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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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Welp Meltzer just confirmed it:

Who is ready for some Prince Devitt at NXT in May? I wonder in his contract he gets to keep the rights to his name so he will come to the WWE as Prince Devitt.

Swerve, Devitt wins and Taguchi shows up on NXT the next month.





This second photo is so good.
It'll be interesting to see how Devitt does in WWE. If the stars align, it was perfect timing. I'm pretty sure he'll go to NXT though, that seems to be their MO with all new signings and they don't want guys like Sin Cara not learning a WWE ring and being sloppy as a result.


It'll be interesting to see how Devitt does in WWE. If the stars align, it was perfect timing. I'm pretty sure he'll go to NXT though, that seems to be their MO with all new signings and they don't want guys like Sin Cara not learning a WWE ring and being sloppy as a result.

From what the Observer has said, the deal they're offering him would feature a brief stay in NXT to get adjusted, and then he'd be on the main roster quickly, presumably with a big push. They had to offer a lot to get him to accept, since he has a great spot over in New Japan.
"Ok maybe our big tall A+ players can't take you out Bryan, I guess we gotta fight fire with fire, so why don't we get someone your own size....bring him in"

Just smell the subscribers.

I really do wanna see that match tho.


I'd kill for Devitt to use the leverage he has to keep his name. Suddenly seeing him as "Dougal McGuire" would be strange.


It'll be interesting to see how Devitt does in WWE. If the stars align, it was perfect timing. I'm pretty sure he'll go to NXT though, that seems to be their MO with all new signings and they don't want guys like Sin Cara not learning a WWE ring and being sloppy as a result.

I think even the WWE know there's a difference between a walking botch machine that refuses to learn English and Fergal Devitt. They'll be paying him a lot of money as well so they can't afford to leave him in NXT for long.
The truck monkeys are so good. They made that HHH/Bryan chairshot look like the most brutal thing ever in their match promo. The promo then ends with "At Wrestlemania, I BURY Daniel Bryan." Preying on them smark fears.


More Devitt names suggestions because I have nothing else to do on a Saturday.

Shaun McDevitt
Lyle Learson
Cork Poppin' Pete
The Highlander
Harry Highlander
Mikey McGreenfields


Okay, what the hell:
  1. The Triple H documentary on the Network has the Benoit warning. I haven't seen it (yet), but is that because they talk about Benoit or because they don't want to be held responsible for something else someone says?
  2. The music over the "beyond the ring" logo is Leo Kruger's old music.


I forgot he debuted as Matt Sydal! I forgot Bryan even debuted in FCW as Bryan Danielson then he was known as Daniel Bryan.

And I've been wondering who the hell the "Sydal" ring entrance in WWE 2k14 was supposed to be for months. Most of them are identifyable by either name or what it looks like ("Legend Killer" is clearly old-school Randy Orton and "The Gold Standard" looks like Kurt Angle) but that one was neither to me.


----- ------
Okay, what the hell:
  1. The Triple H documentary on the Network has the Benoit warning. I haven't seen it (yet), but is that because they talk about Benoit or because they don't want to be held responsible for something else someone says?
  2. The music over the "beyond the ring" logo is Leo Kruger's old music.

I'll guess they show his Wrestlemania 20 match with him.


And I've been wondering who the hell the "Sydal" ring entrance in WWE 2k14 was supposed to be for months. Most of them are identifyable by either name or what it looks like ("Legend Killer" is clearly old-school Randy Orton and "The Gold Standard" looks like Kurt Angle) but that one was neither to me.

Gold Standard would be Shelton. You know



"Lights Out" Larry Kerrigan
"Gap Tooth" Pete Garrison
"Lucky Lad" Luke O'Leary

Trademark moves:
The Lucky Charm Breaker
The End of the Rainblow
The Fightin' Irishslam

Finisher: The Pot of Gold



WWF Monday Night Raw 2/21/93

The Hulkster will be in the building tonight!

Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Scott Taylor

Bartlett immediately buries Scotty because he's a cunt like that. Lariatoooo. Scotty gets out of a suplex and then tries a victory roll. I'm sure he got a concussion from the electric chair. Butterfly back breaker! Bam Bam wins after two diving headbutts.


TO THE INTERVIEW. Vince had a sit down conversation with Hulk Hogan. Hulk gives an interview in his Terry voice, talks about mistakes he's made in his life. Tabloid terrorism has been going on, brother. This sure sounds like something Vince cooked up after drug rumors. There is a new demandment: Believe in Hulk Hogan. Dude is clearly starting a cult. He's got a big announcement that will happen on Raw.

Shawn Michaels/Beverly Brothers vs Tatanka/Nasty Boys

Fucking Knobs. Knobs, Bam Bam, and the Beverlys. It's like 1999 WCW all over again. The action starts will all 6 men brawling. HBK gets back dropped over the top rope. Double Pit Stop for the bros. HBK and Knobs go at it for a bit. HBK runs away when Tatanka gets tagged in. Uncut, uncooked, uncensored is the worst catchphrase, especially since they say it about 6 times per show. Knobs is a piece of shit. Bartlett is a piece of shit. I want to see Knobs get injured. Knobs plays the FIP which is both good and bad. Bad because he's fucking terrible, but good because he's getting his ass kicked. Fat cunt finally gets the hot tag to Tatanka. He hit the End of the Trail. A Beverly broke the pin. Tatanka wins with a sunset flip out of the Tear Drop suplex.

Sean Mooney is outside, talking with the poors who couldn't get in. They're there to see the Hulkster.

Crush vs Terry Taylor

Poor Taylor. Can't be anything but a jobber. Taylor gets hit with a weak dropkick and a press slam. Bartlett does a stupid ass Arnold impression. Was there ever a time when Crush didn't suck at everything? Crush easily wins.

We're shown the Beefer getting his face reborked by Money Inc. It was only a broken nose.

Vince conducts an in ring interview with HULK HOGAN! Hulk Hogan is here in the Impact Zone! He feels so out of place in this tiny building. Hulk was hanging out last week watching the greatest come back of all time, only to see Brutus get the crush of all times in his face, brother. "Breececase" and "Peefcake". Hulk thanks Jeeeeeeezus for making sure Brutus wasn't hurt too much. He also thanks Jimmy Hart for laying himself over Beefer's body, brother. Hulk is BACK, brotherjackdude. He brings out Brutus. He also thanks Jeeeeeeeezus and Jimmy Hart. There is no way that briefcase broke his nose. It hit him on the top of his head. Next the bring out Jimmy Hart as their new manager. This is the greatest day of Jimmy Hart's live, baby. He's dreamed of wearing the red and yellow for years. WTF. You lying piece of shit. He believes Hogan and Beefcake will be the greatest team of all time. He promises to take his vitamins every day from now own. This shit feels so out of date even in 1993.

The Undertaker vs Skinner

The majority of the match happened during commercial breaks. The show runs out of time. We'll get the finish of the match next week. Next week will also have Bret Hart defending the WWF Championship against one of the Headshrinkers.

No hour long show needs TWO Hulk Hogan interviews.


How can WWE have two Irish guys? They've already given all the stereotypes to one of them, even naming one of his moves after the belief that Irish got really small penises.


I wonder if Fale will miss Devitt's balls gently nuzzling the back of his head or have his shades been masking his tears all this time?
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