It sounds like they are going to make this an AoA themed update. If we get a full character update here, I could see many possibilities.
Apoc, Sinister, Mikhail, Abyss, Holocaust as new raids? Maybe have Dark Beast and Emo Cyke battles to round out 7 days worth? *Shrug*
Apoc + Horsemen + one or two others may be a good guess. Legion, Bishop, Blink, Gambit, Nate Grey, Strong Guy, Destiny, Colossus, Magik, Kurt or Mystique would all fit the theme.
I just hope we don't get only AoA outfits for the current group. I'm not a fan of many of them. If I were to pick one or two looks I'd most want, my list would go:
- Dark Beast
- Punk / AoA Storm
- Young / ANX Jean
- Red Rightclops / Black Astonishing
- Hoodie / AoX Legacy Rogue
- Black w/ White trim Mags
- DoFP / Old Man Logan