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Mario Party 4 vs 5


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Mario party 5 1 player mode is alot better also, 3 computer players take their turns at the same time. however, neither game is about 1 player anyway.....

I haven't played much of 4 but 5 is a great fun game. LONG though, 25 turns can take about 2 hours. still, it's a good 2 hours.
Damnit....Mario best stop partying around and find his way back into another platformer. Good God, I've never seen a franchise character take so much time off their regular job to dilly dally with so many side projects.
From what I've played I like Mario Party 4's mini games better but Mario Party 5's boards are much better and players progress through them much faster and more efficient which is good. I need my Dungeon duos!


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Dungeon Duos does rock, but Mario Party 5 has those non-board game modes, Decatheletes, Mini-Game Wars...


MP5 wins hand down. MP4 is so good i havent even unlocked all the mini games yet :p

Gotta play MP5 today :p Its like crack but good for you.

levious said:
Dungeon Duos does rock, but Mario Party 5 has those non-board game modes, Decatheletes, Mini-Game Wars...

Yeah lots of fun if you want something different than the boardgames. We do all of them now and again. Great game.
Mario Party 1 is still the best ever.

Shy guy says
bumper balls
The game where you had to jump on a specific colour.
and countless others.


Mario Party 5 has this card mini-game that we prefer playing over the regular multi-player mode. Can't remember what it's called, but you have a set of cards turned over on their backside, and as you pass over them, they flip over -- revealing a pathway that you can travel to get to whatever items you need to get to win the game. Other cards have mushroom symbols, question marks, and stars -- ultimately you want to collect as many stars as possible. The mushroom items allow you to increase your die or slow down another party member; stars consist of regular stars and eveil ztars that act as a minus. It's pretty fun, especially with four players. The racing one isn't too bad... but I've only played that mini-game once ^_^


Haven't played MP5, so I can't judge it, but I can say that MP4 is great fun. Usually my friends & I are just playing random mini-games without the board.


They are both fun, I play them with my wife and our two kids. But I HATE the "lottery" type of games where you have little to no possibility to interact meaningly for the result, like just pulling a lever and either get your head bashed in by a stone or flooded in money. There are numerous such games, and I sincerely hope they skip them for round 6 or at least give an option in the game to skip them.


Brosa said:
They are both fun, I play them with my wife and our two kids. But I HATE the "lottery" type of games where you have little to no possibility to interact meaningly for the result, like just pulling a lever and either get your head bashed in by a stone or flooded in money. There are numerous such games, and I sincerely hope they skip them for round 6 or at least give an option in the game to skip them.

Need afew to spice things up. Its luck what mini games you get to play in most modes.
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