I think this sucks. Transgender people already get all the attention. It makes living as an absorgender so much harder. Where's our recognition, Disney? We're literally dying out here!
Please forgive me for my opinion, but these SJW, virtue signaling clowns are getting on my last damn nerve. I get it... It's a work of fiction and doesn't, or rather shouldn't affect me. I just hate that we as a society are pandering, and now not only do we have to deal with it from day-to-day, but now we have to deal with it in our escapism too? Grr!
People still care about capeshit?
I hope it's Captain MarvelI hope its Capt. America
No one is forcing you to watch this movie that has not even been casted yet nor had anything else confirmed.
“Don’t like it, don’t see it” quoth the amoeba again and again until there were no movies left to see.
Crying SJW over a film that has no name, no cast, no plot and no information.
Maybe wait till something solid gets confirmed. Even if this does get made there are well over 50+ superhero films and tv shows that cater to every need you’re not losing out.
Captain Marvel truly was a 0/10.Most MCU flicks have been decent other than 0/10 Captain Marvel.
I’ll be fine — I don’t watch superhero movies.
We do have information though: the hero will be transgender. That’s the issue. They’ve announced their politics before anything else. That never bodes well.
Was it really announced?
They where asked a question on a panel - no grand spectacle was made.
Can we have WW3 now please
Uh, yes? They were asked a question on a panel and then they answered the question, confirming that one of the characters in a MCU movie they are currently shooting will be trans. That's what the thread is about.
They’ve announced their politics before anything else.
Low-key true.No joke, be careful what you wish for.
You said
You’re making it look like that was their intent all along. When in reality it was an answer to a very specific and direct question. If they suddenly came out and said ”First Transgender Superhero Movie” without anyone asking them then yeah you would have a point.
But their intent was not to put politics before showcasing a new MCU addition.
Won't be a lead character, or they won't be able to sell it overseas. It'll be a side character / extra they can easily remove a lá Star Wars. Gotta keep the Chinese happy.
who honestly cares? save your hatred and vitriol for something important
Hulk becoming she-hulk confirmed
We do have information though: the hero will be transgender. That’s the issue. They’ve announced their politics before anything else. That never bodes well.
Won't be a lead character, or they won't be able to sell it overseas. It'll be a side character / extra they can easily remove a lá Star Wars. Gotta keep the Chinese happy.
Even if China weren't involved, the lead still wouldn't be trans. It's frickin Disney the family company. LOL
I’ll be fine — I don’t watch superhero movies.
We do have information though: the hero will be transgender. That’s the issue. They’ve announced their politics before anything else. That never bodes well.
Marvel to get first transgender superhero
There's a trans character in a film that's currently being shot, according to Marvel's
BBC wasting no time cheerleading the nothing-known-other-than-the-identity-politics aspect of this sycophantic nonsense.
Edit: It's worth noting that this isn't published under the 'News' or 'Entertainment' areas of the BBC website, but the 'Newsbeat' area.
Newsbeat is produced by BBC News but differs from the BBC's other news programmes in its remit to provide news tailored for a specifically younger audience.
I can see them donsomething like Spiderwoman with a transgender.
Oh yeah! Puh, at least that one is safe for now.Marvel can't use Spiderwoman.
Oh yeah! Puh, at least that one is safe for now.
These are the lead characters in The Eternals:
NOTHING TO SEE HERE.Those movies are popular with kids. What’s happening with the next Marvel film is the kind of news kids are interested in. It’s not all a grand conspiracy.
Now proudly emblazoned prominently as a 'top story' on the front page of the BBC website.
People still care about capeshit?
I'm not sure if you are calling Disney itself or the fans a cult.
With @XBlackCavendishX, I wasn't saying they can't complain about this being in an MCU film. They certainly can. I'm just questioning their stance about their day to day life. I was expecting them to say something about their real life situation, not just about the internet. Obviously if they want to be informed about films that contain gay or transexual characters so that they can avoid them than they should stay subscribed or keep visiting the sources that provide this information. If the gay character at the start of Endgame and lesbo kiss in RoS doesn't trigger them and they don't give a shit about those scenes they should avoid websites that talk about these things for click bait and hits. Sites that talk about these scenes (negatively or positively) generally make a bigger deal about them than there should be.
Seriously though, if the topic of gay/tran characters is that depressing to your mental state it's not worth seeking out those types of sources. If you steer clear of that shit you'll only see it in about 2-5 movies a year. You'll be depressed and annoyed 2-5 times within the year rather than 365 days a year.
As for the actual topic on hand, there is no further information to really make any clear thoughts. As @manybyte mentioned, only Eternals is currently filming, Shang Chi in early 2020. For all we know, if there is a transexual character, it could be a character with shape shifting powers, they were born a male and decided to shape shift and stay as female, it might be a character who is in the film for 5 minutes. I'm not aware of any actual trans characters in Marvel comics to be honest apart from Loki.
There is definitely a gay character in the film though and I'm fine with it in Eternals, they have been around for thousands of years and have interacted with thousands of alien species no doubt. Who cares if they are fucking another alien race or someone of the same sex of their own race. I'm also ok with it in Eternals as even the vast comic community doesn't know about the Eternals that much. For anyone that does love and know the Eternals, they obviously have every right to be annoyed at the changes that are being made in the film.
Some openly gay characters in the comics will no doubt be coming to the MCU at some point. Characters like Hulkling, Wiccan, Northstar and Iceman.
As long as Feige doesn't try to change well known hetero characters into gay characters I am happy.
Iceman is actually a weird scenario for myself, he has been hetero for the vast majority of his publishing time. If we use real life time line it's not a big issue for Iceman to come out as gay. Many people in real life have lived through the 1960's. 1970's and 1980's as gay but led hetero lives and only came out in their 50's and 60's. If we look at the Marvel comics time line itself though, a sliding time line, it's harder for me to comprehend this sudden change in sexuality for Iceman.
Indoctrination.Talk me through this plan. So the movie studios and news outlets are in cahoots to promote trans people because what? What’s the end game?
Talk me through this plan. So the movie studios and news outlets are in cahoots to promote trans people because what? What’s the end game?
Who is expressing anger?You'd think the anger would be directed at the media outlets and not at Disney/Marvel.
I love this sort of question purely for the sheer hypocrisy inherent in the mentality of the person that asks it.Catman, did it ever occur to you that people have different opinions and thought processes to yourself?
That'd be fine if, those people didn't try to tone-police, dismiss, silence those who feel differently..So for some people, there is nothing to see here for them. They simply don't care and don't make drama over every little thing.
But, as you and a few others are firmly in the NOTHING TO SEE HERE camp. As they are in every thread that shows evidence of these efforts and endorsements, repeating odiously that there is definitely NOTHING TO SEE HERE over and over and over and over and over again.
The more evidence the real world throws at you and the more you insist no such evidence exists, the further away from reality the NOTHING TO SEE HERE argument becomes.
Jessica Jones had a trans secretary. Should have just had them show up in End Game.
I have since the 70s, why would I stop now?