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Mario Kart 8 DLC |OT| DLC done right

lmfao @ that thread title change indeed.
Gave it a go and I got 1:41.877 with pink gold falcon. Hop sliding kept making me go slower so I went without >_>
Beat with Morton finally. Shame my lap 2 is so shit though, sub-1:41 is definitely possible for me though even at my current skill level. Still far off the WR though...


lmfao @ that thread title change indeed.

Beat with Morton finally. Shame my lap 2 is so shit though, sub-1:41 is definitely possible for me though even at my current skill level. Still far off the WR though...

...Well shoot. Guess I'll have to actually start hop sliding now. Oh well I enjoy time trial challenges.
When I raced against my ghost I was surprised to see that its demonsliding ass actually went faster than when I just drove straight. Unless I fucked up the downhill section of course. I believe you're supposed to stop sliding before the very end there but I always forget that.

The reason I was surprised is because I thought I was doing it wrong. Guess not.
i'm up for some races, who do I add to get into these neogaf rooms? :)
I somehow became the go-to guy. My NNID is PreyingShark. Yes, the same as my GAF username. That's for WWs anyways. I was going to do some WWs right about now anyways.

Also add the tournament that's in the OP because we sometimes do that too.


I somehow became the go-to guy. My NNID is PreyingShark. Yes, the same as my GAF username. That's for WWs anyways. I was going to do some WWs right about now anyways.

Also add the tournament that's in the OP because we sometimes do that too.
Well I have 98 friends on my list so I'm kinda out of room for people adding me for WW.
I was doing pretty well there.

Then my GamePad glitched out so I couldn't see anything for a while and when I could see again I was jammed right into a wall...

Azure J

So that thread on Gaming side made me come in here and write this up over the last few hours or so (got distracted). I wonder how my thoughts line up with yours. :p

God Tier - You automatically get all
when this course is selected. Chances are, you know that this race will be amazing for better or worse but you just cannot help grinning the whole way through. The track's dynamics allow for amazing moments and the audio/visual feedback is immense. TL;DR these are the most Mario Kart ass Mario Kart levels ever.

Mute City - Proof positive that Nintendo should have made more F-Zero years ago. Proof positive that antigrav was the single most inspired thing the Kart team could have done. Proof positive that the Mario Kart 8 band gives most composers a run for their money. Proof positive that NeoGAF is the best community on the net when everyone who sees it as an option picks it immediately. Proof positive that there is a god because no one man could be this inspired without some divine intuition.

Dragon Driftway - While decisively "slower" than the rest of the courses here, the way this track is set up is just too fun. A winding trip down the back of Galaxy 2's Gobblegut, multiple drift segments that test your ability to hit them corners, a really really really neat aesthetic and the theme music all come together for one of MK8's and the Mario Kart series' best courses ever.

Rainbow Road 64 - First up, grow a pair you "it too hard; no rails; items at beginning too OP; muh lightweights" people. This stage is a wonderful stage for daredevils who will run behind someone and take the chance of getting plastered by their dragged items to abuse slip stream boosts. This stage says "sure you can fuck the person next to you over, but what if you work with them" by keeping everyone in close enough quarters and being largely comprised of antigrav sections leading to amazing spin-boost chains with upwards of five or six people spinning about trying to get the best of the situation. The times when antigrav isn't available, there are mutliple ways to gain and maintain speed between the rippled road from the giant silver chomps bouncing on the stage, the Metropolitan Toad Association dropping coins onto the stage at a few intervals, and very generous turns to get great drifts off. Props if you're a inward drift biker and love to play close to the rim of the stage to avoid the chaos at the first and third turns post item blocks.

Rainbow Road 8 - Initially I felt like this stage was just OK, but after a few go throughs in the past and a wonderful frenemy moment with Papercuts months ago, I pretty much found a real love for this stage. Not enough to dethrone any of the previously mentioned, but enough so that it can definitely hang in this group.

Bowser's Castle - The lowest ranked member of the upper echelon. This stage doesn't get this spot for lacking anything as much as it does for everything else having more. If anything, Bowser's Castle is the litmus test for comparing other stages vying for entry into this tier. It has everything necessary for high ranks from me:

- Bitchin' ass "RACE IS ON" BGM
- Wild moments through all three laps with the action slowly escalating the whole time
- Good amount of antigrav sections with really fun stretches where you can play aggro or technical
- The stage is goddamn GORGEOUS

High - Tracks with a lot of action, fun sequences or just lead to really good GAF races without much investment. Come close to being in the upper echelon but either miss the mark by playing too safe or going a little too crazy.

Yoshi Circuit GCN - This level honestly came as a total surprise for me. In a vein similar to the previous high tier champion, GBA Mario Circuit 3, this stage manages to turn every one playing on it into real road rage fueled savages out to get that win and in so doing, manages to make the course one of my favorites to do a run around on in GAFcc and in general. This is even more mysterious to me personally since I always thought the stage was a bit too plain in the Double Dash source material. Go figure.

GBA Mario Circuit 3 - As mentioned above, this stage was the previous "GAFcc 'Skreets is Hot' pick but as time went on, Yoshi's proved to be far more ferocious to handle and more satisfying to place highly on. That said, this track is no slouch either. The third lap is a trail of blood and koopa shells after everyone hits the ground from the super lift segment.

Cloudtop Cruise - Still a big favorite track for me. I love the sense of scale and general level visuals, the music is ace (especially with the two tone variation between the more electric guitar and soft orchestra for the clear and thunder cloud portions of the race.

Grumble Volcano - This is a track I fucking HATED in Mario Kart Wii. I don't even know if you could say anything changed in between that game and 8, but somehow this track is in my upper favorites for this game despite only getting an HD remix. I guess it's just trying to beat JC's magic Donkey Kong on the last lap stretch that makes it a thing to me.

N64 Royal Raceway - Despite being one of the few stages in the entire game with no antigrav whatsoever, this stage always leads to some great moments. One of my favorites in all the GAF races I've had is included and really highlights the Wacky Races esque nature of the beast that is Mario Kart. I'm totally not rating this so highly because of my green shell fu either.


Mario Circuit - Originally one of the two courses with the syndrome described in the Yoshi's Circuit and GBA Mario Circuit 3

SNES Rainbow Road - A visual feast and really fun but somehow lacking compared to the other two Rainbow Roads and the tracks in between those and this. Stage theme is wonderful though.

Excite Bike Arena - Very straight forward stage, but doe an admirable job of switching things up on you with the random ramp placements every race. Inspires flashbacks to Baby Park when you get hit with things that have been crusing the track for upwards of two laps and you can see the pandemonium of bombs going off and all kinds of Bullet Bill fuckery going on as you round corners or see into the distance of the track.

Shy Guy Falls - Right now, I have it here but I think this is one of those courses that can be bumped up a fair bit. There's never a dull moment, the track itself is just a ton of fun between the waterfall segment and the winding road to it, and there's a lot of opportunity for someone to snag clutch victories.

Mount Wario - Does the whole "three segment" thing better than RR64 (which never should have gotten saddled with that shit) and is a blast until you reach the last boost panel into glider segment where it feels like you're auto locked into whatever position you're currently holding.

DS Wario Stadium - Closest thing to the great N64 Wario Stadium but still not Wario Colosseum levels of whoa. This stage I have a shaky relationship with despite feeling like it can hang up here. This is one of the only stages in the game where I feel like if three people break far enough out, you probably will not see greater than 4th unless something colossal happens.

Sunshine Airport - The closest to a mid tier among the high tier. Gets bumped up on the basis of having a lot of close combat areas and a nice double layer thing going on for most of the early track. The stage is also really nice looking. Those blue skies man...

Mid - Tracks that are just middle of the way. Nothing blatantly amazing, but nothing blatantly offensive either.

Bone Dry Dunes - This is actually not that bad a course honestly. Feels like because Dry Dry exists we downplay all the desert levels in the game, but this one can be surprising at times.

Ice Ice Outpost - a pretty fun level that apes the Electrodome idea of seperated paths but does away with locking players to said paths for most of the race. Good idea overall but still doesn't have enough going for it to really push it further.

3DS DK Jungle - There's an insanely claustrophobic atmosphere as you try to get down the first stretch and hit the mushroom jump before getting clocked with some nonsense that's both awesome and frustrating. The rest of the track is kinda neat too but I don't think it does enough to be higher than here.

Tick Tock Clock - Really fun stage, very straightforward with a nice visual theme. Not much else to say.

Water Park - A level I wish were far more complex sometimes. Great aesthetic, but very "my first Mario Kart/50cc" level design.

Mario Kart Stadium - Your neutralest neutral stage that ever neutraled. Nothing to write about more than the idea of the stadium itself being cool and the little details like the MKTV crew being everywhere and the vaguely Indy 500 inspiration (pit areas and the like) making for a great sense of place within the Mario world.

Dolphin Shoals - On music alone this would be a god tier contender. As it stands though, it's a very awkward stage with the mid section and eel riding feeling a bit too floaty. The segment when you come out of the sea riding along the side of that curved stone out of the sea and the music hits its crescendo though... Total bliss.

Wario's Gold Mine - This level is wacky as fuck. Still it's pretty straightforward and I have yet to see any real moments of "what the fuck" to consider it higher than mid tier.

Toad Harbor - There's a lot of cool moments that go down within the first 10 seconds and last 25 of this course, but beyond that it doesn't have enough to get out of this group.

Twisted Mansion - Neat ideas but still played a bit too safe overall. The last stretch is always good for laughs though. Shoutouts to the legendary 4 bullet bill train right at the end of a Frantic mode race a few months ago.

Hyrule Castle - Amazing fan service, but the track is very very barebones/straightforward. It's not a negative per se, but Mario Kart8's other tracks have been more incredible with regards to both audio/visual spectacle and gameplay dynamics.

Thwomp Ruins - Nothing to really write home about after the first few times you play the game honestly. It's not bad, but it's not a standout.

Low - These guys are either dull, completely superseded by a previously listed track, go on for much longer than they should or have a "that one segment" that completely halts their ability to be placed any higher than this on the list.

Electrodome - This is the poor man's Rainbow Road 8/Dragon Driftway/Mute City. Despite being an early high tier to me personally, it became kinda pronounced to me how much of the level is just spent separated from the other racers and thus missing out on all the hilarity of sieges from everyone or small moments of emergent cooperation with bump boosts and slip streams depending on whether or not you pick the split that has the most people. Still has one of the most awesome track themes (racing in a rave/dancehall is fucking awesome) and isn't very flawed beyond this though. It's one of two courses I recognize as unofficial "low mid" tiers.

Piranha Plant Slide - This stage would honestly be looked at better if the pipe section before the underwater segment didn't feel like such a massive clusterfuck and not even in the fun Mario Kart™ kind of way. The part that sucks though is that everything once you hit the bend to go underwater until you reach the flag is actually really really awesome and can set up a lot of crazy. Shoutouts to green shells fired over the brick gate as you glide out of the water section rebounding off the wall at the last bend and smashing foes right at the flag.

Sherbert Land GCN - This level is straight up sleep inducing. The visuals and setting/mood are cute and who doesn't like some Christmas themes in their video games, but man, its really hard to say that this is a particularly exciting course. It's only getting in over Sweet Sweet because of music and theme really.

Sweet Sweet Canyon - Great looks, really simple track. It's not a bad track per se, but it just doesn't hold up when compared to others in the game.

Goomba Tier - The levels that make the entire lobby want to throw rotten food and shoes at you for picking (on purpose or accident) when they come up in the lobbies. Let's face it, you deserved it.

Toad's Turnpike - How the FUCK did they ruin this stage? Xbox huge lanes, traffic that is passive as all hell, a much longer distance to travel with nothing going on but a drift you could do while comatose... That level should have been FAR more aggressively inclined. Cut that shit down to the width of two of its current lanes and make the cars actually move at a faster pace and you'd automatically make it ten times better.

The worst part? The stage is one of my favorites to just look at. It's one of the most jarring shows of how much time has passed in video games/a franchise from the first time you see a level to the modern equivalent I've seen since Sonic Generations' rendition of Speed Highway.

TL;DR Toad's Turnpike 64 to Toad's Turnpike 8 is equally or moreso impressive an HD remaster than Speed Highway in Sonic Adventure to Speed Highway in Generations.

Dry Dry
(Why Why)
Desert - Just fuck this damn level. Horribad music, desert theme (seriously, Super Mario Bros. 3 has made it so I can never enjoy most stages in games with desert themes), and an obnoxiously vast for the sake of being vast layout.

Overall, a lot of the courses in Mario Kart 8 filter into the "solid-to-outstanding" side of the scale. It's just that the few stinkers that exist could either have been way better or should have straight up been swapped for something else entirely. I know no one would complain if Dry Dry was replaced by Ribbon Road for example...
For me it's...

God Tier

Ice Ice Outpost
Toad Turnpike
Rainbow Road 64
SNES Rainbow Road
GBA Mario Circuit 3

Goomba Tier

Everything else, all the other courses suck.

If you want me to do a real write-up you'll have to play with us again y'know


The only tier that matters.

"Goomba Shit" Tier

Rainbow Road 64 - Race decided on first turn. Need to have an insane amount of hacks luck if you want to catch up if you got fucked over. If you're in first, then GG for you cause unless you suck and fell off the track or get hit by triple reds/blue shell or some unexplainable shit happens, you are guaranteed that first. And good luck getting those coins, they don't respawn.

Now the track design. It is boring. It may as well be a straight line outside of the first turn for the person in first place. It's just a long track that should have either been 2 laps or made shorter.

Toad's Turnpike - It's Toad's Turnpike, need I say more?

Every other course ranges from good to amazing to race on. Though Moo Moo Meadows is a bit on the dull side, too short for MK8. I think MK8 has the best courses overall and is leaps and bounds above other games in the series and the DLC will just increase that.

And that webm, green shell fu? More like aim assist abuse.


Fucking hell, I missed 5 item boxes in the past 2 races.

See, this is why Random sucks. 2/40 chance for Goomba Shit Tier courses.


I missed the first item box on RR64 somehow.

EDIT: Room is just getting smaller and smaller. I wonder why they can't get new people to the room.


After you left, I got 10th like 3 times in a row with stuff hitting me pretty much at the last part of the race.

EDIT: It happened again, and a blue shell was gonna hit me as well, but I crossed the finish line before it hit me and got 6th.

EDIT2: Game is practically telling me to quit now.
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