God he does look like a low-rent, inbred Matt Damon.
Does anyone say this? LucasArts clearly ruined itself a long time ago in a decade far, far away.
Anyone that says Disney was the reason LucasArts failed is dead wrong.
George Lucas ruined LucasArts by forcing the team to scrap/redo the stories of games and the games themselves MULTIPLE times on
fleeting-fucking-whims . He would also swap out crucial leadership multiple times as well, which all compacted until the studio was an emaciated body clinging onto their last project -- Star Wars 1313 was the last victim of Lucas sticking his fingers in places they didn't really belong.
He was almost completely hands off for The Force Unleashed 1 and that story turned out to be one of the most exciting things to happen to Star Wars in AGES. But then by the time TFU2 came around he decided to fuck that up - which caused the writing staff to just up and leave.
Poor Haden Blackman did an awesome job crafting the formation of the rebellion and another fantastic job writing Batwoman. Each time being forced to leave because Lucas and DC, respectively, wouldn't leave the fucking creative/writing team alone.