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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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WrestleMania XXX |OT| Deal with it

WrestleMania XXX |OT| Can't deal with it

WrestleMania XXX |OT| The 30th anniversary of WrestleMania
*sees twitter*

Oh well I'll be buying it!

Lol, yeah, I'd definitely recommend picking up the download when it's released - another amazing show from top to bottom (although Grado vs Mad Man Manson might not be your thing). I fear my ugly mug's gonna be all over this, unfortunately - front row and centre, plus the hard camera was pointing my way. Also, Ligero tugged my beard for good luck :p


So not worth it
I smell bad.

I should really take a shower. But it's weekend and it would require getting up from my couch.
That's kind of exciting... maybe

If it's a true to roots reimaging of what TNA should have been, I'll be excited. It'll be interesting to see who he can actually sign considering a lot of top talent is tied up with the WWE Performance Centre, TNA and even Japan now.

Plus Jarrett has been touring pretty heavily, so perhaps a lot of international talent might sign on?


So not worth it
WrestleMania XXX |OT| Maybe this time the ultimate feel good moment won't be ruined by a future murderer.

No, too soon?



WWF Monday Night Raw 3/14/93

The first Raw out of the Manhattan Center and Gorilla/Brain are doing commentary duty. Along with Not Vince McMahon. Due to a blizzard in New York, the whole show was changed last minute. Vince was away as he was being given an award that night.

Razor Ramon vs Ross Greenberg

Fall away slam. Abdominal stretch. Short chokeslam. This jobber is terrible. Razor has to force him into everything. Back superplex. Razor's Edge. Easy win for the Bad Guy.


Typhoon vs L.A. Gore

What a dope name for a jobber. Along with terrible tights and terrible hair. Typhoon almost cripples Gore with a powerslam. Gore's head was centimeters away from the mat. Standing splash for the quick win.


Brain throws a fit about not getting his cues while trying to do an interview. It goes to commercial. ICOPRO. You've gotta want it.

Brain's guests in the ring are Harvey Wippleman and Giant Gonzalez. I hate Harvey. Blah balh destroy Undertaker, wrasslin, I don't know how to wash my clothes. Fucking Bruno.

Ridiculous Hogan hype video. I swear you'd think Hogan is the champ and in the main event at Wrestlemania.

Papa Shango vs Bob Backlund

Bob uses his amateur skills to trip Shango up repeatedly. Gorilla wants to knock Bartlett out. Test of strength. It doesn't work for Bob, but he's able to use mat skill to get the advantage. FUCKING BARTLETT JEEEEEEZUS FUCKING CHRIST SHUT THE FUCK UP. He's just making noises. He's not even saying words. Legit gibberish. Big back breaker from Shango. This is fucking unbearable. Gorilla finally yells STOP. God damn it I hope he knocks the shit out of Bartlett. He's threatening it. Fucking piece of shit. Fat fucking sack of shit. Is he dead yet? Papa is firmly in control with rest holds. Small package OUTTA NOWHERE! Backlund wins.

. Hold your hats, folks, we're going to be having the world's largest toga party at Wrestlemania! We're shown a clip of Yoko crushing some jobber. I'm really annoyed at the "Double Main Event" thing. I'm also annoyed that way more time had been devoted to Hogan's match than the title match. Money Inc. promo. They're having an armored briefcase made so they can hit Hogan in his big fat head. Paul/Taker promo.


Nasty Boys vs Headshrinkers

Man, I really hope Knobs gets stiffed. When I said that, I didn't think it would mean he was going to make out with the overweight Raw girl. Wrong kind of stiffed, Vince. Samu and Knobs begin. Samu right away hits a rough corner lariatoo. Knobs comes back with some of his own. Double back drop to Samu. God, Knobs is such a sack of shit. Fatu gets his arm worked over. Bartlett is still fucking babbling. Why they fuck would Vince think another show long running joke with this cunt was a good idea? Vince lost his touch all the way back in 1993. After a break, the Headshrinkers are in control. Sags gets slammed on the floor, no where near as hard as Bret got slammed. Diving headbutt misses. Hot tag to the hot piece of shit. God damn, what a downgrade to go from wrestling Bret to Knobs. Double DDT from that piece of shit. They head to the "concession area", which is right next to the entrance and appears to be only hot dogs and popcorn. Mustard everywhere. The match is thrown out. Sags wraps a chair around Samu's head.


A package devoted the WWF's charity work. Sorry, I can't buy Randy Savage telling me not to do drugs. Woah, the package ends with a shot of Vince that says he's the president/CEO of WWF/Titan Sports. What the fuck. My brain can't handle this.


Fucking Bartlett was the worst he's been so far. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeezus. But I'm legit shook that Vince was revealed as the boss in 1993.



The belief among many, and this is just locker room talk, is that Jeff Jarrett’s new promotion will start in January and CMT would be their cable television home.

The CMT rumors come from the fact that Toby Keith, who is rumored to be a big part of the financial backing of the company, has close connections with that network.

The rumors going around TNA is that Kurt Angle could likely be the lead star of Jarrett’s new promotion. While Angle and Jarrett have obviously had their issues in the past, the two are said to be on good terms right now.

Angle’s contract with TNA is set to expire in the fall. Because of what happened with other high-paying contracts in TNA, such as Hulk Hogan, Sting and AJ Styles, many feel that Angle staying without taking a dramatic pay cut is unlikely.

One of the key ideas of Jarrett’s new promotion is to introduce a lot of new faces to the U.S. national scene. Jarrett has been doing a lot of talent scouting at independent wrestling events, as well as looking at videos of guys that people are recommending to him, including a lot of international talent.

Finally, there is talk that the promotion would open with a Jeff and Karen Jarrett reality show, a vehicle designed to build to the launch of their television show and the promotion itself a few months later.

I don't know why, but I would be very interested in seeing some good ol' country wrasslin'. I wonder who will be on the roster?
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