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Marvel erases Israeli Mutant from Captain America: Brave New World

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Gold Member
I think we all know this movie is gonna be an ABSOLUTE trainwreck. I imagine this was just a few lines of dialogue anyway, probably nothing anyone would even notice.

But damn Disney, who is your audience? Ms. Marvel suddenly gonna turn into "jenny from the block"?


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Israel would probably be a less contentious topic if they stopped bombing civillians, with the latest victims being a few hundred people in Lebanon. More people hate Israel now than this time last year. The attitude against them did not just pop out of thin air, they are their own worst enemy at this point.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
Israel would probably be a less contentious topic if they stopped bombing civillians, with the latest victims being a few hundred people in Lebanon. More people hate Israel now than this time last year. The attitude against them did not just pop out of thin air, they are their own worst enemy at this point.
The current attitude against them happened literally the day of the Oct. 7 attack before Israel had taken any action.


Israel would probably be a less contentious topic if they stopped bombing civillians, with the latest victims being a few hundred people in Lebanon. More people hate Israel now than this time last year. The attitude against them did not just pop out of thin air, they are their own worst enemy at this point.
The critical mass of people going to Marvel movies don't even know what or where Lebbanon is, and only know of Israel in passing from Bible stories.
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