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Mario Golf: Advance Tour - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"Mario Golf: Advance Tour makes good on the legacy of Mario Golf games that have preceded it. The gameplay is easy to pick up, but it has enough depth and diversity to stay interesting, and there's a nice variety of both realistic and fantasy-themed courses to play on. Players who take their golf seriously may be put off by some of the game's outlandish obstacles and its playful aesthetic, but if these characteristics don't bother you, you'll be treated to the most accomplished game of golf to hit the Game Boy Advance."

IIRC, Gamespot gave the original Mario Golf (GBC) 7.0, so the score ain't that bad


IGN's review (old news) :

10.0 Presentation
Absolutely brilliant and thorough golfing experience that goes well beyond the console experience. The RPG element adds depth to an already great golfing design.
9.0 Graphics
If you liked the Golden Sun style, you'll love the look of Mario Golf. The 3D view's a little awkward, but after a few minutes you won't even notice the strange Mode 7 skewing.
9.0 Sound
Fantastic audio and soundtrack throughout the experience, though some tune selections don't exactly fit the golf action.
10.0 Gameplay
Camelot really knows its golf. GameCube Mario Golf was great, but the GBA version blows it away in features and depth.
10.0 Lasting Appeal
Single player, multiplayer, tournaments, RPG level-up, GameCube connectivity, Wireless network support. Did I miss anything?
(out of 10 / not an average)

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