maintains that pace all throughout, thanks primarily to Jericho's hybrid high-flying/brawl style and Regal's own use of counter-pins and tosses. The match, combined once again with the solid commentary, succeed in making the event really feel like the grandest stage of them all. It cannot be stressed enough how important the cruiserweights were to the success of the Attitude Era product, and have had a longer lasting impact on the industry than anything else from that era, as we will see later in the night. Jericho hits Regal with the moonsault for the pin, retaining his IC Title. A solid match that sets the bar high for the rest of the night, no story background needed to appreciate it. Easily a 4 star match.

We cut to Shane entering the arena, followed by a promo by Bradshaw cutting a promo about being in the Astrodome to set up our next match. There is nothing more bizarre to see than APA-Era JBL after years of seeing him as, well, JBL.

Our next match is Right to Censor vs. The APA and Taz. For those unfamiliar, Right to Censor was a parody stable for the writers to take potshots and the Parent's Television Council, who were up in arms about the violent and sexual content that defined WWF Attitude. It was made up of Stevie Richards, Bull Buchanan, The Godfather (renamed Goodfather here), Val Venus, and Ivory (whom we'll get to later...). Stevie escorts the others into the match.

First off, dear God that blasted titantron is annoying. I know that's the point, but seriously? And I have to suffer through this TWICE? Annoying themes aside, we get to the 6-man tag match that lasts shy of 4 minutes. It's not a secret that match length was never a concern of the Attitude Era, but it does make it hard to be invested in the match without context. I'm sure this seemed timely and hilarious to someone at the time, but the match as it is is only okay. Gotta love how short Taz really looks here. And I'm willing to admit the Mormon outfits are hilarious. Bradshaw hits the Clothesline from Hell and gets the pin. Decent breather, and far from a terrible match, but it really doesn't feel like a big match in and of itself. This is why you need the RAWs up there, WWE. 2 and a half stars.

Time for a commercial break, I'm gonna go get a snickers cruncher bar.

Part 2:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=106279439&postcount=6820



WWF Monday Night Raw 2/28/93

Bret Hart vs Fatu WWF Championship

Hot way to start off the show. Too bad Bartlett is going to do an Elvis impression all night. Bret has a gross patch of skin missing from his nose. Bret uses his speed and wrestling advantage to get Fatu to the mat. It takes two, but Bret gets Fatu down. He trips over Fatu and appears to have injured his knee. SWERVE, he was playing opossum! Bret tries more cheeky tactics and gets his fucking face kicked off. That was about as stiff of a superkick as you'll ever see. Bret tries for a hip toss and gets lariatoooed for it. Fatu slaps on the dreaded nerve hold. Samu makes his way to ringside. Bret gets a cross body. Fatu throws him to the floor while kicking out. Samu hits a disgustingly stiff bodyslam out there. Jeeeeezus, shit is a work, guys. The super kick hit him full force square in the jaw, and now Samu is slamming him as hard as possible on the floor. Back breaker from Fatu. Sloppy cover, though. The patch of missing skin is bleeding and it looks like he might also be bleeding from inside of his nose, too. Piledriver. Bret barely kicks out. Fuuuuuuuck the corner bump looked stiffer than usual. Side slam. Second rope diving headbutt. It's a weird thing, but I always liked how Bret would position his legs while on the mat. Something about it just felt more real to me as a kid. Fatu goes back up top. Bret hops up and crotches him. Superplex. 2 count. Running bulldog. Another 2 count. Bret gets the back breaker. Diving elbow. Sharpshooter is applied. Afa distracts Earl and Samu attacks from behind. He and Fatu switch a few times. Fatu gets sent into Samu, who gets hung in the ropes. He's gonna die! Russian leg sweep. Afa gets hit. Sharpshooter for the win. LOL at Earl starting to count a pin for it. Fucking Earl. That was pretty rad. Really enjoyed it. Definitely hampered by all these Elvis shit.



Mean Gene gives us the SCOOPS. Gene says he can't believe the "Ba....the nerve" of Money Inc for challenging the Mega Maniacs. It ends with a terrible Joey Buttafuoco joke.


Crush is on the beach, just hanging out, smashing coconuts.

Doink vs Koko B. Ware

Heel Doink's music is legit creepy. Doink ambushes Koko. What a piece of shit. That fucking dick. Clowns aren't supposed to be dick heads, you dick. STF. Doink seems momentarily really impressed with Koko's pants. Doink I think was trying to a figure four and Koko just wasn't going for it. Spinning neck breaker. Doink quickly wins with the Stump Puller. Elvis tries to get a word with Doink. Doink hits him in the face with a pie. Elvis loves it because he's fat. HE'S FAT.


Vince conducts an in ring interview with Money Inc. Ted talks about how pissed he is about his friend only getting $780,000 a year in retirement and a $1M severance deal. Ted thinks Hogan has gone SAWFT in Hollywood. Jimmy Hart was just an over paid gopher and they are happy to be rid of him. The briefcase is renamed the Beefcase and Hogan is going to be the next one to get hit. Money Inc. agree to put their titles on the line at Wrestlemania.

Lex Luger vs PJ Walker

This one particular fan does not care for Lex. Elvis likes him because he's the guy that makes his boobies dance. Justin Credible! Brain calls in to brag about Lex. Oh, this is just to continue the Elvis shit. Lex easily wins. Lex pulls PJ out to the mirror to berrate him, but said that PJ was an atypical man. I think he meant typical.


Steiner Brothers vs Duane Gill/Barry Hardy

Weirdly, Vince said Rob and Scott before the break. Rob is Rick's real name. Macho brings it up after the break and says they're mad at Vince for messing up their names. Scott and Hardy begin. Scott knocks the shit out of him. Elvis and Macho make hooker references. Rick tags in and Steinerlines Hardy to the floor. Michigan Stampede. Scott straight man handles Gillberg in a scary way. Tiger Driver. Frankensteiner for the dominating win.

Next week will have Virgil/Tito vs Money Inc and Mr. Perfect vs Rick Martel.

Bret/Fatu was really enjoyable. Having a show long running Elvis joke was fucking terrible. This was also the start of weekly current events jokes/commentary and they were always, always terrible. That would last for pretty much the entire New Generation era.


Part 1:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=106279094&postcount=6818

Part 2 of 3

Alright, we're back at WrestleMania X-7! If you missed the first post, here's a link. Without further to do, let's get on to the next match, a triple threat for the Hardcore Title!

We open with Raven carting in his nice collection of weapons, followed by an entrance by Kane.This is looking up!


Oh... Big Show's in this match... Two out of three, this match still has a chance right? I guess not... It starts out okay when they're in the ring area, but once we go backstage, well... I'll let the gifs speak for themselves...

GIFS TO BE ADDED (Just trust me, it's bad)

I'm just gonna be blunt about this. I like Raven. I like Kane. I love ECW. I have no qualms with a bunch of dudes just throwing each other into sets and beating each other senseless backstage. But this match just doesn't do it for me. I'm not sure what it is about it that turns me off. Maybe it's because it's a triple threat. Maybe it's my distaste for the Big Show. Maybe the build to this match was kinda important. Maybe I just don't actually like garbage wrestling. All I know for sure is that this match left me wanting more. A lot more. At least Kane got the belt.

I guess. 2 stars.

Cut to a segment with a fan from Australia that flew in for WrestleMania. Gotta plug that international appeal!

We move on to The Rock backstage, hanging the belt. Yeah. Cool. Time for the next match.



It's time for Eddie vs Test for the European Championship! Oh, and Eddie's coming down the ramp with some guy named Perry Saturn. Is he someone I'm supposed to care about? Eh... Whatever, he's old, who cares.

Here comes Test, I'm sure this guy's got a bright future in the WWF!

Anyways, sarcasm filter off, let's get down to business. This match works because of Eddie's storytelling ability. I really like how he works his size into the match. This particular move's pretty cool. I mean, just look at this!

It just works. The commentary, once again, works in synergy with the ring work. As the match winds down, in comes Perry with the Moss-covered 3 handled family gredenza! (Thank you based Jericho)

The match ends with interference from Dean Malenko, giving Eddie a chance to hit Test with the belt, netting him a pin and the European Championship. I'm probably overrating this because Eddie's Latino Hear worked on me, but I really dug this match. Test was okay, though this match shows why he's little more than a footnote in the annals of wrestling legend. 3 stars.

The show doesn't waist any time getting on to the next match, and what a match it is. Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit for PRIDE, not to be confused with PRIDE FC. Does this match really need an excuse to happen? Didn't think so. Are you ready for 14 minutes of pure Wrasslin' action? Strap in!

HIGHLIGHT GIFS! (to be added...)

This match... Just wow. Great heel promo by Angle out of the gate, made even better by the fact that the heel who just buried the Texas crowd's fashion sense and pride gets the big win dirty while still making Benoit look great. Oh, and this happened during the post-match interview.


Good work, WWF, it's too bad you all don't do this enough anymore... This match shows just how good Angle and Benoit were, and it makes their poor choices in life sting all the more. Pure in-ring bliss... What a great match. 4 ½ stars.

Promo for the Gimmick Battle Royale with Heyman burying it. Sorry Paul E, I'm with JR on this one. This is followed by a Fort Hood promo showing the WWE entertaining the troops. Very cool. Time for another break, we'll be right back folks!

Part 3:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=106388768&postcount=7396


Vita on the other hand is a sweet piece of hardware with nothing to play on except indie trash, or animu shit.

So true. Nothing to play besides ports.

I'll pick it up later this year when it's discontinued for $50. The stuff I'm even remotely interested in (Tearaway, Gravity Rush) will probably be free on PS+ by then, too.
"Now was Sean Mooney the first time you've ever seen someone spell 'Sean' S-E-A-N?"

No. No, that's how we spell it in Ireland."


Colt, why are you so dumb?!


stro, would it be fair to say that Bret Hart is in your all-time FAVE TEN? I've rarely seen you complain about one of his matches.


If it ain't MSRP it don't count brudda

Shit the only reason I could tell was the location and knowing early RAWs had no damn budget, beyond that it was clean as hell. Crush is the least convincing Hawaiian I've ever seen though

He actually was born and raised in Hawaii.

"Now was Sean Mooney the first time you've ever seen someone spell 'Sean' S-E-A-N?"

No. No, that's how we spell it in Ireland."


Colt, why are you so dumb?!

Bean, why are you so anti-Semetic?

stro, would it be fair to say that Bret Hart is in your all-time FAVE TEN? I've rarely seen you complain about one of his matches.

For sure. Big Bret mark from way back. It's amazing how good he was considering the lack of talent he had to work with during his prime.


I spend half my watching time on documentaries and the other half on wrasslin'.

I wonder if all those depressing documentaries aren't what is causing my need for the sweet wrasslin' escapism.
So true. Nothing to play besides ports.

I'll pick it up later this year when it's discontinued for $50. The stuff I'm even remotely interested in (Tearaway, Gravity Rush) will probably be free on PS+ by then, too.

GR, Uncharted, and Wipeout have been on plus for like a year at this point. I'm pretty sure you can add them to your download list on your PS3 until you get a Vita.
"Michael Jordan of wrestling" - Big Dave on HHH. Your 2014 Royal Rumble winner.

My god this ending of Thy Kingdom Come. They are gonna play the fuck out of this in his funeral. And maybe Vince's.


For sure. Big Bret mark from way back. It's amazing how good he was considering the lack of talent he had to work with during his prime.

Nice. He's easily in my all-time fave 3. I was a pretty big mark for him, and I was super disappointed with Wrestlemania 9, and even with how he "beat" Yokozuna at WM10. Yoko just falling off the top rope made it seem like Bret didn't actually use his own skill to beat him, but got a little lucky.
Awww Vince getting the last word on the HHH doc. Those tears were real man.

I've seen too much Vince tears for one week. I mean seriously they never roll down, just his eyes stay watery.


Watching WWE Vintage re-tell the long feud between Edge and Christian, the Dudleys, and the Hardy Boys.

The crowds feel like they are at least 50% of what made this era and these matches feel so exciting. They popped for just about everything, and when a finisher was being set up, they started losing their shit. If you try to just focus on the action and tune out the crowd, the in-ring stuff actually isn't THAT much different from something you'd see on Raw, Impact, or in ROH today...the crowds just make it seem more epic.

...and this is why Impact will never feel like a big-time promotion with their limp Orlando studio crowds. It doesn't matter how good the in-ring stuff or the promos are...if the crowd just feels bored or like it has seen this stuff before, the show comes off as weak on television.

Crowds are incredibly important to making something feel important and larger than it is.


Nice. He's easily in my all-time fave 3. I was a pretty big mark for him, and I was super disappointed with Wrestlemania 9, and even with how he "beat" Yokozuna at WM10. Yoko just falling off the top rope made it seem like Bret didn't actually use his own skill to beat him, but got a little lucky.

All the little things he did really stood out to me as a kid. As I mentioned during the Fatu match, just the way he had his legs when he was on the mat felt more "real". Most guys lay flat out. Bret would always have one leg bent and the other pointing the other direction. I have no idea why it stuck with me so much. His punches and kicks always looked so good. Loved the sharpshooter. Loved the elbow. Everything he did just looked and felt more real to me as a kid even before I realized it was a work.

Stro did you ever do a review of Uncensored 96? This main event is one of the stupidest fucking things I've ever seen in my life.

I'll get to it. I'm pretty much working on getting through every WCW PPV. I figure if I did all of 1998-2001, I can do the rest of them without having to sit through all the TVs and fewer per year anyway.


All the little things he did really stood out to me as a kid. As I mentioned during the Fatu match, just the way he had his legs when he was on the mat felt more "real". Most guys lay flat out. Bret would always have one leg bent and the other pointing the other direction. I have no idea why it stuck with me so much. His punches and kicks always looked so good. Loved the sharpshooter. Loved the elbow. Everything he did just looked and felt more real to me as a kid even before I realized it was a work.

I agree 100% about his punches, and in his book he talks about wanting to make everything look as real as possible. I also cringe almost every time he does the spot where he runs chest first into the corner turnbuckle. Master class selling. Just the way his mouth is always open when he's taking a beating to make it look like he's slack-jawed or sucking wind. It really made you want to see him succeed, and it really made you buy into the idea that he was legitimately suffering in that ring.
NxT is pretty horrible right now - has been for three weeks now.

Some higher ups must be paying attention, and "fixing" it.

I feel like deleting it from Sky+


NxT is pretty horrible right now - has been for three weeks now.

Some higher ups must be paying attention, and "fixing" it.

I feel like deleting it from Sky+

Watched this week's today.

Things worth watching:
-Charlotte vs. Natalya
-Adrian Neville vs. Bo Dallas

-Mojo Rawley vs. CJ Parker
-Tyler Breeze vs. Xavier Woods

If there was another match, I've forgotten it. But I don't think there was.


I agree 100% about his punches, and in his book he talks about wanting to make everything look as real as possible. I also cringe almost every time he does the spot where he runs chest first into the corner turnbuckle. Master class selling. Just the way his mouth is always open when he's taking a beating to make it look like he's slack-jawed or sucking wind. It really made you want to see him succeed, and it really made you buy into the idea that he was legitimately suffering in that ring.

Yeah, while his matches got pretty formulaic over the years, pretty much everyone follows a formula and it is the little things that stick out. And all the little details from Bret stood out to me as a kid well before I even realized why they'd be good details.


Okay, this is my first time ever actually watching Edge/Christian vs. The Hardy Boys vs. The Dudleys at Wrestlemania X7 in TLC2.

INSANE match. Holy shit. Can't believe what they put their bodies through. I can't believe that Jeff Hardy is still doing the stuff he's doing today and that he didn't totally wreck his back, knees, and just about every other part of his body after putting himself through so much. Just...WOW.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
As I've said before whenever New Generation comes up, I marked hard for Headshrinkers. Fun explosive badass dudes who had a badass look.

How the hell Fatu gave birth to two of the most boring, vanillas faces is beyond me.


Okay, this is my first time ever actually watching Edge/Christian vs. The Hardy Boys vs. The Dudleys at Wrestlemania XV in TLC2.

INSANE match. Holy shit. Can't believe what they put their bodies through. I can't believe that Jeff Hardy is still doing the stuff he's doing today and that he didn't totally wreck his back, knees, and just about every other part of his body after putting himself through so much. Just...WOW.

He did. His body has been fucked up for years. Hence showing up to main event PPVs fucked up. What really amazes me is how Christian was never really injured until the last 2 years or so, and I don't recall Bully Ray or Devon ever missing time due to injuries.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Christian had a major injury several years ago. Can't remember the details, but he talked about it in his ROH shoot. Where he literally couldn't move to get off the bed.
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