said:"so is FROOT coming out March 16th in the US now ??? i need answers @MarinasDiamonds"
Yes. Forgot when it was coming out.
There isn't a deluxe edition?
Well that is kind of nice. While I would have bought all versions that came out, I definitely prefer not having to import UK albums for a couple extra tracks.Nope! No exclusive tracks this time around!
Why would you feel guilty about this? Did you know that I became a moderator while wearing a Family Jewels avatar?tru fact
This bugs me. I get the intent and context of the song but it's the only explicit mention of feminism on the album unless I missed any others.Do you really want me to write a feminist anthem?
I'm happy cooking dinner in the kitchen for my husband said:I was intrigued by this lyric from the new song Can’t Pin Me Down: “Do you really want me to write a feminist anthem / I’m happy cooking dinner in the kitchen for my husband.” Tell me a bit more about it.
Well I got married last year! No, I didn’t. It’s about people trying to define who you are. It’s about women, mainly. It’s about what people expect you to be or who they think you are, when actually they have no fucking idea. People don’t know who I am and so as an artist that’s really frustrating because your whole aim is for people to understand what you’re trying to express. Am I feminist though? Fuck, yes. But even with feminism it’s not about being independent the whole time. There’s nothing wrong with being a housewife. said:On "Can't Pin Me Down," you riff on the idea of writing a feminist anthem. It's a tricky thing. Is there a way to write a feminist song that isn't branded anti-feminist by someone?
"I don't know. Good question again. You're always gonna get pulled up on something. On this song, I'm kind of playing devil's advocate and being a bit contrary, like I'm playing with the listener. I'm not playing with them about feminism; I'm playing with them more about the fact you're maybe second-guessing someone, or you have the wrong perception of them. It's about not being confined, whether you're a man or a woman — not being pigeonholed. Feminism is a very complex topic. People are still very much navigating that, but it's something I'm interested in, and it's something I'm always happy to talk about."
Worst song: Better Than That
Wow bye I hate you